Contribution to the bryophyte flora of New Caledonia IV. Species new to the country, new localities together with taxonomic notes Author Thouvenot, Louis Saint Léon, 66000 Perpignan (France) thouvenot. louis @ orange. fr Author Müller, Frank Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Botanik, 01062 Dresden (Germany) text Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2021 2021-09-17 20 13 181 196 journal article 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2021v42a13 1776-0992 7822275 Ectropothecium sodale (Sull.) Mitt. Journal of the Linnean Society , Botany 10: 180 (1868) . Ectropothecium papillosulum Thér. Revue Bryologique 48: 54 (1921) . — Type : New Caledonia , “in ditione Poindimié, prope Vagap, II-1910 , Le Rat “s.n. (Reliq. E.G.Paris). (lecto-, here designated: “1763. Ectropothecium papillosulum Thér. n.sp. mél. à Rhynchostegium javanicum v majus ”, PC[PC0775281!]) syn. nov. COMMENTS Higuchi & Iwatsuki (1994) wrote that they were unable to check the type specimen of Ectropothecium sodale . Fortunately, the type specimen was recovered at PC by Lionel Kervran from a pack of returned specimens. The morphology of this specimen matches the corresponding characters of E. sodale . Thériot distinguished his new species only by the less falciform leaves and their wider apices, but the degree of expression of these characters is very variable in a single specimen, both in the type and in all specimens seen in New Caledonia . The type specimen is sterile and its sexuality discussed by Thériot (1921) . Finally, E. papillosulum is proposed as a synonym of E. sodale , a species widely occurring in tropical Asia, Australia , Melanesia and the Pacific Islands ( Biju et al. 2017 and GBIF 2020 ). DESCRIPTION FROM THE LECTOTYPE . Habit Shoots remotely pinnate, with leaves secund, slightly concave near base, contiguous to slightly imbricate. Stem Main stems 170 µm wide, with a central strand and thick cortical tissue, pseudoparaphyllia linear foliose, at most two cells wide. FIG. 4. — Zoopsis setigera Goebel. : A , part of plant, dorsal aspect; B , part of plant, ventral aspect; C , detail of ventral merophyte with cortical cells narrowly rectangular and only about 22–27 µm wide. All from K. Reichel NC887 . Scale bars: A-C, 100 µm. Leaves Triangular-lanceolate, 0.8 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, costa short and double, margins denticulate, at least near apices or bases. Cells Leaf cells linear, thin-walled, dorsally prorate, 32-57 µm long, 5 µm wide, angular cells few, short rectangular to quadrate, with a single inflate cell short decurrent.