New Records Of Helminths Of The Corncrake, Crex Crex (Aves, Rallidae) From Ukraine Author Syrota, Ya. Yu. Author Korol, E. M. Author Kuzmin, Yu. I. text Zoodiversity 2020 2020-03-02 54 1 11 16 journal article 53628 10.15407/zoo2020.01.011 d8146c19-5f8b-4390-a6e0-16d890253e9c 2707-7268 6377534 Cardiofilaria pavlovskyi Ström, 1937 Two specimens (males) were collected from the air sacs of two birds. L o c a l i t y: Kyiv Region , near Kyiv . Description of 2 males . Nematodes of small size. Body cylindrical, slightly narrowing to anterior and posterior extremities ( fig. 2 , A), 6,431 –7,485 long. Body width 110–115 at level of posterior edge of oesophagus. Maximum body width 143–165 near middle of body. Cuticle smooth. Mouth small, dorso-ventrally elongated in studied specimens. On anterior extremity, 4 pairs of papillae in two circles and lateral amphids ( fig. 2 , B, D). Distinct cuticular ring surrounding buccal cavity. Oesophagus divided into muscular and glandular parts, border between parts indistinct. Muscular part of oesophagus 48–51 long, glandular part 355–377 long. Nerve ring in first quarter of glandular part of oesophagus, 127–136 from anterior extremity. Spicules subequal and slightly dissimilar ( fig. 2 , C). Left spicule 75–81 long, right spicule 60–65 long. Tail short and blunt, 69–76 long.