A revision of the genus Olivancillaria (Mollusca: Olividae) from the southwestern Atlantic Author O, Va L E R I A T E S Author Pastorino, Guido text Zootaxa 2011 2889 1 34 journal article 46845 10.5281/zenodo.207201 104bba85-f85f-4edb-bc76-3467cc30aff5 1175-5326 207201 Olivancillaria urceus ( Röding, 1798 ) Figures 4–5 Voluta pinguis Solander, 1786 : 174 , No. 3740 n . n .; Dillwyn 1817 : 516 ; Wood 1818: 92; Swainson 1821 : pl. 42; Burch & Burch 1964 : 111 . Oliva brasiliensis Chemnitz, 1788: 130 , pl. 147, figs. 1367–1368 n. n . rejected by Direction 1 (ICZN 1964); Schumacher 1817 : 244 ; Chenu 1845 : 30 , pl. 31, figs. 1–3, 10, pl. 35, figs. 5–6; Reeve 1850 : pl. 8, fig. 13 a, b. Porphyria urceus Röding, 1798 : 37 . Oliva Brasiliana . Lamarck, 1811 : 322 ; Marrat 1871 : 23 , pl. 18 figs. 278–279. Oliva Braziliana . Swainson 1821 : pl. 42 (error pro Oliva brasiliensis Chemnitz, 1788 ). Olivancillaria brasiliensis . d´Orbigny 1840: 420; H. & A. Adams 1853: 141; Lange de Morretes 1949 : 100 ; Castellanos 1970 : 117 , pl. 9, fig. 2; Boffi 1979 : 26 . Claneophila brasiliana . Gray 1858 : 48 . Oliva (Olivancillaria) brasiliana . Tryon 1883 : 90 , pl. 36, fig. 88, pl. 1, fig. 2; Carcelles 1944 : 259 , pl. 5 fig. 47; Camacho 1975 : 357 . Olivancillaria brasiliana . Fischer 1887 : 598 ; Barattini & Ureta 1961 : 126 , pl. 37; Penchaszadeh 1971: 50; Webb 1986 : 104 – 105, pl. 48, fig.18; Aguirre 1991 : 164 . Olivancillaria urceus . Johnson 1915 : 103 ; Marcus & Marcus 1959 : 180 ; Burch & Burch 1964 : 111 , pl. 7, fig. 9; Thomé 1966 : 163 ; Figueiras 1967 : 65 ; Sicardi 1967 : 56 –57; Jurberg 1970 , fig. 1; Rios 1970 : 101 , pl. 31; Figueiras & Sicardi 1973 : 259 – 260, pl. 14 fig. 186; Rios 1975 : 110 , pl. 32, fig. 468; Milstein et al . 1976 : 152 ; Scarabino 1977 : 190 ; Rios 1985 : 110 , pl. 38, fig. 487; Calvo 1987 : 162 , fig. 145; Tursch 1988 : 246 ; Rios 1994 : 142 , pl. 46, fig. 610; Penchaszadeh 2004 : 263 , fig. 20; Scarabino 2004 : 322 ; Thomé et al. 2004 : 57 , No. 49; Absalão & Pimenta 2005 : 22 , fig. 39; Carranza & Norbis 2005 : fig. 2–3; Clavijo et al . 2005 : 388 ; Demicheli & Scarabino 2006 : 526 ; Scarabino et al . 2006: 146; Urteaga & Pastorino 2007 : 1431 –1439, figs. 1–4; Rios 2009 : 269 , No. 667. Diagnosis. Shell large (up to 63.5 mm, largest of the genus), subquadrangular, solid; protoconch always visible, never covered by callus; anterior columellar callus very thick; shell dirty pinkish, with axial irregular clear or dark lines, spire and fasciolar band brown-ocher; live animals with foot and siphon dark-pink. Description. Shell large, subquadrangular, thick, smooth, polished (thickness ~ 1 mm ); protoconch of 1 3/4 translucent whorls, transition to teleoconch indistinct; suture channeled with 5 1/4 whorls; columellar callus very thick, uniform, covering the suture and part of the spire in large specimens; aperture elongated, wide, slightly less than 5/6 of total shell length; outer lip smooth, thin, straight; posterior part of columella slightly convex and smooth with 6–11 anterior oblique folds, externally to those folds, 2 or 3 pronounced folds parallel to columellar edge; fasciolar band well defined, brown-ocher with axial bands; posterior groove deep; siphonal channel deep ( Figure 4 ). Shell ultrastructure composed of three layers: more than half of the thickness is in the middle layer (of crossedlamellar crystals of aragonite), and outer layer (of amorphous calcite) and innermost layer (of prismatic crystals of aragonite) are thinner ( Figure 5 E). Radula rachiglossate ( Figure 5 A), rachidian teeth tricuspid with the central cusp smaller, a small denticle usually present on each side of the lateral rachidian cusps ( Figure 5 B). Lateral teeth C shape, with quadrangular base. Living specimens with pink color around and on the sole of the foot and siphon. Penis muscular, elongated ( Figure 5 C), tapering with a tip slightly sharpened, laterally flattened with a straight spermatic groove open all along. Siphon large, the distal tip with numerous branched papillae of two orders ( Figure 5 D). Geographic distribution. From Sumbauma ( 12°15’S ; 37°47’W ), Bahia state, Brazil to Puerto Lobos ( 42° 00’S ; 65°04’W ), San Matías Gulf, Chubut province, Argentina in 0–53 m depth. Type material. [ Porphyria urceus ] was not found (see remarks); [ Voluta pinguis ] two probable syntypes , NHMUK 506 from the collection of the Reverend Mordaunt Cracherode ( Figure 4 I), who is known to have exchanged shells with Joseph Banks, Captain Cook and the Duchess of Portland, among others (K. Way pers comm.); [ Oliva brasiliensis ] material is apparently lost. One specimen from the Zoological Institution (Saint Petersburg, Russia ) matches the illustrated in fig. 1368, pl. 147 of Chemnitz (1788) ( Figures 4 E–F) however there is no clear indication on this specimen to assure the status (Sirenko, pers. comm.). FIGURE 4. Olivancillaria urceus (Röding, 1798) . A–B, MACN-In 38158 from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina; C–D, MACN-In 38159 from Prainha Branca, São Paulo, Brazil; E–F, illustration of Oliva brasiliensis from plate 147, figures 1367–1368 of Chemnitz (1788); G–H, MACN-In 38157 from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina; I, Voluta pinguis Solander, 1786 , probable syntype NHMUK 506 from “Brazil”. Scale bar = 1 cm. bf: basal fold; cc: columellar callus; cf: columellar folds; fb: fasciolar band; g: fasciolar groove; sc: siphonal channel. FIGURE 5. Olivancillaria urceus . A, radula, frontal view, scale bar = 100 µm, B, detail of rachidian teeth scale bar = 50 µm; C, penis, scale bar = 200 µm; D, siphon, scale bar = 500 µm; E, ultrastructure of the shell, scale bar = 200 µm. Type locality. Voluta pinguis , Oliva brasiliensis , and Porphyria urceus all described from “ Brazil ”. Other material examined. Brazil . Brazil : NHMUK 1854.12.4.413, 1854.12.4.414; Bahia (BA): MZUSP 51170; Sumbauma, BA: MZUSP 51003; Iguape, BA: MNRJ 6914, 6916; Piuma, Espírito Santo ( ES ): MZUSP 33392; ES : MZUSP 33392, 62975; Cape de São Thomé, Rio de Janeiro (RJ): MZUSP 73577; Niterói, RJ: MNRJ 6913, 9225, 13113; Rio das Ostras, RJ: MNRJ 8614; Cabo Frio, RJ: MNHNM 7849, MORG 41394, MNRJ 2817, 14578; Arraial do Cabo, RJ: MNRJ 2806, 11796; Jurujuba, RJ: MNRJ 277, 6912, 13068; Rj: MORG 13556 ( 40–50 m ), NMR 60530, MNRJ 800, 6911, 6921; Praia de Grumari, RJ: MNRJ 1166, 1892, 6257, 6439, 13070; Copacabana, RJ: MACN-In 5041, MNRJ 14349; Guaratiba, RJ: MORG 25941 ( 20 m ); Barra da Tijuca, RJ: MNRJ 2395; Ubatuba, São Paulo ( SP ): MORG 11006 ( 10 m ), MZUSP 30083, 51197, 64200; Ilha Grande, SP : MZUSP 61390, 61396; Caraguatatuba, SP : MACN-In2976, MNRJ 6904; Ilha Victoria, SP : MNHNM 7590 ( 32–37 m ); Ilha de Alcatraces, SP : MNHNM 5278, MORG 12545 ( 40 m ); Bertioga, SP : MZUSP 45678, 45679, 45702, 60325; Guarujá, SP : MNHNM 9059 ( 20 m ), MNRJ 7739; Santos, SP : MZUSP 32112; Praia Grande, SP : MZUSP 59986, 83741; Peruíbe, SP : MORG 10666 (intertidal); Iguape, SP : MACN-In 1861, MNRJ 11417, 11602; Ilha Comprida, SP : MNRJ 11662; Cananeia, SP : MNHNM 7846 ( 20 m ), 9002, 9188, MORG 1347, MZUSP 51196, 51587; Paranaguá, SP : MORG 5225, 45131, MNRJ 11632, 11636; Prainha Branca, SP : MACN-In 38159; Peruíbe, SP : MZUSP 26686, 61216, 61218; SP : MACN-In 2770, MNHNM 5276, 7843, MNRJ 1528, 3348, 3349, 14276; Guaratuba, PR (Paraná): MNHNM 7842, 7850, MZUSP 51182; SC (Santa Catarina): MACN-In 35887; Bombinhas, SC: MORG 40175 ( 8–12 m ); Torres, Rio Grande do Sul (RS): MORG 2723, 41492, 41631; Mostardas, RS: MORG 6643 ( 36 m ), 41525 ( 15 m ), 41537; São José do Norte, RS: MNRJ 772; Cassino, RS: MACN-In 0 8220, 0 9447, 35391, MNHNM 3644, 7857, 7847, MORG 9119, 5165, MNRJ 683, 2882, 3457, 3860, 6460, 7111; Chuí, RS: MORG 16833 (intertidal), MNRJ 693; RS: MORG 5682 ( 15 m ), 10467 ( 10 m ), 11551 ( 22 m ), 22259, ( 53 m ). Uruguay . Chuy, Rocha: MNHNM 6214, 6831, 6125; Cabo Polonio, Rocha: MNHNM 7848; Santa Teresa, Rocha: MLP 5240, MNHNM 2788, 6207 ( 15 m ); La Paloma, Rocha: MACN-In 15296, 15154, 30483, MNHNM 1244, 3920, 4237, 7851, 7852, 7853, 7855, 7856, 9000, 9003, 11589, MORG 19051, MNRJ 1249, 6529; Punta del Este, Maldonado: MNHNM 7841, 7844, 7854, 7858, MZUSP 67731 ( 20–30 m ); Carrasco, Canelones (Quaternary): MNHNM 759, 853; Punta Carretas, Montevideo (Quaternary): MNHNM 613. Argentina . Punta Rasa, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 16301; San Clemente del Tuyú, Buenos Aires: MLP 3915-3; Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 9217-005, 9363-015, 11553, 12064, 12219, 12222-004, 16545, 33753, 35979, 37502, 38157, 38158, MNHNM 2177, 4348, 7859, 8999, 9009, 9060, 9062, 10412, MORG 9025, 12955 ( 37 m ), MNRJ 6917. Miramar, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 09252-005, MLP 1468, 2182; Quequén, Buenos Aires: MLP 2148, 2194; Necochea, Buenos Aires: MLP 3093; Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 6619-040, 11246, 14811, MLP 1404, 1416, 3021, 3072, 3073, 3087, 3088; Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires: MACN-In 11247, 11329; MLP 3025; Carmen de Patagones, Buenos Aires: MLP 3030; San Antonio, Río Negro: MLP 603, 2548, 3034, 3091, 3671-2, 9588; Golfo San Matías, Río Negro: MACN-In 21296, 30285; Puerto Lobos, Chubut: MLP 601, MNHNM 3116. Patagonia: NHMUK 1854.12.4.416. Remarks. The type material of Porphyria urceus Röding, 1789 was not found despite the cited existence of five specimens. Nevertheless it was described referring to Chemnitz’s Oliva brasiliensis (1788 pl. 147, figs. 1367– 8, rejected work according to Direction 1 ICZN, 1961). According to the ICZN art. 72.4.1 Chemnitz’ illustration is part of the syntypes of P. urceus leaving no doubts about the synonymy. Röding (1798) also cited Gmelin’s Voluta oliva (1791) , which is in fact, the type species of the genus Oliva , according to Olsson & Dance (1966) . Finally, he mentioned figures 1 and 2 of the plate 4 of Kammerer (1786) . Plate 4 of this work represents only one figure, a bivalve, moreover none of the other plates of this book illustrates Olivancillaria species. The syntypes of Voluta pinguis Solander, 1786 housed at NHMUK are clearly conspecific as reported by Dillwyn (1817) . However, Rehder (1967) ruled out this name from the valid species of the Portland Catalogue. This was already commented by Burch & Burch (1964) .