A conspectus of the native and naturalized species of Nephrolepis (Nephrolepidaceae) in the world Author Hovenkamp PH Author Miyamoto F text Blumea 2005 50 279 322 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/blumea/2005/00000050/00000002/art00004 journal article HovenkampMiyamoto2005 6. Nephrolepis davalliae Alderw. - Fig . 1i ; Map 4 Nephrolepis davalliae Alderw. (1908) 2 . - Type : Versteeg 1675 ( BO , L ), New Guinea. Nephrolepis schlechteri Brause (1913) 24 . - Type : Schlechter 19639 ( BM , K , L , P ), New Guinea. Habit, rhizome morphology. Plants forming tufts of 3-8 fronds. Runners 1-1.5 mm thick (polished), unbranched. Scales on runners sparse, spreading or squarrose. Tubers absent. Fronds 50-115 cm long (or more), 4-8 cm wide, stipe 8-15 cm long. Lamina base reduced, tapering over 20-25 cm, basal pinnae 1.2-2.7 cm long, 1.2-1.5 cm distant, middle pinnae straight or slightly falcate. Sterile pinnae 2-4.3 by 0.4-0.7 cm, leathery, base equal or slightly unequal, basiscopic base truncate or rounded, acroscopic base cuneate or truncate, not to slightly auricled, margin in basal part crenate, towards apex serrate, apex acute. Fertile pinnae 1.8-4.7 by 0.3-0.6 cm, with a more longly drawn out apex than the sterile pinnae. Indument . Basal scales pseudopeltate, appressed or spreading, 3.5 by 0.3-0.7 mm, central part rufous, dull, margin not hyaline, in basal part irregularly lacerate (protrusions most unicellular), in acumen entire or dentate (remotely, with two-celled teeth), marginal glands present around the scale. Rachis scales with a well-developed protracted acumen, appressed or spreading (sometimes recurved), dark, acumen entire or dentate. Scales on lamina usually persistent (more so on the upper surface), small, more or less stellate/lacerate. Sori marginal on teeth, 7-14 pairs on fully fertile pinnae, round or elongated, protruding on adaxial surface. Indusium broad, attached at base and sides. Map 4. Distribution of Nephrolepis davalliae Alderw. (continuous line), N. dicksonioides H. Christ (dotted line) and N. obliterata ( R.Br.) J.Sm. (broken line). Distribution - Moluccas , New Guinea, New Britain. Habitat & Ecology - Montane or ridge forest ( 500-2150 m, rarely lower), epiphytic or terrestrial, often forming large stands covering open places. Note - Easily characterized by the leathery texture of the lamina, with indistinct veins, and the marginal sori, each opening to the anterior side of a separate tooth, covered with a cup-shaped indusium.