Type locality |
off Punta Herradura, southern Mexican Carri- bean Sea |
off San Diego, California, USA |
Contoy Island, northern Mexican Carribean Sea |
Size: length x width (mm) |
11 x 0.5 |
39 x 1.5 |
10.5 x 1 |
Arrangement of eyespots on basal part of prostomium |
one cluster with 2–3 eye- spots at each lateral |
large eyespots concentrated laterally, small eyespots con- tinuing dorsally, with mid dor- sal gap |
big eyespots concentrated laterally, small eyespots forming uninterrupted row across dorsum |
Notopodia on segments |
4–18, 15 pairs |
4–23, 20 pairs |
4–25, 22 pairs |
Type of notochaetae on pos- terior tier, on posterior tho- racic segments |
flail-tipped |
flail-tipped |
Type of notochaetae on ante- rior tier, on posterior thoracic segments |
flail-tipped |
alimbate and serrate, with blade at an angle with the shaft |
flail-tipped |
Ending of uncini arranged in double rows |
close to pygidium (seg- ment 75) |
segment 22 |
until end of fragments, long- est fragment examined with 35 segments |
Nephridial papillae on seg- ments |
absent or, at least, not seen |
7–12 or 13 |
17 |
Source |
Londoño-Mesa 2003 |
Londoño-Mesa 2003 |
Londoño-Mesa 2003 |