New species and new records of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Colombia Author Rodriguez, Pedro Alexander Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), C. I. Tibaitatá km 14 vía Bogotá Mosquera, Colombia. Author Norrbom, Allen L. 0000-0002-5854-089X Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, PSI, c / o National Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012. allen. norrbom @ usda. gov; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5854 - 089 X text Zootaxa 2021 2021-07-19 5004 1 107 130 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5004.1.4 1175-5326 5120379 3234C549-C3CB-4DB2-B864-A065D59F57BC Anastrepha arevaloi Rodriguez & Norrbom , new species Figs. 1 , 5 , 17–18 , 22 , 30–31 , 41–42 Diagnosis. In the key of Steyskal (1977) , A. arevaloi runs to A. chiclayae Greene or A. pseudoparallela (Loew) , and in that of Zucchi (2000) it runs to A. alveatoides Blanchard. It can be distinguished from the former two species by seta color (orange vs. brown), scutal microtrichia, and its shorter aculeus tip (0.20–0.25 vs. 0.29–0.35 or 0.35–0.50 mm long). It differs from A. alveatoides in its relatively longer oviscape (0.65–0.90 vs. 0.52–0.57 times as long as mesonotum), longer aculeus (1.78–2.05 vs. 1.64–1.72 mm long), and narrower (0.11–0.13 vs. 0.20–0.23 mm wide) and less serrate aculeus tip. In the shape of the aculeus tip it resembles A. barrettoi Zucchi , which differs in having longer terminalia (oviscape 4 mm long, aculeus 3.75 mm long), and A. nascimentoi Zucchi , which differs in the shape of the aculeus tip (1.00–1.30 vs. 1.53–1.92 times as long as wide) and in having the serrations of the tip extended beyond its basal margin. A. arevaloi is also similar to A. xanthochaeta Hendel and A. similis Greene , which have the C- and S-bands separated, the oviscape greater than 2.3 mm long, and the aculeus tip less serrate. Anastrepha similis further differs in having red brown to dark brown setae. Description. Mostly yellow to orange. Setae pale orange to orange brown. Head: Yellow to orange except brown ocellar tubercle. 2–3 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, at most 2 times longer than ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, slightly concave on dorsal two-thirds. Antenna not extended to ventral facial margin. Palpus in lateral view dorsally curved, evenly setulose. Thorax ( Fig. 1 ): Mostly yellow to orange, without brown markings; with following areas white to pale yellow [not well differentiated in type specimens]: postpronotal lobe and lateral margin of scutum bordering it; sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin, including base of intra-alar seta; scutellum; dorsal margins of anepisternum and katepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite; medial vitta absent anteriorly, but diffuse whitish rectangular area present between dorsocentral setae. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely pale yellow to orange. Mesonotum 2.00– 2.88 mm long. Postpronotal lobe, notopleuron, scutum and scutellum entirely microtrichose; scutal setulae yellow to orange. Chaetotaxy typical for genus. Katepisternal seta usually weak, yellowish, at most 0.67 times length of anepisternal seta, usually less than half as long. Legs: Entirely yellow to orange. Wing ( Fig. 5 ): Length 5.75–7.33 mm , width 2.58–3.32 mm , ratio 2.23–2.47. Apex of vein R 1 at 0.51–0.53 wing length, proximal to level of anterior end of crossvein r-m. Cell c 1.16–1.38 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 2.87–3.73 times as long as wide. Vein R 2+3 not sinuous. Crossvein r-m at 0.65–0.7 distance from bm-m to dm-m on vein M 1 . Vein M 1 moderately curved apically; cell r 4+5 0.76–0.96 times as wide at apex as at level of dm-m. Cell cu a with distal lobe relatively short, length of cu a 1.26–1.63 times as long as anterior margin, lobe 0.62–0.89 times as long as vein CuA+CuP. Wing pattern mostly orange and moderate brown. C-band mostly orange, without hyaline area in cell c, distal margin in cells r 1 and r 2+3 narrowly brown, pterostigma mostly moderate brown. C-band and S-band connected along vein R 4+5 ; hyaline marginal spot in cell r 1 triangular to subquadrate, with apex aligned proximal to crossvein r-m. Basal hyaline area in cell dm small. Basal half of S-band mostly orange, posterodistal margin partly to mostly narrowly brown, more broadly in cell m 4 but brown not reaching apex of cell cu a , without incision in cell m 4 ; distal section narrowly brown on most of margins, relatively broad, at apex of vein R 2+3 0.68–0.73 times width of cell r 2+3 , not extended to apex of vein M 1 , without marginal hyaline areas; hyaline area proximal to apex of band extended to vein R 2+3 . V-band with proximal arm narrow, mostly orange, margins in cells dm and m and sometimes in r 4+5 narrowly brown, and entire part in cell m 4 brown; separated from S-band along vein R 4+5 ; on posterior wing margin extended approximately three-fourths distance to vein CuA+CuP; distal arm slender, brown except anteriorly, broadly connected to proximal arm, hyaline area between band and vein M 1 absent or very small, extended at most one-fifth across cell. Abdomen: Mostly orange, without brown markings. Male terminalia ( Figs. 41–42 ): Epandrium in lateral view shorter than high, in posterior view without V-shaped medial indentation in posterodorsal margin. Lateral surstylus relatively long, extended beyond prensisetae by 2.60– 3.25 times length of prensiseta; in lateral view elongate, apex slender and posteriorly curved; in posterior view with medial margin convex, lateral margin straight or slightly concave or convex. Proctiger with lateral and ventral sclerotized areas separated. Phallus 2.40–2.78 mm long, 0.87–1.03 times as long as mesonotum; glans 0.4–0.6 mm long. Female terminalia ( Figs. 17–18 , 22 , 30–31 ): Oviscape 1.84–2.22 mm long, 0.65–0.9 times as long as mesonotum, straight in lateral view; entirely orange; spiracle at basal 0.31–0.40. Eversible membrane ( Figs. 17–18 ) with dorsobasal denticles in subtriangular pattern, with approximately 25–30 relatively short hooklike denticles in 4–5 V-shaped rows. Aculeus ( Fig. 22 ) slightly ventrally curved in lateral view, 1.78–2.05 mm long, 0.94–1.00 times oviscape length; in ventral view base distinctly expanded, 0.17–0.24 mm wide, shaft 0.11–0.13 mm wide at midlength; tip ( Figs. 30–31 ) 0.20–0.25 mm long, 0.10–0.13 times aculeus length, 0.11–0.15 mm wide, 1.53–1.92 times as long as wide; in ventral view slightly expanded or parallel-sided basally, distal 0.74–0.91 triangular, very finely serrate, lateral margin of triangular part straight or slightly convex; 0.04–0.05 mm wide in lateral view, 0.31–0.42 times ventral width. Spermathecae not examined. Distribution. Anastrepha arevaloi is known only from Colombia ( Antioquia , Caldas , Cesar , Cundinamarca , Risaralda and Santander Departments, Eastern and Central Cordilleras between 526–2400m elevation). Biology. The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species are unknown. Type data. Holotype ( MPUJ - ICAMF00000385 ) COLOMBIA : Cundinamarca : La Palma , vereda Rionegro predio La Vorágine , 5.2620°N 74.3533°W , 1103m , McPhail trap 24, 20 Mar 2016 . Paratypes : COLOMBIA : Antioquia : Santa Bárbara , 5°53’N 75°33’W , 1600 m , trap, 25 Jun 1997 , E. Arévalo EA42, 1♂ 4♀ ( USNM US- NMENT00051907-13 ) ; Támesis , Vereda Líbano , Finca La Cristalina , 5.9731°N 75.4637°W , 2400 m , McPhail trap 98, 12 Oct 2015 , 4♂ 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000444 ) , same, 15 Nov 2017 , 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000488 ) . Caldas : Anserma , 1130 m , trampa McPhail , Aug 1997 , E. Arévalo EA 58, 2♂ 2♀ ( USNM USNMENT00213429- 32 ) ; Manizales , predio Trinidad , 5.0380°N 75.5826°W , 1156 m , McPhail trap 26, 22 Oct 2020 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000573 ) ; Supia , Estación de Servicio , 5.4524°N 75.6529°W , 1229 m , McPhail trap 24, 27 Aug 2020 , 1♂ ( ICAT ICAMF00000564 ) . Cesar : La Paz , placa huella rural, 10.3918°N 73.0081°W , 891 m , McPhail trap 18, 22 Jul 2020 , 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000561 ) . Cundinamarca : Anapoima , predio la Cabaña , 4.5480°N 74.4600°W , 893 m , McPhail trap 108, 10 Oct 2014 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000483 ) ; El Peñón , vereda el Rodeo tienda la cas- cada, 5.2436°N 74.3193°W , 1101m , McPhail trap 22, 25 Feb 2016 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000382 ) ; predio La Vega , 5.2371°N 74.2956°W , 1011m , McPhail trap 20, 1 Nov 2013 , 3♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000383 ) ; El Colegio , predio Buenos Aires , 4.5835°N 74.4539°W , 875m ; McPhail trap 80, 16 Jan 2014 , 3♂ 6♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000370 ) ; predio Bellavista , 4.5841°N 74.4545°W , 866m ; McPhail trap 82, 25 Jan 2014 , 1♂ 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000484 ) ; same, 22 Apr 2014 , 3♂ 3♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000372 ) ; same, 10 Dec 2014 , 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000373 ) ; predio Nueva Galaxia , 4.5585°N 74.4787°W , 909m , McPhail trap 90, 7 May 2014 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000374 ) ; predio de Efraín Palacios , 4.5559°N 74.4783°W , 926m , McPhail trap 92, 18 Mar 2014 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000375 ) ; predio Cuba , 4.5544°N 74.4815°W , 869m , McPhail trap 98, 25 Mar 2014 , 1♂ 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000376 ) ; predio El Jazmín , 4.5526°N 74.4792°W , 861m , McPhail trap 114, 4 Jul 2014 , 1♂ 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000377 ) ; same, 26 Nov 2014 , 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000378 ) ; predio El Guanábano , 4.5502°N 74.4763°W , 986m , McPhail trap 122, 8 May 2014 , 6♂ 4♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000379 ) ; La Mesa , Jan 1989 , G. Sanchez , 2♂ 2♀ ( USNM USNMENT00104429-32 ) ; Feb 1989 , G. Sanchez , 3♂ 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00104425-28 ) ; predio Villa Teresa , 4.3626°N 74.2674°W , 857m , McPhail trap 26, 25 Feb 2014 , 4♂ 3♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000380 ) ; predio Villa Angela , 4.3640°N 74.2700°W , 846m , McPhail trap 18, 26 Nov 2014 , 1♂ 3♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000381 ) ; La Palma , vereda Rionegro predio la Vorágine , 5.2620°N 74.3533°W , 1103m , McPhail trap 24, 25 Oct 2016 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000384 ) ; Tena , vereda Ro- sario, 4.6682°N 74.4030°W , 1586m , McPhail trap 2, 15 Aug 2014 , 1♂ 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000386 ) ; predio La Custodia , 4.3784°N 74.2545°W , 976m , McPhail trap 38, 16 Jul 2014 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000387 ) ; predio El Recuerdo , 4.3801°N 74.2492°W , 990m , McPhail trap 42, 12 Dec 2013 , 1♂ 4♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000388 ) ; same, 2 Jan 2014 , 3♂ 10♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000389 ) ; predio Miraflores , 4.3785°N 74.2482°W , 868m , McPhail trap 44, 8 May 2014 , 3♂ 4♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000390 ) ; predio El Limonar , 4.3831°N 74.2337°W , 1131m , McPhail trap 52, 13 Feb 2014 , 2♂ 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000391 ) ; vereda Peña Negra , trampa McPhail , 17 Jul 1987 , S. Cobos , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000392 ) ; Villeta , vereda El Chorrito predio Casablanca , 5.0088°N 74.5302°W , 1613m , McPhail trap 14, 13 Jul 2018 , 1♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000393 ) . Risaralda : Belén de Umbría , trampa McPhail , 23 Jan 1998 , E. Arévalo , 1♂ 3♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000394 ) . Santander : El Playón , predio El Motorista , 7.4359°N 73.1933°W , 528m , McPhail trap 18, 29 Dec 2015 , 2♀ ( ICAT ICAMF00000395 ) . Etymology. This species is named in honor of Emilio Arévalo Peñaranda, in recognition of his contributions to our knowledge of the Colombian Anastrepha fauna. Comments. This species is tentatively placed in the pseudoparallela species group due to its similarity to A. xanthochaeta Hendel.