A new species-group of Chrysura Dahlbom, 1845 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), with description of Ch. baiocchii sp. nov. from Iran Author Rosa, Paolo Author Lotfalizadeh, Hosseinali text Zootaxa 2013 3737 1 journal volume 10.11646/zootaxa.3737.1.2 bef206af-cdb8-42ac-aa06-44a63da96627 1175-5326 221552 B498A0CD-86C4-42B9-97D1-1834B0F3548F Chrysura baiocchii species-group diagnosis and discussion During the examination of the material collected in Iran , we examined an outstanding undescribed species somehow related to the Chrysura genalis subgroup. This species probably belongs to a new genus, but considering the present chaotic situation regarding genera in the tribe Chrysidini , it is deemed better not to create a new genus, waiting for a modern taxonomic revision of all genera. Further information could be provided in the future, as a result of molecular analysis (Niehuis & Wägele 2004, Soon & Saarma 2011). Therefore we propose a new speciesgroup within the genus Chrysura . This species-group is mainly characterized by the unique modified structure of the internal metasomal segments, which form the ovipositor tube. The ovipositor resembles the one developed in the genera Stilbum Spinola and Spinolia Dahlbom. Sterna and terga S-V-VI and T-IV-V-VI are heavily sclerotized; T-V and S-V have a series of lateral ridges or partial annuli. Apically they are heavily sclerotized and sharp ( Figs 5 , 7 ). The shape of each internal segment is extremely modified, compared to the internal segments of species of the Chrysis radians group (e.g. Ch. genalis , Fig. 6 ), the most closely related species-group within the genus. The shape of the T-V apparently looks different between the drawing ( Fig. 5 ) and the SEM picture ( Fig. 7 ); this difference is given by a thin and transparent membrane, almost invisible under the biological microscope, but visible through the electron scanning microscope. External morphological and diagnostic characters are (in order of importance): habitus subcylindrical; T-III elongated and strongly arched along the anal margin, modified by the presence of the highly sclerotized ovipositor; punctuation on the body deep to evidently deep (as in many African chrysidids); pronotum longitudinally longer (l/w: 4,4) than in most Chrysura species; metanotum simple; propodeum very narrow compared with its maximum width (taken in dorsal view between the sides of mesoscutum; l/w: 1.1); head and mesosoma with short whitish hairs; subantennal distance very short (1 MOD). Other characters match the diagnosis of the genus Chrysura .