Internal oral morphology in larvae of the genus Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826 (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae)
Oliveira, Marianna Isabella Rosa Rodrigues De
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Animal, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Campus Universitário de Ondina, Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, s / n, Ondina, CEP 40170 - 115, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Weber, Luiz Norberto
Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Av. dos Portugueses, s / n, Campus do Bacanga, CEP 65085 - 580, São Luis do Maranhão, MA, Brazil
Napoli, Marcelo Felgueiras
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Animal, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Campus Universitário de Ondina, Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, s / n, Ondina, CEP 40170 - 115, Salvador, BA, Brazil
journal article
Rhinella jimi
four specimens
(stage 31),
five specimens
(stage 36).
Buccal floor
Fig. 3C
): Ovoid buccal floor, wider than long. One pair of large infralabial papillae, concave on the anterior surface, apex with elongated projections and occupying a large part of the oral cavity entrance. There are three small infrarrostral projections on each side. Four digitiform lingual papillae in equivalent size, with tapered apex and arranged in the same transversal plane. The
is bordered by nearly 30 digitiform papillae, in different size, tapered apex and nearly 30 pustules distributed between the papillae. There are no structures in the anterior region of the
. Laterally to the buccal pockets there is a large and bifurcated papilla in chela-shape. The buccal pockets are transversely oriented. The ventral velum is long and U-shaped; undulated and tumid margin, with glandular appearance, constituted by secretory pits and about six globular projections in the middle portion.
Buccal roof
Fig. 3D
): Ovoid buccal roof, wider than long. Prenarial arena has an arched ridge and irregular apex. Large choanae, elliptical and obliquely oriented; the posterior valve is high and the anterior has three prenarial papillae on the inner edge and narial valve projections are present. The distance between the choanae is equivalent to median ridge width. The postnarial arena has three conical papillae on each side, in different size; the most posterior papillae are larger and frequently united by the base, with smooth surface, tapered apex and arranged forming an inverted "
" design. Median ridge triangular, trapezoid or with rounded apex; flattened and anterior margin irregular. The lateral ridge papillae have the apex wider than the base, flattened, with four digitiform secondary branches in different size and smooth anterior margin of the branches. The BRA is delimited by three short digitiform papillae on each side, tapered apex and arranged forming a “
” design. There are nearly 20 pustules evenly distributed in the middle region of the BRA. Conspicuous glandular zone, thickened in the middle portion. The dorsal velum is short; undulated margin, with the lateral fold showing a glandular appearance and irregular margin in the middle region, without projections.