Hortipes, A Huge Genus Of Tiny Afrotropical Spiders (Araneae, Liocranidae) Author BOSSELAERS, JAN Author JOCQUÉ, RUDY text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-10-19 2000 256 4 4 http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1206%2F0003-0090(2000)256%3C0004%3AHAHGOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)256<0004:HAHGOT>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5351417 Hortipes bjorni , new species Figure 21a, b ; Map 2 TYPES: Male holotype : Kimboza forest , elev. 250 m , Uluguru Mountains , Tanzania ( 18 July 1981 ; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff ) ( ZMUC ) . ETYMOLOGY: The species name is a patronym in honor of Per de Place Bjørn, student of African spiders. DIAGNOSIS: Males of H. bjorni are recognized by the peculiar RTA with two prongs, a dorsal slender one with a hook­shaped tip and a short, sharp ventrolateral one. I 0.84, II 0.89, III 0.68, IV 0.95. Leg spination. Fe: I rv 2; IV plt 0 rlt 0; ti: I, II vsp 6; mt: III plt 1 vt 0 rlt 0; IV plt 1 vt 1 rlt 1. Coloration. Carapace, chelicerae, sternum, and legs pale yellow. Abdomen yellowish white, no pattern. Palp. Tibia with well­developed RTA provided with two prongs: one long, slender, dorsal with twisted, hookshaped tip, second retrolateral, short, with wide base and thin sharp tip; cymbium with large, retrolateral concavity with series of widely spaced long setae; sperm duct with wide basal part and narrow distal part with S­shaped turn just in front of embolus; MA fairly small, with broad curved proximal part and strongly curved, slender distal part; embolus with broad, roughly triangular base, long, whiplike, looped over almost 360° (fig. 21a, b). FEMALE: Unknown. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality.