Phylogenetic reconstruction based on COI reshuffles the taxonomy of hyalosphenid shelled (testate) amoebae and reveals the convoluted evolution of shell plate shapes Author Anush Kosakyan Author Daniel J. G. Lahr Author Matthieu Mulot Author Ralf Meisterfeld Author Edward A. D. Mitchell Author Enrique Lara text Cladistics 2016 32 606 623 journal article 10.1111/cla.12167 b1b40acc-a139-4224-b746-a4229d457dbf 238712 Mrabella subcarinata comb. nov. Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara 1957 Quadrulella subcarinata Gautier-Lièvre, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord. t. 48: 500. Updated description. With characters of the genus. Dimensions (based on three individuals) of the test: L = 201 218 µm, B = 105 127 µm. Aperture 35 37.5 µm wide, curved and bordered by a think organic lip. Differential diagnosis. M. subcarinata is similar to Gibbocarina galeata in general shape of the test and in the presence of a wide, hollow, tuberous keel. Gibbocarina galeata is generally larger, but sizes overlap: L = 180 283 µm, B = 94 190 µm in G. galeata versus L = 201 218 µm, B = 105 127 µm in M. subcarinata . As far as we know, G. galeata never presents a shell composed entirely of rectangular plates, as is the case in M. subcarinata . M. subcarinata may be confused with M. plicata , which has a similar shape and keel, but it is smaller (L = 111 135 µm, B = 49 62 µm). Type. Fig. 4 b ( Gauthier-Lièvre, 1957 ); paratype Fig. 7 a (present study).