Order Hyracoidea Author James H. Honacki Author Kenneth E. Kinman Author James W. Koeppl text 1982 Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections Lawrence, Kansas, USA Editor James H. Honacki Editor Kenneth E. Kinman Editor James W. Koeppl Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition) 312 313 book chapter 193505 10.5281/zenodo.7352999 64238ff4-287d-49fe-a5df-3570838ae0ed 0-89327-235-3 7352999 Heterohyrax brucei (Gray, 1868) . Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 1:44 . TYPE LOCALITY: Ethiopia (= Abyssinia ) . DISTRIBUTION: Egypt to W. Somalia to N. South Africa to E.C. Angola . COMMENT: Allen, 1939 considered Hyrax syriacus a prior name for this species; Bothma, 1971 , Part 12:1-8, referred syriacus to Procavia ; see comment under P. capensis . ISIS NUMBER: 5301416001002001001.