Three new species of the genus Passeroptes Fain (Astigmata: Dermationidae) from China Author Wang, Zi-Ying Author Mu, Ning Author Su, Xiao-Hui Author Liu, Huai text Zootaxa 2014 2014-07-16 3838 1 87 97 journal article 20882 10.11646/zootaxa.3838.1.4 d9bd13dc-18bd-4416-8c21-2eb46d4b92e3 1175-5326 4921730 A6B26971-7F74-4D2F-9FC1-81717AD2988B Passeroptes picae sp. nov. ( Figs. 6 , 7 , 8 ) Description. MALE ( holotype ). Body 195 long ( 190–205 in 3 paratypes ) and 130 wide (140–160). Idiosomal shields devoid of ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields about 23. Propodonotal shield 54 long (46–52) and 80 (56–67) wide, postero-lateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield not straight. Setae se about 38 long. Hysteronotal shield 120 (120–125) long, its length along midline 78 (81–85); with pair of deep lateral incisions at leve1 of femora IV; anterior edge of lateral incisions not straight. Anterior part of hysteronotal shield (at lateral incisions) narrower than posterior part of hysteronotal shield. Setae d2 absent. Humeral shields well developed, with bent extensions. Opisthosomal lobes about 39 long, widely separated from each other. Venter. Coxal apodeme I to IV free. Genital arch an inverted V with tips strongly curved laterally. Aedeagus short, about 10 long. Adanal shields present, separated from each other, 22 long (21–24) and 5 wide (4- 6). Diameter of adanal suckers about 7. Cupules ih situated posterior of adanal suckers. Legs. Legs III and IV subequal, 85–95 long. Genua I and II each with 1 dorsal weakly developed retrorse processes. Processes on femora III reduced to very small and indistinct transversal crest on dorsal surface. Solenidion ω1 I absent. Tarsi IV straight. Lengths of setae: cp 96 (97–101), c3 28 (30–32), h2 (160–170), h3 35 (33–48), ps1 19 (19–23), ps2 37 (32–36), d II 79(62–72), d III 88 (76–80), ω3 about 15, ω1 II about 22, φ I 27 (24–28), φ II 38 (34–40), φ III about 3, φ IV about 16, σ1 I 20 (20–23), and σ II about 3. FIGURE 6 . Passeroptes picae sp. nov. , male. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FIGURE 7 . Passeroptes picae sp. nov. , female. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FIGURE 8 . Passeroptes picae sp. nov. , dorsal view of female. A—genu I, B—genu II, C—tarsus IV, D—the end of lobar membrane; dorsal view of male. E—genu I, F—genu II, G—tarsus IV, H—the end of lobar membrane. FEMALE ( 4 paratypes ). Body 195–210 long and 140–160 wide. Idiosomal shields without ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields about 30. Propodonotal shield 45–51 long and 63–68 wide, postero-1ateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield not straight, corrugated. Setae se short, about 30 long. Hysteronotal shield 78–92 long and 67–77 wide. Setae d2 absent. Humeral shields well developed, shape as in males. Venter. Coxal apodemes II to IV free. Adanal shields well developed, separated from each other, encompassing the setae ps1 , ps2 , ps3 , h2 and h3 . Legs. Legs III and IV subequal, 90–95 long. Genua I and II each with 1 dorsa1 weakly developed retrorse processes. Processes on femora III reduced to a very small and indistinct transversal crest on dorsal surface. Solenidion ω1 I absent, setae ba present. Lengths of setae: cp 92–98, c3 30–33, h2 160–175, h3 31–43, ps2 28–31, d II 58–77, d III 81–85, ω3 about 12, ω1 II about 17, φ I about 27, φ II about 31, φ III and φ IV about 2, σ1 I about 17, and σ II about 2. Type material . Holotype male, 3 male and 4 female paratypes ex Pica pica sericea Gould ( Passeriformes : Corvidae ), CHINA : Henan , Luoyang, 34°8'21'' N , 111°55'34'' E , 18 February 2013 , coll. X.-H. Su. Etymology . The specific epithet derives from the generic name of the host. Differential diagnosis . Among species devoid of setae d2 the new species is closest to Passeroptes inermis Fain, 1965 from Calocitta formosa (Swainson) ( Passeriformes : Corvidae ) ( Fain 1965 ). In both sexes of these two species the retrorse processes of femora III and IV are absent or reduced to a very small and indistinct transverse crest on the dorsal surface; the shape of the humeral shields is similar, with bent extensions; coxal apodemes II to IV are free. In males the hysteronotal shield is not transversely divided, the anterior part of the hysteronotal shield is narrower than the lobar part of the shield; in females, setae se are short and not extending the anterior margin of the hysteronotal shield, and the adanal shields are well developed and not fused. The new species differs from P. inermis by the following features. In both sexes of P. picae sp. nov. , one weakly developed dorsal retrorse process is present on each of genua I and II; in males, setae se extend beyond the anterior margin of the hysteronotal shield and the adanal shields are short and wide; in females, setae se extend beyond a level halfway between the propodonotal and hysteronotal shields. In both sexes of P. inermis , genua I and II are without retrorse processes; in males, setae se do not extend beyond the anterior margin of the hysteronotal shield; in females, setae se do not extend beyond halfway between the propodonotal and hysteronotal shields. Passeroptes garrulax Fain, 1965 ( Figs. 9 , 10 ) Passeroptes garrulax Fain, 1965: 87–90 ; 124–125 Redescription. MALE ( 3 specimens ). Body 180–195 long and 125–135 wide. Idiosomal shields devoid of ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields about 13. Propodonotal shield: 45– 53 long and about 51–69 wide, posterolateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield not straight, corrugated. Setae se short, 10–12 long. Hysteronotal shield 120–125 long, its length along midline 68–73; with pair of deep lateral incisions at level of femora IV. Setae d2 present. Humeral shields well developed, with bent extensions. Opisthosomal lobes about 61–70 long, near each other. Venter. Coxal fields III almost closed. Genital arch an inverted V. Aedeagus 12–14 long. Coxal apodemes IVb well developed, band-shaped, 20-23 long and about 3 wide. Adanal shields 21-23 long and about 7 wide. Diameter of adanal suckers 7–8. Cupules ih situated posterior to adanal suckers. Legs. Legs III 93–100 long, slightly thinner than legs IV, legs IV 82–88 long. Processes on legs III and IV absent. Solenidion ω1 I absent. Setae ba I, II absent. Tarsi IV curved medially and with forked apex. Lengths of setae: cp 79–84, c3 13–16, h2 130–140, h3 32–40, ps1 8–10, ps2 22–25, d II 59–69, d III 66–68, ω3 about 15, ω 1II about 23, φ I about 40, φ II about 46, φ III about 2, φ IV about 24, σ1 I about 31, and σ II about 2. FIGURE 9 . Passeroptes garrulax Fain , male. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FEMALE ( 5 specimens ). Body 205–235 long and 140–175 wide. Idiosomal shields without ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields about 30. Propodonotal shield 45–56 long and 60–65 wide, postero-lateral extensions relatively broad and encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield not straight, corrugated. Setae se short, 8–13 long. Hysteronotal shield 89–99 long and 66–78 wide. Posterior margin curved inwards at medium. Setae d2 thin. Humeral shields well developed, with bent extensions. Venter. Coxal fields III closed. Adanal shields well developed, separated from each other, encompassing setae ps1 , ps2 , ps3 , h2, and h3 . Legs. Legs III and IV subequal, 95–110 long. Femora III and IV each with 1 dorsal and 1 ventral moderately developed retrorse processes. Other processes on legs III and IV absent. Solenidion ω1 I absent. Setae ba I, II absent. Lengths of setae: cp 72–84, c3 15–23, h2 140–155, h3 30–48, ps2 15–19, d II 52–61, d III 60–74, ω3 and ω 1II about 15, φ I about 30, φ II about 36, φ III and φ IV about 2, σ1 I about 16, and σ II about 2. FIGURE 10 . Passeroptes garrulax Fain , female. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. Material examined . 3 males and 5 females ex Garrulax poecilorhynchus berthemyi (David and Oustalet) ( Passeriformes : Timaliidae ), CHINA : Guizhou , Guiyang, 26°56'04'' N , 106°44'17'' E , 5 January 2013 , coll. X.-H. Su. Remark . Specimens of P. garrulax and P. poecilorhynchus sp. nov. were collected from the same individual of Garrulax poecilorhynchus berthemyi (David and Oustalet). In the original description of Passeroptes garrulax Fain, 1965 from Garrulax leucolopbus bicolor , which had been imported from Indonesia and died in the Antwerp Zoo, Fain (1965) stated that the leg setation is as in P. dermicola and that tarsi I and II of P. dermicola possess setae ba . However, in our examined specimens of P. garrulax , setae ba were absent on tarsi I and II. Furthermore, in two other species, P. formosus sp. nov. and P. poecilorhynchus sp. nov. , collected by us from birds of the genus Garrulax , setae ba -I, II are also absent.