Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 7. Passeriformes: Sylviidae, Muscicapidae, Platysteiridae, Maluridae, Acanthizidae, Monarchidae, Rhipiduridae, And Petroicidae Author LeCroy, M. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 2008-07-02 313 1 1 287 http://dx.doi.org/10.1206/313.1 journal article 10.1206/313.1 0003-0090 13223808 Malurus lamberti mungi Mathews Malurus lamberti mungi Mathews, 1912a: 360 (North-West Australia (Mungi)). Now Malurus lamberti assimilis X rogersi . See Schodde, 1982: 91 , and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 85–87 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 602230 , adult male, collected at Mungi Rockhole , 18.45S , 123.44E ( Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 511 ), 8 mi southeast of Mount Alexander , West Kimberley , Western Australia , Australia , on 30 June 1911 , by J.P. Rogers (no. 1836). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9092) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS : Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. This holotype , like the previous one, bears a Mathews type label but no Rothschild type label, nor was it cataloged at AMNH as a type. An AMNH type label has been added. The problem has to do with the fact that Mathews cataloged all 11 specimens of this form as coming from the Fitzroy River and has put this locality on his collection label of the type even though Rogers’ original label attached to that bird clearly gives the locality as ‘‘Mungi Rock hole, 8 miles S.E. of Mount Alexander, West Kimberly (sic), NWA’’. All of Rogers’ specimens of this form collected in mid-June and mid-July 1911 were from the Fitzroy River area, with the June birds labeled ‘‘Mungi Rock-hole’’ and July birds ‘‘ 14 mi w of Mt. Anderson’’, and all were found in Mathews’ catalog (nos. 9087–9096 and 9448). The entry for the holotype opposite 9092 has the correct sex and Rogers’ label is marked ‘‘Type of mungi’’ in what appears to be Mathews’ hand. The 10 paratypes are: AMNH 602228, 602229, and 602231–602238.