The genus Dolichocephala newly found in Shaanxi Province (China), with descriptions of three new species (Diptera: Empididae) Author Liu, Xiaoyan Author Wang, Mengqing Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2014 3841 3 439 445 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3841.3.8 58d1c4ed-8ca6-4355-a09b-59a8a9d8ff61 1175-5326 229343 E3AFCAD4-E414-4F56-9F37-CD7F9677EC93 Dolichocephala longa sp. nov. ( Figs 3–4 ) Diagnosis . Thorax entirely black. Wing with eight hyaline spots, of which the basal one and apical one are small and not so rounded. Fore coxa brownish yellow, mid and hind coxae blackish. Clasping cercus long spine-like; phallus apically wide and rounded. Description . Male . Body length 1.5 mm , wing length 1.9 mm . Head black with pale gray pollinosity. Hairs and bristles on head black; occiput with a row of 5 strong postocular bristles (uppermost being vt), lower half of occiput with minute pale hairs; ocellar tubercle weak with 2 long anterior oc and two pairs of very short posterior hairs. Antenna black; pedicel with circle of black apical hairs; first flagellomere short, somewhat quadrate (1.1 times longer than wide); arista 5 times as long as first flagellomere, black, indistinctly pubescent. Proboscis blackish to black with black hairs; palpus black with black hairs and 2 apical bristles. Thorax black with pale gray pollinosity. Hairs and bristles on thorax black; no acr, 5 strong dc, 1 long h, 1 long ph, 1 short hair-like npl, 1 long sa, 1 psa slightly shorter than sa; scutellum with pair of long sc. Laterotergite with 2 short weak blackish bristles. Legs brownish yellow except mid and hind coxae blackish, extreme tips of all tibiae brown, tarsomres 3 brown and tarsomeres 4–5 dark brown. Hairs on legs blackish except those on coxae dark yellow. Fore femur with erect preapical anterior comb of short bristles. Fore tibia with anterodorsal serration; i.e., about 20 rows of short black hairs arranged in comb. Hind tibia with short black bristles arranged in combs anterodorsally on apical third. Wing ( Fig. 3 ) dark gray with 8 hyaline spots, of which basal one and apical one small and not so rounded; cell Sc and base of cell r1 pale; veins dark gray. Squama dark brown with brown hairs. Halter dark yellow with brown base. Abdomen blackish with pale gray pollinosity. Hairs on abdomen black. Male genitalia ( Fig. 4 ). Epandrial lamella rather large, somewhat quadrate, higher than long. Surstylus narrowed apically. Cercal plate small, with 2 long bristles; clasping cercus long spine-like, distinctly longer than height of epandrial lamella. Hypandrium somewhat conical in lateral view, lacking brush of bristles. Phallus apically strongly curved, apically wide and rounded. FIGURES 3–4 . Dolichocephala longa sp. nov. (male). 3 . Wing; 4 . genitalia, lateral view. Female . Body length 1.7–1.8 mm , wing length 1.9–2.1 mm . Type material . HOLOTYPE ♂, labeled: CHINA , Shaanxi, Ningshan, Huoditang ( N33°26′ 2.00″ E108°26′ 53.26″), 1400 m , 2013. VII. 13 , leg. Ding Yang ( CAU ). Paratypes : CHINA , Shaanxi : 3 ♀, same data as holotype ; 1 ♀, Liuba ( N33°37′ 9.78″ E106°54′ 59.83″), Guanghuashan, 1912 m , 2013. VIII.20 , leg. Yuqiang Xi ( CAU ); 1 ♀, Zhashui ( N33°41′ 14.99″ E109°06′ 32.70″), Niubeiliang, 1000 m , 2013. VII.16 , leg. Yan Yan ( CAU ); 1 ♀, Fengxian, Huangniupu, 1501 m , 2013. VIII.21 , leg. Yuqiang Xi ( CAU ). Distribution . China (Shaanxi). Remarks . The new species is similar to Dolichocephala brevis sp. nov. , but may be separated from the latter as discussed above. Etymology . This species is named after the long clasping cercus.