Chironomid midges from early Eocene amber of France (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Published, First text Zootaxa 2007 2007-02-05 1404 1 66 journal article 1175­5334 Chasmatonotoides deharvengi n. sp. ( Figs. 32 , 33) Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Louis Deharveng, entomologist at the MNHN. Diagnosis: Body ca. 2.5 mm long; 1 prealar seta; squama bare; gonostylus covered with numerous short setae. Description: Head 0.5 mm long, deformed; ocelli absent; antenna much longer than head, distinctly hairy, with 13 flagellomeres covered with long setae, pedicel broad and short, rounded, 13th flagellomere very long; eye bare, with small dorsomedial extension, with 1 row of ommatidia at minimum width; mouthparts lacking functional mandibles; frontal setae absent, numerous postocular and inner and outer vertical setae. Thorax 0.78 mm long, 0.36 mm wide, 0.76 mm high; postnotum bare, without longitudinal median groove; surface of scutellum with 1 long seta visible; scutal tubercle absent; acrostichals absent, dorsocentrals uniserial; scutum with median longitudinal groove; 1 prealar seta, no supraalar setae; epimeron II and preepisternum bare. Wing macropterous, 1.52 mm long, 0.36 mm wide, hyaline, membrane bare, but with coarse punctation; anal vein An 2 absent; radius with 3 branches R 1 , R 2+3 and R 4+5 , R 2+3 weakly sclerotized not divided into R 2 and R 3 and nearly to R 4+5 ; only M 1+2 and M 3+4 present; cross­vein MCu absent; squama bare. Halter 0.2 mm long. Fore femur 0.5 mm long, tibia 0.54 mm long, tarsus 1.2 mm long; mid femur 0.56 mm long, tibia 0.54 mm long; hind femur 0.54 mm long, tibia 0.58 mm long, tarsus 0.88 mm long; ta4 of all legs cylindrical, not cordiform; fore tibia with 1 long spur, mid and hind tibiae with 2 long spurs, hind tibial comb well developed. Abdomen 1.72 mm long; gonostylus 0.05 mm long, 0.03 mm wide, simple, covered with numerous setae; gonocoxite 0.1 mm long, 0.05 mm wide, with numerous long setae on outer surface; anal point narrow and elongate, 0.15 mm long, 0.1 mm wide at base, apex seemingly truncated. FIGURE 32. Chasmatonotoides deharvengi n. sp. , holotype PA 9563, photograph of habitus. FIGURE 33. Chasmatonotoides deharvengi n. sp. , holotype PA 9563, drawing of male genitalia (scale bar = 0.1 mm ). Discussion: The body of C. deharvengi n. sp. ( 2.5 mm long) is distinctly longer than that of C. oesiensis ( 1.7 mm long). It has one prealar seta instead of two, as in C. oesiensis . For these reasons, we recognize a new species. Material: Holotype PA 9563, (male).