Reconstitution of some tribes and genera of Lagriinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) Author Aalbu, Rolf L. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA Author Kanda, Kojun USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory, c / o Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Author Merkl, Otto Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Budapest, Hungary Author Ivie, Michael A. Montana Entomology Collection, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA Author Johnston, M. Andrew Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA text ZooKeys 2023 2023-07-26 1172 155 202 journal article 1313-2970-1172-155 11525B8DBA164EC2A53207DF8F1000EC CD2EE59B9D1956F398FE2EAE4C095952 Prateini tribe nov. Figs 6-14 , 15-18 , 19-20 Type genus. Prateus LeConte, 1862. Description. Body length: 1.5-6.0 mm, stout to elongate, glabrous or setose. Most species are unicolored, fuscous to piceous, but a few species are patterned. Head : Eyes round to ovoid, at most feebly notched anteriorly by epistomal canthus. Antennae usually reaching the middle of the pronotum, sometimes extending just past the base of the pronotum; antennomeres obconical to moniliform with last three to five forming a weak to strong club. Thorax : Pronotum shape variable, usually quadrate to rectangular. Lateral margin complete, smooth to dentate. Procoxae clearly separated by prosternal process. Mesocoxal cavity laterally closed by meeting of lateral arms of meso- and metaventrite (Fig. 2 ). Elytra usually confusedly punctured, rarely with well-defined striae. Metathoracic wings usually well developed, but reduced or absent in some species. Legs slender, not fossorial. Penultimate tarsomeres lobed or cupuliform. Abdomen : Intersegmental membranes visible between sternites V-VII, abdominal hinging tenebrionoid. Defensive glands absent. Ovipositor slender, with three to four clearly separated coxite lobes, terminal coxite digitate, gonostyli apical or subapical. Figures 6-14. Dorsal habitus of representatives of Prateini genera. 6 Bolitrium chinensis (Kaszab, 1940), holotype 7 Enicmosoma sp. 8 Indenicmosoma punctator Kaszab, 1979 9 Iscanus trukensis (Kulzer, 1957), paratype 10 Mesotretis ferruginea Bates, 1872, syntype 11 Microcalcar instriatum (Pic, 1925) 12 Micropedinus sp. 13 Paratenetus punctatus Spinola, 1844 14 Tithassa corynomelas Pascoe, 1860. Scale bars: 0.5 mm ( 7, 8 ); 1 mm ( 9, 12, 13 ); images lacking scale bars were produced by Otto Merkl and sizes of specimens were not recorded before he passed. Diagnosis. Prateini is distinguished from Goniaderini and Lupropini by having the mesocoxal cavity closed (i.e., laterally closed by meeting of meso- and metaventrite) and absence of abdominal defensive glands. In Lagriinae , this character combination is only shared with Cossyphini Latreille, 1802. These two tribes can easily be distinguished from each other by the general habitus; all species of Cossyphini have prominent pronotal and elytral flanges, and the pronotal flange covers the head. In Prateini , the pronotum never covers the head. Cossyphini also has medial hinging between abdominal sternites V-VII (i.e., tentyrioid hinging) and intersegmental membranes are not visible, while Prateini has lateral hinging between abdominal sternite V-VII (i.e., tenebrionoid hinging) and intersegmental membranes are visible. Genera included. Antennoluprops Schawaller, 2007a, Ardoiniellus * Schawaller, 2013, Bolitrium Gebien, 1914, Enicmosoma Gebien, 1922, Indenicmosoma Ardoin, 1964, Iscanus Fauvel, 1904, Kuschelus * Kaszab, 1982a, Lorelopsis Champion, 1896, Mesotretis Bates, 1872, Microcalcar Pic, 1925, Micropedinus Lewis, 1894, Paratenetus Spinola, 1845, Prateus LeConte, 1862, Terametus * Motschulsky, 1869 and Tithassa Pascoe, 1860. Figures 15-18. Dorsal habitus of species of Prateus LeConte, 1862 and Lorelopsis Champion, 1896. 15 Prateus fusculus LeConte, 1862, type species of Prateus 16 P. priscus (Sharp, 1876), type species of Lorelus Sharp, 1876 17 Lorelopsis exilis (Champion, 1913) 18 L. trapeziderus (Champion, 1913). Scale bars: 1 mm.