Notes On Some Fulgoroidea Of Guam Author Swezey, O. H. Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, Honolulu text 1946 1946-12-20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam II 149 156 book chapter 8ddfacbb-c42b-4385-b70b-ea5bd759c377 5164064 14. Ugyops samoaensis Muir, Haw. Ent. Soc., Proc. 4: 573, fig. 10, 1921 . Described from Samoa and Niue . Our collections were from general sweeping on trees and shrubs in several regions. Sometimes only young stages were obtained. Piti, April 30, on Hibiscus tiliaceus , Usinger; Upi trail, May 5, Bryan, Usinger; Dededo, May 11, on Piper guahamense , Swezey; gully near Mt. Chachao, May 16, on Cycas circinalis and Discocalyx megacarpa , Swezey; Umatac, May 28, on Thespesia populnea , Swezey; Agat, May 31, on Thespesia populnea and Calophyllwni inophyllum , Swezey, Usinger; Inarajan, June 8, one specimen on cane, Swezey; Fadian, Aug. 19, on Pemphis acidttla , more numerous than any of the other records, Swezey.