Description Of New Species Of The Genus Pteroneta (Arachnida: Araneae: Clubionidae) From Papua New Guinea Author Versteirt, V. Author Deeleman-Reinhold, C. Author Baert, L. text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2008 2008-08-31 56 2 307 315 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4508188 2345-7600 4508188 Pteroneta longichela , new species (Figs. 1–5) Material examined. – Holotype male: Papua New Guinea , Madang [=Province], Baiteta forest 18 May 1993 (M6, coll. O. Missa ). Female allotype : Papua New Guinea , Madang [= Province ], Baiteta forest 18 May 1993 (M6, coll. O. Missa ). Fig. 1. Pteroneta longichela , SEM photo, dorsal view of chelicerae and carapace. Fig. 2: Pteroneta longichela , SEM photo, ventral view of right pedipalp. Paratypes : 1 female 25 May 1995 (AR8), 4 females 8 Jun.1995 (AR 12), 1 female 16 Jun.1995 (AR16), 1 female 28 Jun.1995 (AR20), 1 female 30 Jun.1995 (AR22), 2 females 7 Jul.1995 (AR26), 1 female 11 Jul.1995 (AR27), 1 female 18 Jul.1995 (AR31), 1 female 26 Jul.1995 (AR35), 3 females 3 Aug.1995 (AR40), 1 female 23 Jul.1996 (AR68), 1 male and 1 female 24 Jul.1996 (AR69), 2 females 30 Mar.1993 (M2), 1 female 18 May 1993 (M6), 1 female 16 Mar.1993 ( T1 ) , 1 female 31 Mar.1993 ( T3 ) , 1 male and 2 females 6 May 1993 ( T7 ) , 1 male 3 Mar.1994 ( T10 ) , 1 female 8 Jun.1994 ( T12 ) , 3 females 13 May 1993 ( XB ) , 1 female 28 Jun.1994 ( XB ”) , 1 male and 9 females 19 May 1993 ( XC ) , 1 male and 2 females 10 Jun.1993 ( XF ) , 1 female 15 Mar.1994 ( XG ). All from Papua New Guinea , Madang [=Province], Baiteta forest ( Table 1) . Diagnosis . Males of this species are distinguished by the extremely long chelicerae (more than half body length), the number (ca. 20) and position of spines on the chelicerae and the fingerlike shape of the tibial apophysis. Females are characterized by the large upper spermathecae, the long insemination ducts making a loop mesally and by the prominent fertilization ducts. Description . Male: total body length: 4.5 mm ; carapace length: 2.05 mm , width: 1.41 mm ; abdomen length: 2.33 mm , Fig. 3: Pteroneta longichela , SEM photo of MtIII. Fig. 4: Pteroneta longichela , SEM photo of MtIII, detailed view of barbed spines. width 0.94 mm . Eyes: PME: 0.38 mm and PL: 0.71 mm apart, head width: 0.95 mm . Pale yellow spiders with a pattern of blue spots on venter. Chelicerae with 5 promarginal and 7 retromarginal teeth, almost 20 spines central on dorsal side, fangs long and small with 2 spines mesally situated (see Fig. 1). Legs same colouration as body, pale yellow. Spination: femora I-III 3*d 2*p, IV 112d; tibiae I-II 222v (+ 1 spiny hair dorsal), III 2*v, IV 1p 2*r 2*v; metatarsi I-II 220v, III 202d 201v + circle of 10 (barbed) spines (see Figs. 3–4), IV 212d 1p 1r 102v + retrolateral bunch of 5 small spines and 1 ventral small spine. Measurements: Fe I: 1.55 mm , Pa+Ti I: 2.25 mm , Mt I: 0.93 mm , Ta I: 0.48 mm ; Fe II: 1.88 mm , Pa+Ti II: 2.88 mm , Mt II: 1.08 mm , Ta II: 0.6 mm ; Fe III: 1.05 mm , Pa+Ti III: 1.35 mm , Mt III: 1.0 mm, Ta III: 0.38 mm ; Fe IV: 1.55 mm , Pa+Ti IV: 2.0 mm, Mt IV: 1.53 mm , Ta IV: 0.53 mm . Male pedipalp (see Figs. 2 & 5 A–B): tibial apophysis broad at basis, narrowing in middle and ending in a blunt tip, tibia with 2 dorsal spines. Sperm duct originating proximally from funnel like structure, going distally making a curve of 180° and returning to proximal end of tegulum. Embolus short, small with sharp tip. Tegulum longer than wide with additional small transparent appendage (retrolateral flange), distally, near embolus basis. Cymbium with apical spine on ventral side. Female: total body length: 3.45 mm ; carapace length: 1.55 mm , width: 1.23 mm ; abdomen length: 1.73 mm and width: 1.15 mm . Eyes: PME: 0.23 mm and PL: 0.44 mm apart, head width: 0.63 mm . Legs, carapace and abdomen yellow only chelicerae are brownish yellow. Chelicerae with 6 promarginal and 5 small dot like retromarginal teeth. Legs: Spination: femora I-III 2*d, IV 012d; tibiae I-II 222v, III 1v, IV 2*d 022v, metatarsi I-II 200v (lateral row of hairs), III 202d 101v + circle of 8 (barbed) spines, IV 201d 2*p 2*r 101v. Measurements: Fe I: 0.83 mm , Pa+Ti I: 1.09 mm , Mt I: 0.44 mm , Ta I: 0.31 mm ; Fe II: 0.99 mm , Pa+Ti II: 1.45 mm , Mt II: 0.48 mm , Ta II: 0.44 mm ; Fe III: 0.68 mm , Pa+Ti III: 0.76 mm , Mt III: 0.66 mm , Ta III: 0.28 mm ; Fe IV: 1.06 mm , Pa+Ti IV: 1.34 mm , Mt IV: 1.06 mm , Ta IV: 0.39 mm . Epigyne (see Fig. 5 C): consisted of 2 pairs of spermathecae (separated from each other), the upper ones large and circular the lower ones much smaller and irregularly shaped (more or less oval). Upper spermathecae with a large diverticul (fertilization duct) laying laterad between upper and lower ones. Large insemination ducts opening caudo-lateral and making mesally a loop before entering in the spermathecae. Etymology . – After the diagnostic character of the very long male chelicerae.