Parasites (Isopoda: Epicaridea and Nematoda) from ghost and mud shrimp (Decapoda: Axiidea and Gebiidea) with descriptions of a new genus and a new species of bopyrid isopod and clarification of Pseudione Kossmann, 1881 Author Boyko, Christopher B. Author Williams, Jason D. Author Shields, Jeffrey D. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-19 4365 3 251 301 journal article 31134 10.11646/zootaxa.4365.3.1 506d11e3-029a-482b-ad11-cff65e539fa9 1175-5326 1117980 C5AC71E8-2F60-448E-B50D-22B61AC11E6A Ionella agassizi Bonnier, 1900 Ionella agassizi Bonnier, 1900 : 48 , 222, 322–327, pls. 23, 24 ( type locality: Talcahuano, Chile , infesting N . uncinata (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)) .—Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923: 87 (list).— Caspers, 1939 : 243 (list).— Holthuis, 1952 : 92 (mention).— Shiino, 1964a : 27 –29, fig. 1 (Puerto Montt, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Danforth, 1970a : 29 (comparison with Ionella murchisoni Danforth, 1970 ).— Brusca, 1980 : 259 (mention).— Page, 1985 : 198 (mention).— Stuardo et al ., 1986a : 3 (mention).— Stuardo et al ., 1986b : 20 –21, 24–25, 29, figs. 2a, b, 4.10–4.15, 16–18 (Dichato and Coliuma Bay, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Markham, 1992a : 3 , table 1 (list).— Markham, 1994 : 230 (mention).— Muñoz, 1997 : 36 (Dichato, Bahía Coliumo, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).—Pardo, 1998: 6, table 1 (list).—Pardo et al ., 1998: 272 (mention).— Muñoz & George-Nascimento, 1999 : 52 –53 ( Bahía San Vicente , Ta1cahuano, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Trilles, 1999 : 296 , fig. 8.16.F (figure after Bonnier, 1900 ).— Astete-Espinoza & Caceres, 2000 : 244 –247 (Lenga, Bahía de San Vicente , Talcahuano, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Markham, 2001 : 198 , 200 (list).— Muñoz, 2001 : 756 –760 (Lenga, Bahía San Vicente , Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— McDermott, 2002 : 40 (mention).— Neves et al ., 2004 : 209 , 211 (mention).— Espinosa-Pérez & Hendrickz, 2006 : 244 (list).— Muñoz & Olmos, 2007 : 112 , 119 (list).— Román-Contreras, 2008a : 383 (mention).— Smith et al ., 2008 : 231 (mention).— Castillo-Blasco et al ., 2009 : 715 –717 (Lenga, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Pardo et al ., 2009 : 2044 , 2051–2053 (San Carlos, Valdivia, Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Thiel & Hinojosa, 2009 : 681 , 786, unnumbered figure ( Chile , infesting N . uncinata ).— Varisco & Vinuesa, 2011 : 1684 (mention).— Stuardo & Vega, 2011 : 104 (mention).— Cericola & Williams, 2015 : 239 (table). Material examined . Panama : Ovigerous female ( 6 mm ; incomplete, tissue sampled for molecular analysis) ( USNM 14376368 ex ULLZ 10202 ), ex right branchial chamber of Neotrypaea uncinata ( 6.5 mm CL, lacking gonopores) ( ULLZ 10202 ), beach across road from NOAA / STRI lab , Panama , coll. D. L. Felder , 10 Sept 1995 . Distribution . Pacific Panama , and coast of Chile . Hosts . Neotrypaea uncinata (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (type host). Remarks . This specimen is more similar to the female illustrated by Shiino (1964a) than that illustrated by Bonnier (1900) , in that the lateral plates of the pleomeres are strongly asymmetrical, though not as strongly so as in Shiino’s (1964a) specimen. This Panamanian record is a significant range extension for Ionella agassizi , which was previously known only from localities in Chile . However, the host, Neotrypaea uncinata , is known to have the broadest longitudinal range of any thalassinidean: from 34°N to 47°S (i.e., southern California to southern Chile ) ( Dworschak 2005 ). Despite the numerous records of this host from localities in Chile , Sakai (2011) inexplicably stated it was known only from the type locality. The host has been previously recorded from Panama (Ayón- Parente et al . 2014) but without this parasite.