Dasydorylas Skevington, 2001 (Pipunculidae, Tomosvaryellini) of Colombia, with description of three new species and a key to Neotropical males Author Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany 88C7A940-B2AC-4373-B06B-3EC2823D9DF8 Universidad de la Amazonia, Grupo de Investigación en Entomología Universidad de la Amazonia - GIEU, Laboratorio de Entomología, Av. 11 5 - 69 Juan XXIII, Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia. & Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. ya.ramos@udla.edu.co Author Marques, Dayse Willkenia A. 5865C71E-1BDC-4198-AEC4-1421FEBE1202 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. willkenia@gmail.com Author Rafael, José Albertino 947EF9B2-FBB4-4618-9695-156C82C462D0 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. jarafael@inpa.gov.br text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-05-02 932 138 157 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2517/11291 journal article 295758 10.5852/ejt.2024.932.2517 e401a43e-ea4f-40e1-8f30-fd3c4ccdd51f 2118-9773 11119687 1137F37F-AF51-44E2-8D3E-3C68992029A5 Genus Dasydorylas Skevington, 2001 Dasydorylas Skevington in Skevington & Yeates, 2001: 435 . Type species Pipunculus eucalypti Perkins, 1905 (original designation). Pipunculus Banks 1915: 169 (partim). — Curran 1928: 43 (partim). — Hardy 1943: 83 (partim). — Aczél 1948: 28 (partim); 1952: 247 (partim). — Arnaud & Owen 1981 (Curran types ) (partim). Dorilas Hardy 1943: 84 , pl. 6, figs 36a–b (partim). Dorilas ( Eudorylas ) Hardy 1954: 21 , figs 7a–b, 32, figs 14a–c (partim). Eudorylas Rafael 1991: 156 , figs 12–16, 37; 159, figs 21–28, 39 (partim). Dasydorylas Rafael & Ale-Rocha 2004 : figs 33–37. — Földvári 2013: 23 . — Motamedinia et al. 2017 ; 2020 . Diagnosis (adapted from Skevington 2001 ) Small to medium size ( 2.5–4.8 mm ). Eyes holoptic in males, dichoptic in females. Postpedicel with acuminate apex. Notopleuron usually with dense tuft of long setae. Scutum with dorsocentral setae conspicuous. Femora with ventral ctenidia and row of long setae posterodorsally. Hind tibia with one or more erected anterior spines on median part, fore and mid tibiae with distinct apical spines. Tegula usually with a cluster of setae. Wing with pterostigma. Abdomen ovate with conspicuous scattered setae (rarely inconspicuous) ground color dark; tergites 2–4 usually with posterior margin brown, gray, or yellowish brown pruinose. Syntergosternite 8 with a membranous area. Apex of phallic guide with apex hook-shaped, sometimes with large spines. Ejaculatory apodeme parasol-shaped or funnel-shaped. Phallus thin and trifid (rarely bifid).