The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records Author Sanborn, Allen F. text Zootaxa 2020 4785 1 1 129 journal article 21801 10.11646/zootaxa.4785.1.1 aae2e4ae-fbd7-41ab-bcf1-f1fe89a70fdf 1175-5326 3862255 FB0632C9-91E4-4CA1-832D-CAE043F0D2DF Guyalna spilonotophora n. sp. ( Fig. 5 ) TYPE MATERIAL . Holotype . “ ECUADOR : Coñar Prov. / Herrera Ranch 40-70m / Sona Cochancay. 1979 // LACM ENT 403517 ” male ( LACM ) . Paratype . “Peru / S. Amer. / 8-1970” female ( UMSP ) . ETYMOLOGY. The name is a combination of spilo - (Gr., spilos , spot, fleck, speck, stain, blemish) and - notophora (Gr., notophoros , carrying on the back) in reference to the various piceous markings on the dorsal surface. DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax testaceous marked with piceous and tawny, abdomen greenish testaceous marked with piceous. The pronotal collar is bright green in the holotype . Ochraceous may be green in fresh specimens as the pronotal collar is greenish testaceous in the paratype . Head. Head wider than mesonotum not as wide as lateral angles of pronotal collar, ochraceous with piceous mark on frons along anterior arm of epicranial suture, transverse piceous fascia becoming tawny laterally on vertex anterolateral to lateral ocellus reaching laterally middle of supra-antennal plate, completely tawny in paratype , short longitudinal tawny fascia anterior to anterior cranial depression, piceous posterior cranial depression, piceous posterior to eye. Head covered dorsally with silvery pile on frons and posterior margin, longer posterior to eye, long piceous pile radiating from anterolateral vertex. Ocelli golden, eyes dark castaneous. Gena testaceous with transverse piceous mark between eye and postclypeus, lorum piceous with testaceous margin. Postclypeus weakly centrally sulcate, testaceous with piceous within the ten transverse grooves. Anteclypeus testaceous with short longitudinal fascia on either side of central carina, missing in paratype , piceous spots on anterolateral and posterolateral margins of paratype . Long white pile on lorum, medial gena, lateral postclypeus and lateral anteclypeus. Mentum testaceous with incomplete castaneous fascia on lateral surfaces, labium testaceous, lateral piceous mark distally expanding to piceous tip. Rostrum reaching to anterior of abdominal sternite III in male and middle of sternite III in the female. Scape piceous with greenish distal margin, remaining antennal segments piceous, scape castaneous with green distal margin, pedicel castaneous with piceous distal margin in paratype . Thorax. Dorsal thorax testaceous marked with piceous and tawny. Prothorax with piceous spots on either side of anterior midline posterior to anterior margin, comma-shaped mark on either side of posterior midline anterior to ambient fissure, piceous within anterior paramedian fissure, linear marks on either side of posterior paramedian fissure, incomplete curving mark extending posteriorly onto disc from middle of parapsidal suture, piceous within lateral fissure, piceous spot posterior to posterior lateral fissure, piceous mark in lateral ambient fissure, short silvery pile on disc and within fissures. Pronotal collar green, anterior lateral part of pronotal collar ochraceous, covered with silvery pile, dense on lateral angle of pronotal collar. Mesothorax testaceous, piceous submedian sigillae, reduced to triangular piceous mark in anterolateral submedian sigillae in paratype , smaller triangular marks on anteromedial and anterolateral lateral sigillae, anterolateral mark extending along margin as series of irregular spots to posterior lateral sigilla in paratype , small spots on posterior lateral sigillae in holotype , piceous fascia on lateral mesonotum not reaching anterior margin or posterolateral curve, posterior margin with transverse piceous fascia between cruciform elevation and posterolateral curve, scutal depressions piceous, cruciform elevation and wing groove testaceous, holotype with green spot laterally between arms of cruciform elevation. Short silvery pile on anterior disc and between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, long, dense silvery pile on lateral and posterior mesonotum, in wing groove, radiating from lateral margin, and on lateral cruciform elevation. Metanotum green in holotype , castaneous with lighter anterolateral region in paratype , with long, dense golden pile on posterior margin. Ventral thoracic segments testaceous except piceous basisternum 2, and castaneous markings on medial anepisternum 2, lateral katepisternum 2 and lateral episternum 3. Thoracic sternites covered with dense white pile. Wings. Fore wing and wings hyaline, smokey in distal apical cells, infuscation on the radial and radiomedial crossveins. Venation bright green at base in holotype , ochraceous in paratype , becoming tawny and finally castaneous distally, subcostal vein castaneous beyond node, except for base proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell greenish in holotype , ochraceous in paratype , bordered with piceous along radius & subcostal vein, arculus and cubitus anterior, only anteromedially in paratype , pterostigma not reaching to radial crossvein, basal membrane of fore wing grayish, ochraceous posteromedially, proximal clavus infuscated. Hind wing venation proximally green in holotype , ochraceous in paratype , becoming castaneous distally. Basal wing cells infuscated with ochraceous mottled with gray, anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2 ochraceous, castaneous infuscation distal to ochraceous and grayish markings on wing base. Legs. Legs testaceous, some parts greenish in holotype , coxae, trochanters, and femora striped with piceous and castaneous, tibiae with castaneous distal fascia and distal region, castaneous reduced in middle tibia and reduced to distal tibia in hind leg, metatarsus, metatarsus, proximal and distal pretarsus dark castaneous, middle pretarsus ochraceous, pretarsal claws ochraceous with piceous tips. Fore femora with proximal spine adpressed to femur, secondary spine upright about the same length as primary spine with broad base, tertiary spine very small, parallel to secondary spine, all spines piceous. Tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous, darker at tips. Legs radiating long golden pile. Meracanthus pointed, curved mediad with testaceous base, castaneous medially with ochraceous lateral margin, not reaching posterior opercular margin extending to middle of sternite II. Female meracanthus triangular, elongated, curving slightly mediad, reaching to sternite III. Opercula. Male operculum piceous at base, piceous surrounded by castaneous with greenish testaceous posterolateral corner, area lateral to meracanthus domed, covered with long white pile, very dense at base and surrounding meracanthus, lateral margin curving mediad, rounded posterolateral margin forming an obtuse angle between lateral and posterior margin, posterior margin curved to rounded medial margin, anteromedial margin transverse until curving around meracanthus, opercula not meeting medially reaching only to lateral hind trochanter, reaching to anterior of sternite II, barely covering tympanal cavity. Female operculum ochraceous with castaneous base, lateral margin curved, posterolateral corner roughly forms an equilateral triangle, posteromedial extension almost transverse to middle of meracanthus, reaching to anterior of sternite III posteriorly. Operculum covered with long, dense white pile, very dense anterolaterally and anteromedially. Abdomen. Abdominal tergites greenish testaceous with piceous anterior margins except on midline, amount of greenish ochraceous on anterior midline reducing in posterior tergites until entire anterior margin piceous in tergites 8–9, piceous expanding on lateral tergites 2–7 but reducing in posterior tergites, tergite 1 in male piceous, posterior margin edged in castaneous in tergites 3–8, tergites covered with long, dense silvery pile. Timbal cover piceous, slightly inflated, with dorsolateral margin J-shaped around posterior timbal cavity, incomplete exposing timbal dorsally, anterolateral margin rounded, ventral margin straight, parallel to long body axis. Timbal white with light and dark castaneous markings visible through opening in timbal cover. Sternites testaceous, male sternite III–VI testaceous with castaneous midline expanding in male sternite VII and VIII, sternite VIII with U-shaped notch posteriorly, male sternite III–VI translucent dusted with white pubescence, long castaneous pile radiating from sternites and shorter piceous pile on midline of sternites III–VI, female sternites castaneous with posterior midline in sternites II–VI in male and sternites III–VI in female, lateral female sternites castaneous, female sternite VII with central third castaneous, epipleurites castaneous with greenish testaceous lateral and posterior margin, male epipleurites castaneous, epipleurite 7 with piceous anterior, female epipleurites piceous anteriorly, castaneous posteriorly, female sternites and epipleurites covered with white pubescence, denser laterally. Spiracles white. Epipleurites and lateral sternites with long, dense white pile. Female sternite VII with single V-shaped notch, posterolateral margin slightly sinuate to widening lateral region. Female abdominal segment 9 ochraceous with light castaneous ventral margin and piceous anterior and lateral margins, piceous extending posteriorly on dorsolateral surface and on lateroventral surface, tip of dorsal beak, spot on posterior margin, and curved mark along posteroventral margin piceous, radiating long golden pile. Dorsal beak extending beyond castaneous anal styles. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 smoothly curved. Genitalia. Male pygofer testaceous with castaneous anterodorsal and anterodorsolateral regions separated by thick dark castaneous fascia, distal shoulder and dorsal beak dark castaneous, anal styles testaceous edged with castaneous distally. Dorsal beak small, not as long as anal styles. Pygofer basal lobe medial margin straight along body axis from base, angled medially just past half-length, medial margin recurved approaching curved terminus, extending about half of pygofer length. Uncal dorsal crest with straight dorsal base, distally margin recurved. Lateral branch of uncus short, about as long as dorsal crest, lateral section recurved ventrally to rounded apex, posteromedial margin straight meeting under the median uncus lobe to surround aedeagus. Aedeagus castaneous with an ochraceous terminal membrane. FIGURE 5. Guyalna spilonotophora n. sp. : A, Holotype male and paratype female habitus; B, holotype male dorsum; C, holotype male timbal; D, holotype male operculum; E, paratype female operculum; F, holotype male lateral view of genitalia; G, holotype male posterior view of genitalia; H, paratype female lateral view of genitalia; I, paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale bar: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C–E, 2 mm; F–G, 1 mm; H–I, 1 mm. Female gonocoxite IX ochraceous. Gonapophysis IX castaneous, gonapophysis X piceous. Ovipositor sheath does not extend to level of dorsal beak. Long golden pile radiating from ovipositor sheath, anal styles covered with short golden pile. MEASUREMENTS ( MM ). N = one male or one female. Length of body: male 30.90, female 30.70; length of fore wing: male 44.35, female 45.25; width of fore wing: male 13.85, female 14.15; length of head: male 5.55, female 5.40; width of head including eyes: male 14.10, female 14.20; width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 14.65, female 15.00; width of mesonotum: male 12.45, female 12.65. DIAGNOSIS. The most similar species in general appearance is G. chlorogena ( Walker, 1850 ) . The new species can be distinguished by the fore wing infuscation on the radial and radiomedial crossveins, the cubitus anterior vein is straight in the new species rather than arching, the white rather than green basal membranes of the wings, the piceous markings on either side of the pronotal midline, the dorsal pronotal collar being as wide as rather than narrower than the lateral pronotal collar, the piceous markings in the submedian sigillae do not extend the length of the parapsidal suture, and the piceous markings on the anterior abdominal tergites do not cross the midline in the new species. The only other known species of Guyalna to have infuscation on the radial and radiomedial crossveins are G. bonaerensis ( Berg, 1879 ) and G. flavipronotum ( Sanborn, 2007a ) . Both species can be distinguished quickly by the infuscation on the distal wing veins between apical cells and along the ambient vein in these species that is absent in the new species. Two other large species, G. fumea and G. jamesi Sanborn 2016b , are dark bodies, have bronzing in the distal wings, dark basal areas of the wings, mostly or completely opaque basal cells in the fore wings, and lack the infuscation on the radial and radiomedial crossveins. The final large species of the genus, G. atalapae , can be distinguished quickly by its bright red and brown basal areas and distal bronzing of the wings. There is a general similarity to F. pronoe of the Peruvian fauna but the new species can be distinguished by the three-part tarsi and the more semicircular female operculum, the radial crossvein intersecting the radius anterior at about half distance instead of quarter distance, wider fore wings, etc. DISTRIBUTION. The species is currently only known from the holotype collected at an unknown locality in Peru .