Indoor Radio Map localization WiFi fingerprint datasets Author Rajab, Abubakarsidiq Makame text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2021 75 1 9 55 journal article 10.21227/ybfj-me86 1938-4394 10107524 Selenophorus trepidus (Casey) ( Fig. 32 ) Hemisopalus trepidus Casey 1924: 117 . Type locality: Florida ( Cape Sable , Monroe Co. ) . Types : USNM #47868. Descriptive Notes. Pronotum with sides somewhat convergent toward narrower base; widest before middle, near marginal setae; hind angle areas laterad basal fovea not evenly convex, often punctulate. ABS1 short, fine. Elytra with an occasional seriate puncture not attached to stria. Some females with dense punctation on pronotum and elytra. Compared to S. undatus , female stylomeres longer, curved with larger radius and somewhat straighter in basal half. Median lobe expanded gradually from narrow bulb to greatest width in distal fourth with apex narrowed abruptly without strong sinuosity. ABL 8.7–9.5 mm (one outlier 10.5 mm ). Range. USA : sFL (Dade Co., Monroe Co.).