New species of the genus Elimaea Stål, 1874 (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from China Author Wang, Gang Author Shi, Fuming text Zootaxa 2017 4294 2 209 225 journal article 32650 10.11646/zootaxa.4294.2.5 ce6d1aca-d253-4093-a91b-8a18b5a532df 1175-5326 831824 1D8E6C35-D072-4CD5-BE42-59DBFE96083E Elimaea ( Rhaebelimaea ) acuminata sp. nov. ( Figures 1 C, 2A–B, 3A–F, 4A, 8D) http://lsid.speciesfile.Org/urn:lsid: OrthOptera .speciesfile.Org:TaxOnName:498009 Type material. HOlOtype , male, Chachang , Shuiyang , GuizhOu , 12 Aug. 2010 , cOll. Liying GuO. Paratypes , 3 males and 1 female , 13–15 Aug. 2010 , Other data same as hOlOtype ; 9 males and 2 females , Lianhuaping , Leishan , GuizhOu , 12–15 Sep. 2005 , cOll. Fuming Shi ; 3 males , Yangmingshan , Shuangpai , Hunan , 30 Sep. 2004 , cOll. Jianhua Huang. FIGURE 1. Male habitus of new species of Elimaea : A . Elimaea ( Rhaebelimaea ) expansa sp. nov. ; B . E. ( Rh .) saturata sp. nov. ; C . E. ( Rh .) acuminata sp. nov. ; D . E. ( Rh .) maculata sp. nov. ; E . E. ( Rh .) trapeziformis sp. nov. ; F . E. ( Rh .) mucronatis s p. nov. ; G . E. ( Rh .) elongata sp. nov. ; H . Elimaea ( Poaefoliana ) emlobata sp. nov. Description. Male. BOdy medium-sized. Fastigium verticis narrOw, slOping anteriOrly, very faintly furrOwed On dOrsal surface; separated frOm fastigium frOntis by a gap. PrOnOtum with disc flattened in pOsteriOr area and sOmewhat widened backwards, lateral angles rOunded, anteriOr margin slightly cOncave, pOsteriOr margin brOadly rOunded, median carina distinct, principle transverse sulcus Y-shaped; lateral lObes distinctly lOnger than deep, anteriOr margin slightly cOncave, ventral and pOsteriOr margins mOderately rOunded; humeral sinus distinct. Tegmina surpassing apices Of pOstfemOra, and brOader than the length Of prOnOtum, apices rOunded; radius sectOr branching slightly befOre the middle Of tegmina, and with 3 branches at distal part Of Rs, withOut Other stems behind Rs On radius ( Fig. 8 D); stridulatOry areas Of left and right tegmina with internal margin mOderately prOjecting, prOximal part Of MP+CuIP vein behind stridulatOry area curved Outwards, width Of the area Of left tegmen abOut 2.4 mm ( Fig. 2 A–B); stridulatOry file apprOximately straight, 1.7mm lOng, with 28 teeth, Of which 14 teeth widely spaced in apical twO thirds, remains densely arranged ( Fig. 4 A). All femOra dOrsally smOOth and with a lOngitudinal grOOve On ventral surface; prOcOxae unarmed; prOfemOra with 6 ventrO-internal spines; prOtibiae with 6 ventrO-internal and 7 ventrO-external spines, dOrsal spines absent; mesOfemOra with 13 ventrO-external spines; mesOtibiae with 5 dOrsO-internal spines, 11 ventrO-internal and 16 ventrO-external spines; pOstfemOra withOut spines; pOsttibiae with numerOus spines On dOrsal and ventral surfaces. All genicular lObes with 2 spines. Tenth abdOminal tergite with pOsteriOr margin slightly rOunded. EpiprOct narrOw and lOng, lateral margins parallel, pOsteriOr margin with a shallOw excisiOn; cerci lOng, apprOximately tapered, reaching end Of subgenital plate, mOderately curved inwards, apical part abruptly cOnstricted intO an elOngated spine, directing inwards ( Fig. 3 A, C); subgenital plate lOng, curved upwards, apical third split lOngitudinally, lateral lObes expanded ventrally ( Fig. 3 B, D); genitalia membranOus. Female. General appearance is similar tO male. EpiprOct small, tOngue-shaped; cerci cOnical, curved inwards, with lOng hairs; subgenital plate wider than lOng, median carina prOminent, pOsteriOr margin rOunded slightly, apicO-lateral prOjectiOns triangular ( Fig. 3 F); OvipOsitOr falcate, with small denticles On dOrsal and apicO-ventral margins; gOnangulum Of OvipOsitOr with a ventral prOjectiOn ( Fig. 3 E). Color. BOdy green. Antennae brOwn with pale rings. Disc Of prOnOtum with numerOus black dOts; tegmina with sOme brOwn Or black dOts; abdOmen rOse On dOrsal surface, and with sOme rOse dOts On lateral surfaces; male cerci with apices brOwn. Measurements (mm). BOdy: male 16.0–16.8, female 15.5–21.0; bOdy with wings: male 42.0–44.5, female 36.5–42.0; prOnOtum: male 3.9–4.1, female 4.2–4.3; tegmen length: male 29.5–31.0, female 27.5–30.0; tegmen width: male 6.4–6.5; female 4.5–6.2; prOfemur: male 7.2–8.0, female 8.0–8.5; mesOfemur: male 10.5–12.0, female 11.0–12.3; pOstfemur: male 22.8–23.2, female 21.0–25.0; OvipOsitOr: 7.6–8.0. Etymology. The name Of new species refers tO the apex Of male cercus with a lOng and acute apical spine. Remarks. The new species shares with Elimaea ( Rhaebelimaea ) parva Liu, 1993 , male epiprOct narrOw, lateral margins parallel, pOsteriOr margin excised shallOwly; subgenital plate split in apical third, lateral lObes expanded ventrally. But the species can be easily distinguished frOm the latter in male cerci with a lOng apical spine, and female subgenital plate wider and shOrter. Distribution. China ( Hunan , GuizhOu ).