An updated catalogue of the Histeridae (Coleoptera) of Sardinia, with faunistic, zoogeographical, ecological and conservation remarks * Author Penati, Fabio text Zootaxa 2009 2009-12-22 2318 197 280 journal article 1175-5326 Saprinus ( Saprinus ) lateralis Motschulsky Saprinus concinnus Motsch. : Bertolini 1904: 48 ; Porta 1926: 376 Saprinus ( Saprinus ) lateralis Motsch. ( concinnus Motsch. ): Luigioni 1929: 1017 Literature data.Sardinia ” ( Bertolini 1904 ; Porta 1926 ). Notes. Apart from the generic citation by Bertolini (1904) , uncritically reported by Porta (1926) , the presence of this species in Sardinia is not mentioned in the literature (Tab. 1) and no specimens were found in the examined collections. From Luigioni (1929) onwards it has always been excluded from the Italian fauna.