Revision of Hermadion Kinberg, 1856, with a redescription of Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856, Adyte hyalina (G. O. Sars, 1873) n. comb. and Neopolynoe acanellae (Verrill, 1881) n. comb. (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) Author Bock, Gordon Author Fiege, Dieter Author Barnich, Ruth text Zootaxa 2010 2554 45 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.196874 13b5e906-5602-4ed0-b3b6-759e1dd022d2 1175-5326 196874 Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 Hermadion fuligineum Baird, 1865 , H. molluscum Ehlers, 1897 , and H. ambiguum Ehlers, 1901 a have already been revised by Barnich et al. (2006) . Due to the presence of cephalic peaks, a neuropodial supraacicular process and bi- and unidentate neurochaetae, these species were referred to Harmothoe . Hermadion fuligineum becoming Harmothoe fulgineum ( Baird, 1865 ) , and the other as junior synonyms of Harmothoe magellanica ( McIntosh, 1885 ) . Unfortunately the type material of Hermadion ornatus Hartman, 1967 and H. africanus Hartman, 1974 deposited in the Los Angeles County Museum (LACM) were not available for study, as the collections are currently being tranferred to a new storage. Hartman (1967) described H. ornatus with cephalic peaks, ventrally inserted lateral antennae, and distinctly bidentate neurochaetae. According to Hartman (1974) only the prostomial characters of H. africanus agree with Harmothoe while the neurochaetae seem to be unidentate. However, Wehe (2006) had the opportunity to study the syntypes of H. africanus together with some additional material (SMF 13611, 13612, and 13614 also reexamined by us) and he found some neurochaetae to be minutely bidentate and neuropodia to have a supra-acicular process. These species are referred here to Harmothoe ornatus ( Hartman, 1967 ) n. comb. and Harmothoe africanus ( Hartman, 1974 ) n. comb. , respectively.
TABLE 3. List of species originally or subsequently described as Hermadion and their current taxonomic status.
Original name Revised status Reference
Adyte Saint-Joseph, 1899
Hermadion ? hyalinus G.O. Sars, 1873 Adyte hyalina (G.O. Sars, 1873) n. comb. this study
Hermadion assimile McIntosh, 1874 Adyte hyalina (G.O. Sars, 1873) n. comb. Pettibone (1969); this study
Hermadion echini Giard, 1886 Adyte hyalina (G.O. Sars, 1873) n. comb. Fauvel (1923), Pettibone (1969); this study
Antarctinoe Barnich et al. , 2006
Hermadion ferox Baird, 1865 Antarctinoe ferox (Baird, 1865) Barnich et al. (2006)
Hermadion rouchi Gravier, 1911 Antarctinoe ferox (Baird, 1865) Barnich et al. (2006)
Eunoe Malmgren, 1866
Harmothoe anderssoni Bergström, 1916 (= Hermadion anderssoni (Bergström, 1916) cf. Fauvel 1950) Eunoe anderssoni (Bergström, 1916) Hartman (1964)
Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856
Hermadion fuligineum Baird, 1865 Harmothoe fuligineum (Baird, 1865) Barnich et al. (2006)
Hermadion molluscum Ehlers, 1897 Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh, 1885) Barnich et al. (2006)
Hermadion ambiguum Ehlers, 1901 a Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh, 1885) Barnich et al. (2006)
Hermadion ornatus Hartman, 1967 Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman, 1967) n. comb. this study
Hermadion africanus Hartman, 1974 Harmothoe africanus (Hartman, 1974) n. comb. this study
Hermadion Kinberg, 1856 Hermadionella Uschakov, 1982
Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856 Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856 Kinberg (1856)
Hermadion longicirratus Kinberg, 1856 Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856 Bergström (1916), Augener (1932)
Hermadion kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856 Ehlers (1897), Bergström (1916)
Lagisca laevis Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 (= Hermadion laevis (Hartmann-Schröder, 1962) cf. Orensanz 1974) Hermadion magalhaensi Kinberg, 1856 this study
Harmothoe (Eunoa) truncata Moore, 1902 Hermadionella truncata ( Moore, 1902 ) Uschakov (1982) (= Hermadion truncata ( Moore, 1902 ) cf. Moore (1908)
Hermadion nipponicus Imajima & Hartman , Hermadionella nipponicus (Imajima & Uschakov (1982) 1964 Hartman, 1964) Neopolynoe Loshamn, 1981 Polynoe (Eunoa) acanellae Verrill, 1881 Neopolynoe acanellae ( Verrill, 1881 ) n. this study (= Harmothoe (Hermadion) acanellae comb. ( Verrill, 1881 ) cf. Pettibone 1963 ) Subadyte Pettibone, 1969 Polynoe pellucida Ehlers, 1864 Subadyte pellucida ( Ehlers, 1864 ) Fauvel (1923) , Pettibone (1969) (= Hermadion pellucidum ( Ehlers, 1864 ) cf. Saint-Joseph 1888 ) Hermadion fragile Claparède, 1868 Subadyte pellucida ( Ehlers, 1864 ) Fauvel (1923) , Pettibone (1969) Indeterminable or invalid species