Neanthes (Annelida: Nereididae) from Taiwanese waters, with description of seven new species and one new species record Author Hsueh, Pan-Wen text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-08 4554 1 173 198 journal article 27578 10.11646/zootaxa.4554.1.5 f0417544-ffc1-44fa-881d-7a46fc70b421 1175-5326 2623441 682FE7E7-26D7-4A12-8424-942836D0585E Neanthes sp. 1 Figs 17A G , 18A F , Table 2 Material examined. One specimen (NMNS 7946-035), Jihuei ( 23°06.86´N ; 121°24.18´E ), Taitung County , Taiwan , intertidal hard bottom, 7 October 2010 . Description. Incomplete, in two fragments, remaining body length 38.0 mm with 70 chaetigers, maximum width 2.2 mm at chaetiger 8, excluding parapodia; dark brown to beige in alcohol ( Fig. 17A ). Prostomium wider than long, one pair antennae arise antero-laterally; palpophores spherical and biarticulate with sub-conical palpostyles, four pairs of tentacular cirri, longest posterior tentacular cirri reaching chaetiger 5 ( Fig. 17A ). Two pairs of black eyes, subequal in size. One apodous anterior segment present, about 1.4 times as long as chaetiger 1. Pharynx with dark brown jaws, each with 6–7 lateral teeth; dark conical paragnaths as: I=8 ( Fig. 17B ); II=20, 23, in 2–3 oblique rows; III=30, in a cluster; IV= 23, 29 in 2–3 oblique rows; V=4 (3 large cones+1 minute cone), in a triangle; VI=2, 2, in a transverse row ( Fig. 17C ); VII/VIII=45, in 2–3 transverse row. FIGURE 16. Neanthes shigungensis n. sp. ; holotype (NMNS 7946-030): A, notochaeta, homogomph spiniger, chaetiger 136; B, neurochaeta of dorsal fascicle, homogomph spiniger, chaetiger 136; C, neurochaeta of dorsal fascicle, long heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 136; D, neurochaeta of ventral fascicle, heterogomph spiniger, chaetiger 136; E, neurochaeta of ventral fascicle, long heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 136. Scale: A–E, 0.05 mm. Notopodial dorsal ligule conical on anterior chaetigers, narrowed triangular with a pointed tip in posterior chaetigers; basal dorsal edge of dorsal ligule slightly broaden on posterior chaetigers ( Fig. 17 D–G). Dorsal cirri mid-dorsally attached to dorsal ligule throughout, shorter than dorsal ligule ( Fig. 17 D–G). Notopodial prechaetal lobe present on anterior chaetigers, small oval ( Fig. 17D ). Notopodial ventral ligule rounded on anterior chaetigers, narrow and triangular on posterior chaetigers. Neuropodium with prominent inferior and superior lobes on anterior chaetigers, both lobes projecting beyond neuropodial postchaetal lobe on anterior chaetigers, both inferior and superior lobes absent on posterior chaetigers. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present, conical on anterior chaetigers, triangular with a pointed tip on posterior chaetigers, shorter than neuropodial acicular ligule ( Fig. 17 D–G). Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present, rounded on anterior chaetigers, triangular with a blunt tip on posterior chaetigers. Neuropodial ventral ligule conical on anterior chaetigers, narrowed triangular with a pointed tip on posterior chaetigers; ventral cirri attached to ventral edge of parapodia, shorter than ventral ligule on anterior chaetigers, about as long as ventral ligule on posterior chaetigers ( Fig. 17 D–G). FIGURE 17. Neanthes sp. 1 (NMNS 7946-035): A, anterior body; B, Area I of the pharynx; B, Areas V & VI of the pharynx; D, right parapodium, anterior view, chaetiger 10; E, right parapodium, posterior view, chaetiger 10; F, right parapodium, anterior view, posterior chaetiger; G, right parapodium, posterior view, posterior chaetiger. Abbreviation: NoPL, notopodial prechaetal lobe. Scale: A, 1.0 mm; B, 0.5 mm; C–G, 0.1 mm; H–M, 0.05 mm. Notochaetae present from chaetiger 3 to posterior chaetigers, homogomph spinigers ( Fig. 18A ). Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: homogomph spinigers ( Fig. 18B ), and heterogomph falcigers with short, serrated terminal blade ( Fig. 18C ). Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers ( Fig. 18D ), and heterogomph falcigers with short, serrated terminal blade on anterior chaetigers ( Fig. 18E ), and medium-length, serrated terminal blade on posterior chaetigers ( Fig. 18F ). Pygidium not observed. Remarks. The specimen is recorded as an undetermined species due to its small body size and incomplete specimen condition. Of the 22 Neanthes species reported from East and Southeast Asia, N . vitabunda from Philippines is the only species which has somewhat similar counts of conical paragnaths on most areas of the pharynx as in N . sp. 1 (6, 27, 29–34, 3, 2 & 40 versus 8, 30, 23–29, 4, 2 & 45, respectively), with an exception of Area II (6 versus 20–23) ( Pflugfelder 1933: 72, fig. 12b; Table 2 ). However, N . sp. 1 can be distinguished from N . vitabunda by having the longest posterior tentacular cirri reaching chaetiger 5 (versus posterior of peristomium), notopodial prechaetal lobe on anterior chaetigers, heterogomph spinigers on ventral fascicle of the neuropodia (versus none), and short and medium heterogomph falcigers in neuropodia (versus long heterogomph falcigers) ( Pflugfelder 1933 : 72, fig. 12a, d; Fig. 22C–F, Table 2 ). Of the five species that have notopodial prechaetal lobe on anterior chaetigers in the present study, N . sp. 1 is the only species with 4 conical paragnaths on Area V of the pharynx ( Table 2 ). Neanthes sp. 1 is also the only species, which has both short and medium-length heterogomph falcigers in neuropodia ( Table 2 ). FIGURE 18. Neanthes sp. 1 (NMNS 7946-035): A, notochaeta, homogomph spiniger, posterior chaetiger; B, neurochaeta of dorsal fascicle, homogomph spiniger, posterior chaetiger; C, neurochaeta of dorsal fascicle, medium heterogomph falciger, posterior chaetiger; D, neurochaeta of ventral fascicle, heterogomph spiniger, posterior chaetiger; E, neurochaeta of ventral fascicle, short heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 10; F, neurochaeta of ventral fascicle, medium heterogomph falciger, posterior chaetiger. Scale: A–F, 0.05 mm. TABLE 1. Neanthes species reported from East and Southeast Asia. * Reish et al . (2014) synonymised N . caudata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) , N . arenaceodentata (Moore, 1903) & N . cricognatha (Ehlers, 1904) with N . acuminata ( Ehlers, 1868 ) . A=brackish aquaculture farm, B=salt pan, C=oyster racks, D=intertidal hard bottom, E=intertidal soft bottom, F=subtidal soft bottom, G=abyssal soft bottom; H=coastal brackish water lake, n.a.=not available.
Taxon Type locality Distribution Habitats References
N . acuminata (Ehlers, 1868) * Naples, Italy East & South China Seas, Japan, Philippines; Portugal, U.S.A. C, D, E Ehlers 1686; Sun & Yang 2004; Reish et al . 2014
N. augeneri (Gravier & Dantan, 1934) Vietnam Vietnam F Gravier & Dantan 1934
N . bongcoi Pillai, 1965 Luzon, Philippines Australia, Philippines A, E, F Pillai 1965; Bakken 2006
N . crucifera (Grube, 1878) Mariados, Philippines Known only from the type locality n.a. Grube 1878
N . flava Wu, Sun & Yang, 1981 Hebei, China Known only from the type locality C Wu et al . 1981; Sun & Yang 2004
N . donghaiensis Wu, Sun & Yang, 1981 Fujian, China Known only from the type locality E Wu et al . 1981; Sun & Yang 2004
N . glandicincta (Southern, 1921) Ganges Delta, India East & South China Seas, India, Singapore, NW Taiwan E Wu et al . 1981; Wu 1967; Lee & Glasby 2015
N . indica (Kinberg, 1865) Banka Strait, Indonesia Known only from the type locality F Kinberg, 1865
N . maculata Wu, Sun & Yang, 1981 Guangdong, China SW China B Wu et al . 1981
N . manatensis Pillai, 1965 Luzon, Philippines Known only from the type locality A Pillai 1965
N . nanhaiensis Wu, Sun & Yang, 1981 South China Sea South China Sea, NE Taiwan Strait G Wu et al . 1981; present study
N . negomboensis De Silva, 1965 Pitipana, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, East Java A, E Silva 1965; Pillai 1965
N . pachychaeta (Fauvel, 1918) Madagascar Madagascar, Indo-Pacific, Japan F Glasby et al . 2011; Sato 2017
N. philippinensis León- González & Salazar-Vallejo, 2003 Philippines Philippine Islands F León- González & Salazar- Vallejo 2003
N. sakhalinensis (Okuda, 1935) Sakhalin, Russia Known only from the type locality H Okuda 1935
N. suluensis Kirkegaard, 1995 Sulu Sea Known only from the type locality G Kirkegaard 1995
N. trifasciata (Ehlers, 1901) Bohol, Philippines Chile, Philippines n.a. Ehlers 1901
N. trifasciata vandersandi (Horst, 1924) East Flores, Indonesia Known only from the type locality n.a. Horst 1924
N . unifasciata (Willey, 1905) Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, South China Sea; Japan D Willey 1905; Wu et al . 1981; Sato 2017
N . verrillii (Grube, 1878) Philippines Known only from the type locality n.a. Grube 1878
N . vitabunda (Pflugfelder, 1933) Belawan, Indonesia Known only from the type locality E Pflugfelder 1933
N. wilsonchani Lee & Glasby, 2015 Singapore Singapore E Lee & Glasby 2015
TABLE 2. Key morphological characters of Neanthes species in the present study. Abbreviations: DCAL = dorsal cirri on dorsal ligule; DFN = neurochaetae of dorsal fascicle; HoS = homogomph spinigers; HeF = heterogomph falcigers; LTJ = number of lateral teeth on jaws; NeL = number of neuropodial lobes; NPL = notopodial prechaetal lobe; NeL = neuropodial lobes; P/Ch1 =length ratio of peristomium/chaetiger 1; RCLPTC = range of chaetigers reached by the longest posterior tentacular cirri; SeS = sesquigomph spinigers; SeF = sesquigomph falcigers; THeF = types of heterogomph falcigers; VFN = neurochaetae of ventral fascicle. Species\Categories P/Ch1 RCLPTC LTJ Paragnaths I II (left, right) III IV (left, right) V VI VII/VIII N . babuzai n. sp. ~1.2–1.7 5–9 6–10 3–7 15–26, 11–25 45 –63 16–28, 11– 27 2–3 2–3 , 2–4 35 66 N . donggungensis n. sp. ~1.4 6–7 7–9 2 8–9, 10– 11 12–15 15 –17, 17 0 7–10 , 7–13 76 91 N . jihueiensis n. sp. ~1.2 4 4 2–3 8–11 , 12–13 15–18 23–28, 25–34 3 2–3, 3 18– 27 N . kaomeiensis n. sp. ~1.1 7–9 4–6 6–7 9–12 , 8–12 30–36 8–11, 8–12 0 1, 1 0 N . kinmenensis n. sp. ~1.4 2 5–6 3–4 10 –13, 11–15 28–31 22–24, 20– 23 3 2 , 2– 3 46 N . cf. nanhaiensis Wu, Sun & Yang, 1981 ~1.1 2 10–12 0 6–7, 8–9 1–3 7–9, 8–13 0 0 1/0 N . sanguensis n. sp. ~1.3 4 7 1 12 , 15 10 17 , 18 1 2 , 2 33 N . shigungensis n. sp. ~1.3 3 6–7 7 24 , 27 65 25, 32 7–8 3 , 3 57– 58 N . sp. 1 ~1.4 5 6–7 8 20 , 23 30 23 , 29 4 2 , 2 45