A catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) types deposited in the Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Russia Author Rosa, Paolo Author Antropov, Alexander V. Author Xu, Zaifu text Zootaxa 2015 3990 1 1 31 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.1 e9e454e1-bca8-4608-85f5-26828ccc9e6c 1175-5326 289112 D63ECCC0-6A91-4C8E-8FBB-86D41C2E492A Ellampus hirsutus Semenov, 1932 Ellampus ( Ellampus ) hirsutus Semenov-Tian-Shanskij 1932 : 29 . Type locality : Uzbekistan : “Turkestan: Fergana merid.: fauces Chodzha-tshiburgan, non procul a glacieto Stshurovskii, alt. 8.500' s.m. (A. Fedtschenko! 21.VI.1871 ); jug. Alaj pr. trajectum Kavuk, alt. circ. 12.000–13.000' s.m. (id.! 23.VII.1871 ); jug. Alaj: Daraut-kurgan, alt. circ. 3.000m s.m. (exped. B. Grombczewskii! 9.VI.1889 ); ad lac. Iskander-kul, alt. 7.000' s.m. (A. Fedtschenko! 16.VI.1870 ); montes Chazrei-sultan apud trajectum Mura, alt. circ. 12.000' s.m. (Alexander Kiritshenko! 12.VII.1912 ).—Decem specimina ( 7♂ , 3♀) (Mus. Zool. Univers. Mosqu.; c.m.)”. Paralectotypes : 1♀ and 1♂ : 23. <printed on yellow label with red line> // Алай [Alaj] <printed> / “ Omalus aeneus” Rad. <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij> // hirsutus m. [mihi] typ. ♀ <handwritten by Semenov- Tian-Shanskij>; 1♀: 23. <printed on yellow label with red line> // Алай [Alaj] <printed> // “ Omalus pusillus” Rad. ! <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij> // hirsutus m. [mihi] typ. ♀ <handwritten by Semenov-Tian- Shanskij>; 1♂ : 15. <printed on green-blue label with black line on the back> // Искапдеръ [Iskander] <printed> // “ Omalus coeruleus” Rad. <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij> // hirsutus m. ♂ <handwritten by Semenov- Tian-Shanskij>; 1♂ : 24. <printed on yellow label with red line> // Алай [Alaj] <printed> // “ Omalus aeneus ” Rad. <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij> // hirsutus m. [mihi] typ. ♂ ab. α <handwritten by Semenov-Tian- Shanskij>; 1♂ : 21. <printed on green-blue label with red line> // Чибурганъ [Tshiburgan] <printed> // “ Omalus aeneus” Rad. sec Litt. 1877 <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij> // hirsutus m. ab. β <handwritten by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij>. Remarks . Semenov-Tian-Shanskij (1932) described Ellampus hirsutus based on ten syntype specimens and two variations (α and β). Kimsey (1986) designated the lectotype in ZIN. A few other specimens in ZMMU are placed together with the paralectotypes , but they do not belong to the type series. In the Semenov-Tian-Shanskij collection (ZIN, box 4) there are three specimens labelled as “ Lectotype ” and “ Paralectotype ” (2). Two lapsus calami are found in the type series. The syntype collected at Iskander-kul was labelled as the 15th of June instead of the 16th of June; the syntype labelled as aberratio α was collected 24th of July instead of 23th of July. Current status . Philoctetes hirsutus ( Semenov, 1932 ) (transferred to Philoctetes Abeille de Perrin by Kimsey & Bohart 1991 : 255).