Indoor Radio Map localization WiFi fingerprint datasets Author Rajab, Abubakarsidiq Makame text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2021 75 1 9 55 journal article 10.21227/ybfj-me86 1938-4394 10107524 Selenophorus planipennis LeConte ( Fig. 46 ) Selenophorus planipennis LeConte 1847: 394 . Type locality: Colorado (near Long’ s Peak , Boulder Co. ) . Types : MCZ #5916. Selenophorus otiosus Casey 1914: 148 , new synonymy . Type locality: southern Arizona . Types : USNM #47881. Descriptive Notes. Hind femur posteriorly with at least 5 long setae. Elytral apex truncate or slightly sinuate to minute sharp point at suture. Metatarsi dorsally with sparse, short setae. Pronotum nearly as broad as elytra, with hind angles distinctly obtuse. Elytral microsculpture nearly isodiametric in northern regions, more transverse in the southwest. Metatarsomere 2 shortest in this group. Males + 2 . Median lobe with apex blunt and thick-lipped. Endophallus midsection with a linear series of prominent spines. ABL 4.8–6.2 mm ; one outlier 4.0 mm. Range. CAN: AB, BC, MB, ON, SK; USA : AZ, CO, IA, IL, KS, MI, MN, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, OH, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WI, WY; Mexico . Remarks. Selenophorus otiosus is treated as a synonym based on its description and placement in the key by Casey (1914) . Additional support was provided by photos taken of the type dorsal habitus. Genitalia were not available for comparison.