Three new genera of oriental Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Hulcr, Jiri Author Cognato, Anthony I. text Zootaxa 2009 2204 19 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189700 f48b8ba7-9ec3-455c-8087-9082458a6f72 1175-5326 189700 AA07F2AD-8D1C-408E-9F44-A7696CF3B1AE Beaverium perplexus ( Schedl 1969 ) comb. n. Previous genus: Xyleborus Diagnosis: Pronotum without prominent elevated carina on the anterior margin, typical for most Beaverium spp., pronotal disc with faint asperities. Broadly rounded apex of elytra, unlike B. insulindicus , where elytral apex is usually straight or even slightly emarginate. Declivital punctures mostly in rows, confused at elytral apex, but not completely confused as in other Beaverium . The costa at the posterolateral edges of declivity is unusually elevated, almost broader than the rest of elytra, creating conspicuously large declivital plane. Length: 4.8–5.1 mm . Discussion. Schedl (1969) mentioned its similarity to B. insulindicus (as Xyleborus ). Browne (1984) also mentioned the similarity of this species to Beaverium (as Xyleborus ) insulindicus , and distinguished it by more dense punctures on declivity. The punctures were said to be more confused, not strictly following the striae. However this contradicts the morphology of the holotype . The species differs from B. insulindicus very little, and intermediate forms may eventually be found. The pronotum often appears taller, but not always. Wood & Bright (1992) indicate that the holotype of X. perplexus Schedl was collected in Kerevat, New Britain . The holotype is from Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea . Biology: Probably a strictly montane species. All known records come from Chimbu or Western Highland Provinces. Examined material: New Guinea , Western Highlands, Mt. Hagen, ( lectotype , desig. Hulcr & Cognato 2009 , ANIC ); PNG : Chimbu Prov. (64), J. Hulcr 2002–2006 .