A Revision of fossil Bibionidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Oligocene of Germany Author Skartveit, John 0000-0001-7614-3399 Author Wedmann, Sonja 0000-0002-9778-4125 edmann@senckenberg.de text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-19 4909 1 1 77 journal article 8640 10.11646/zootaxa.4909.1.1 fa031765-b474-48aa-9d7e-b62dd092cfa4 1175-5326 4448697 92ECCF97-7315-4A1A-A94A-537D0F331EBF Plecia winnertzi ( Heyden & Heyden, 1865 ) (figs. 61, 172–173) Protomyia Winnertzi Heyden & Heyden 1865: 21–22 . Localities : Rott. Material examined : Holotype (female) NHMUK In 58790 (fig. 61) Additional material: LACMIP 2533 298abc (three specimens) Description : Female (N=5, figs. 61, 172–173): Total length 6.5–9.2 mm (N=5) Head (fig. 173): Length 0.76–0.91 mm (N=3), width 0,87– 0.89 mm (N=2). Black. Ocellar tubercle rather small. Antennal flagellum slender, 8-segmented. Thorax (fig. 173): Length 1.9–2.8 mm (N=5). Brownish-black, haltere brown. Legs: Femora brownish-yellow, fore and mid-tibiae and tarsi brown. Hind tibia brownish-yellow. Fore femur 1.5 mm long, 0.34 mm wide (N=1), fore tibia 1.5–1.6 mm long, 0.20–0.21 mm wide (N=2), fore first tarsomere 0.83 mm long (N=1), hind tibia 2.3 mm long (N=1), hind first tarsomere 0.85 mm long (N=1). Wing (fig. 172): Length 6.4–8.1 mm , width 2.5–3.3 mm , length/width = 2.3–2.6 (N=5), light brown fumose, costal cell darkened. Pterostigma broadly oval, brown, not conspicuous. Humeral vein present, oblique. Subcosta straight, running well clear of R. Costa extends to about one-third distance between apices of R 4+5 and M 1 . R 2+3 oblique, almost straight. R 4+5 apically gently curved. R-M vertical. Fork of M nearly symmetrical, narrow, M-veins apically nearly straight. CuA 1 straight, CuA 2 apically distintictly bent basad, converging towards CuP. Abdomen: Length 4.7–6.6 mm (N=5), width 2.0– 2.6 mm (N=2), brownish-black. Cerci relatively large, rounded. Last sternite with deep, U-shaped cleft. Male unknown.