Revision of the Southern African leafhopper genus Pravistylus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) 2468 Author Stiller, M. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-14 2468 1 1 81 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2468.1.1 1175­5334 10094177 Pravistylus bidentidiscus sp. n. ( Figs 1 a ; 2 ar; 3 e; 4 e; 5 k; 6 d; 7 a & b; 8 a & b) Diagnosis . Plate medial margin emarginate subapically, teeth apically and subapically on medial margin; plate about as long as wide ( Fig. 2 ar). Style distal part far from base; apophysis almost as broad as wide at preapical lobe, projecting somewhat beyond posterior margin of plate ( Fig. 5 k ). Aedeagus, lateral view, shaft depressed, straight, apex right-angled dorsally ( Figs 3 e , 4 e ). Etymology . Latin, plate ( discus ), with medial margin with paired teeth ( bidentatus ). Male and female . Ochraceous, sometimes with light brown marking on vertex. Tegmina sometimes with fuscous lining in apical cells. Hind wing triangular, about half as long as tegmina. Pygofer sometimes with paired triangular marking dorsolaterally at anterior margin ( Fig. 8 a , male; 8 b, female). Male . Dimensions . (n = 5) Length : apex of vertex to apex of tegmina 2.6–2.7 mm ; apex of vertex to apex of abdomen 2.6–2.8 mm ; vertex medially 0.4 mm ; vertex next to eye 0.3 mm ; pronotum medially 0.3 mm . Width : head 0.8–0.9 mm ; pronotum 0.8–0.9 mm . Ocellar diameter 16.5–28.3 µm; ocellocular distance 39.9– 55.3 µm. Genital capsule . Pygofer dorsal and ventral margins straight, convergent ( Fig. 1 a ). Pygofer lobe subapical, triangular, about as long as wide, about one third as wide as pygofer ( Fig. 1 a ). Plates at base, with medial and lateral margins parallel, disjunct, slightly convex; distal medial margins emarginate, concave, teeth basally and apically on distal medial margin; length 0.9–1.1 times as long as wide; 5–7 submarginal, uniseriate macrosetae ( Fig. 2 ar). Aedeagal shaft arising ventrally from atrium; preatrium short; lateral view, base straight, apex right-angled dorsally; dorsal view, slightly depressed (less than about twice as wide as width in lateral view); gonopore elongate, dorsal, subbasal ( Figs 3 e , 4 e ). Style distal part far from anterior medial lobe; apophysis almost as wide as width at preapical lobe, apex tapering abruptly to blunt point; extending slightly beyond posterior margin of plate; teeth on apophysis extending from apex to base along medial margin, with minute serration on anterior surface of each tooth ( Fig. 5 k ). Connective stem constricted, about a one third as long as base ( Fig. 6 d ); lateral view, straight. Female . Dimensions . (n = 10) Length : apex of vertex to apex of tegmina 2.5–2.8 mm ; apex of vertex to apex of abdomen 2.9–3.1 mm ; vertex medially 0.4–0.5 mm ; vertex next to eye 0.3 mm ; pronotum medially 0.3 mm . Width : head 0.9–1.0 mm; pronotum 0.8 mm . Ocellar diameter 17.3–29.4 µm; ocellocular distance 41.4–61.2 µm. Genitalia. Sternite 7 much wider than long, generally with an irregular, undulating posterior margin ( Figs 7 a & b ). Material examined . Holotype male. South Africa , Western Cape . Wemmershoek Dam N Franschhoek, 33°51S , 19°03ʹE , 201 m , 14.xii.2004 , M. Stiller, DVac, Themeda triandra dominant Poaceae , burned 2003 ( SANC ). Paratypes . 4♂ , 11♀ . Western Cape . 4♂ , 11♀ , same data as holotype ( BMNH , SANC ). Remarks . The aedeagus of P. bidentidiscus is similar to that of P. deltoplacus sp. n. ( Fig. 3 c ) and P. mecophysis sp. n. ( Fig. 3 d ). Both of these species are also associated with the Fynbos Biome. Two other species from the Fynbos Biome, albeit more marginal, are Pravistylus brachyphysis sp. n. and P. scolophallus sp. n. , but both have a different aedeagus ( Figs 3 l & aj, respectively). The plate of P. bidentidiscus ( Fig. 2 ar), which has two dorsal teeth, bears some superficial resemblance to the lobate plate of P. scolophallus sp. n. ( Fig. 2 as). The wide apophysis of the style is also unique to this species. Other species depict similarly notched plates, as in Theronus priapus Stiller and Lecacis platypennis Theron , and at least two undescribed species, but otherwise share no further similar genitalic features.