Three new species of the genus Euscelophilus Voss (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) from China Author Xie, Meng Author Liang, Xingcai text Zootaxa 2008 1808 33 43 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.182748 0db9ca5e-4290-4657-907d-be440cb46563 1175-5326 182748 Euscelophilus gaoligongensis Xie & Liang , sp. n. ( Figs. 2 , 5 A–I) Description. Male (fig. 2). Length 6.5 mm ; width 3.0 mm at base of elytra. Body coloration black, head (except rostrum) and prothorax with cupreous metal lustre, rostrum red brown; head, thorax, scutellum and antennae with moderately dense covering of golden hairs, legs and ventrites with sparsely covered with white hairs, elytra with mixed white and golden hairs. Head (figs. 5A, B) longer than broad, not constricted at base, with distinct punctures and sculptures. Rostrum longer than broad, slightly constricted at base, evenly widening towards apex, with sparse punctures in middle and denser ones laterally. Eyes oval, moderately protuberant, dorsally widely separated. Antennae (fig. 5C) with scape robust, oblong-oval, 2x longer than broad; 1st funicular segment similar to scape but a little shorter and thinner, 2nd segment longest, thinner than 1st , 3x longer than broad, 3rd segment subcylindrical, as broad as 2nd, 4th shorter and thinner, 5th as long as broad, 6th shorter than 5th, nearly globose, 7th broader than long, at apex as broad as club; club oval, about 2.3x longer than broad, 1st and 2nd segments broader than long. Area between antennal insertions moderately protruded, forming a blunt tumour. Frons broader than length of eyes, weakly depressed in centre; frontal ridge 1/ 2 as long as head, smooth and distinct, lateral ridges weaker, forming a distinct median furrow after a depression in basal half. Prothorax (fig. 5D) broader than long, anteriorly abruptly and roundedly narrowed, slightly constricted at base; disc subrectangular, protuberant with a broad, shallow, median groove and irregular, short wrinkles radiating from midline. Scutellum broader than long, trapezoidal, covered with dense golden hair. Elytra 2x longer than broad, a pair of small protuberances at scutellum, interval VII raised at humerus; punctures large, irregular, striae not straight; with a row of golden hairs along elytral suture, with an inconspicuous band of silvery setae at basal 1/3, apical 1/3 with dense, long setae that are mesally golden but laterally silvery. Apex of pygidium exposed, with radiating wrinkles and median groove. Legs stout; femora ventrally with a single subapical spine; tibiae compressed and straight, with a blunt, reddish uncus. Genitalia as in figs. 5E–I. Female similar to male except tibiae with two unci. FIGURE 4. Structural details of Euscelophilus longispinus Xie & Liang sp. n .. A, head, dorsal aspect; B, head, lateral aspect; C, antenna; D, venter; E, front leg; F, aedeagus and tegmen, ventral aspect; G. aedeagus and tegmen, lateral aspect; H. spiculum gastrale. Scale bars = 1.0 mm for figs. A–E; 0.5 mm for figs. F–H. FIGURE 5. Structural details of Euscelophilus gaoligongensis Xie & Liang sp. n. . A, head, dorsal aspect; B, head, lateral aspect; C, antenna; D, pronotum; E, aedeagus, dorsal aspect; F, aedeagus, lateral aspect; G, tegmen, dorsal aspect; H, tegmen, lateral aspect; I, spiculum gastrale. Scale bars = 1.0 mm for figs. A–D; 0.5 mm for figs. E–I. Material examined. Holotype male: CHINA : Yunnan Province (Gongshan County, Labadi, alt. 3000 m ), 1-October-2002 , Xing-Cai Liang Coll. ( KIZ , No. 2002A-E38); paratypes : 1 female , same data (No. 2002A- E17); 5 males , 2 females , CHINA : Yunnan Province (Fugong County, Lishadi, alt. 2550 m ), 10-August-2005 , Qing-Bai Hou Coll. ( KIZ , No. 2005A-E49, 50, 51, 55). Etymology. The species is named after its type and so far only known locality, the Gaoligong mountains, which lie in the Hengduan mountain range, the great divide between China and Myanmar . Distribution. P. R. China : Yunnan, Gongshan County and Fugong County. Notes. E. gaoligongensis is similar to E. rugulosus Zhang , judging from its description, but can be distinguished by having a cupreous head and prothorax and the wrinkles on the pronotal disk irregular and short, not forming parallel arcs as in E. rugulosus .