Notes and descriptions on North American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) Author Heffern, Daniel Author Santos-Silva, Antonio text Zootaxa 2017 4247 4 469 479 journal article 33335 10.11646/zootaxa.4247.4.8 8831760e-e2f2-45b0-976c-890a32c360c1 1175-5326 438895 73868750-B377-45F1-9AB3-AE9BAB7D5849 Tigrinestola nearnsi , sp. nov. ( Figs 5–13 ) Description . Holotype male . Head, pronotum, antennae, legs dark brown; sides of prothorax dark brown, gradually reddish toward prosternum; prosternum reddish-brown laterally and close to head, yellowish-brown on remaining surface; ventral side of mesothorax brown laterally and on margin around procoxae and mesosternal process, yellowish-brown on wide central area of mesosternal process, reddish-brown on remaining surface; metasternum yellowish-brown on basal third, laterally gradually dark brown toward midlength, and remaining surface dark brown (more dark reddish-brown centrally); apex of abdominal ventrites I–IV pale yellow; abdominal ventrite I light reddish-brown at about basal half, brown interspersed with dark reddish-brown areas on distal half; abdominal ventrite II with narrow reddish-brown area on base, brown on remaining surface; abdominal ventrites III–V brown; elytra dark brown except the following yellowish-brown areas: wide, slightly oblique, zig-zag band on basal fifth, from humerus to suture (reddish-brown close to suture); large macula laterally from apex of basal 1/ 9 to almost midlength, from epipleura to almost center of disc; moderately small, elongate macula on center of disc before midlength; narrow dark reddish-brown macula along suture, gradually lighter toward apex, from before midlength to distal macula, distinctly projected toward center of disc at about apex of central third (somewhat axshaped); irregular macula on distal third, partially fused to ax-shaped macula, narrowly fused with distal macula; entire distal sixth (anterior margin of this area irregular, covering about distal fifth centrally); entire epipleural area. Pubescence yellowish-white (whiter depending on angle of light); erect setae dark brown, except those between upper eye lobes. Head . Frons minutely, abundantly punctate, interspersed with fine punctures; pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect setae. Antennal tubercles and area between them with sculpture and pubescence as on frons (sparser near coronal suture); base of antennal tubercles with long, erect, sparse setae. Area between upper eye lobes smooth, glabrous centrally toward antennal tubercles, finely, abundantly punctate and pubescent toward posterior edge; with long erect, sparse setae close to eyes. Area of vertex close to eyes finely, abundantly punctate, minutely, abundantly punctate toward prothoracic margin; pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous central area close to prothoracic margin. Area behind eyes minutely, abundantly punctate behind upper eye lobes, subsmooth on tumid area behind lower eye lobes, finely, moderately abundantly punctate on area behind lower eye lobes close to prothoracic margin; pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous area behind lower eye lobes close to prothoracic margin; with long, erect, sparse setae, mainly on tumid area behind lower eye lobes. Genae about as long as width of lower eye lobe; pubescence almost obscuring integument, except on glabrous, narrow distal area. Postclypeus with distal margin flap-shaped; sculpture, pubescence and setae as on frons, except smooth flap-shaped area, with erect setae longer than on remaining surface. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on basal half, inclined on distal half; with long, erect, moderately abundant setae on basal half. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.35 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae (left antenna missing antennomeres X–XI; right antenna missing antennomere XI) 1.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at distal quarter of antennomere X; scape strongly widened at inner side after basal quarter, with long, erect, sparse setae, mainly dorsally; pedicel and antennomere III with long, erect setae ventrally and apex of dorsal surface; antennomeres IV–X with long, erect setae ventrally, gradually sparser toward X; pubescence obscuring integument at about basal third of antennomeres; antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.02; pedicel = 0.30; IV = 1.10; V = 1.00; VI = 0.96; VII = 0.92; VIII = 0.86; IX = 0.75; X = 0.71. Thorax . Prothorax 1.25 times wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercles large, triangular with subacute apex. Pronotum coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate throughout (punctures slightly coarser and denser toward base); pubescence distinctly exposing integument on three large areas: one circular on each side of basal half (with another small, less distinct circular area laterally); one elliptical on central area. Remaining pronotal surface with pubescence partially obscuring integument, sparser on center of basal third and close to distal margin; with long, erect, sparse setae, primarily laterally. Sides of prothorax coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate, with pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect setae. Prosternum with coarse and finer, sparse punctures; pubescence not obscuring integument. Mesosternum minutely punctate, denser on mesosternal process; pubescence exposing integument, mainly on central area. Mesepimeron and mesepisternum finely, sparsely punctate; with pubescence partially obscuring integument. Metepisternum with pubescence partially obscuring integument. Metasternum coarsely, sparsely punctate laterally, gradually smoother toward center; pubescence not obscuring integument, mainly toward central area. Scutellum almost glabrous on base, with dense pubescence distally. Elytra . Coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate on basal third, gradually finer, sparser toward apex; apex subrounded; pubescence not obscuring integument, slightly denser on lighter areas; with long, erect, moderately abundant setae throughout. Legs . Femora with pubescence partially obscuring integument. Tibiae with pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect setae; dorsal side of mesotibiae notched after midlength. Metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together. Abdomen . Ventrites I–IV finely, sparsely punctate; pubescence not obscuring integument, mainly centrally, interspersed with long, erect setae, mainly on distal half (gradually more abundant from I to IV); ventrite V with pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, abundant erect setae, mainly on distal half; distal margin of ventrite V widely concave. Female . Antennae 1.15 times elytral length, reaching at about distal 1/7 of elytra; abdominal ventrite V, longer than in male, with distal margin slightly rounded. Variation of female paratype . Integument almost entirely dark brown, with lighter areas on elytra less distinct. Dimensions ( holotype male/ paratype females) . Total length, 10.25/13.25–15.00; prothorax: length, 1.95/ 2.35–2.45; anterior width, 2.05/2.50–2.70; posterior width, 1.90/2.45–2.80; largest prothoracic width, 2.40/3.00– 3.35; humeral width, 2.90/3.85–4.20; elytral length, 7.15/10.05–10.95. Type material . Holotype male ( MZSP ), 2 paratypes (both female) ( MZSP ; DHCO ) from MEXICO , S.V. Purpus col., no other data ; 2 paratypes ( 1 male , 1 female ) from MEXICO , Oaxaca , 21 Km SSE Cuicatlán , 17°38.064’N / 96°54.825’W , 19.VII. 1998 , 860 m, light trap , F. A. Noguera , A. Rodríguez col. (EBC) ; 1 paratype (male), same data as preceding except: 23.VIII.1998 , F. A. Noguera , A. Rodríguez , M. A. Morales , A. M. Corona col. (EBC). Etymology . The new species is name for our friend and colleague Eugenio H. Nearns. Remarks . Tigrinestola nearnsi sp. nov. differs from T. tigrina and T. howdeni by the lower eye lobes about as long as gena, and elytra with abundant, long and erect setae (lower eye lobes about 1.5 times longer than genae and elytra, at most, with sparse erect setae in these species). The specimens from Oaxaca , included as paratypes , were previously listed as Tigrinestola sp. ( Noguera et. al. 2012 ). (F. Noguera, pers. comm.)