<strong> An annotated checklist of parasitic lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from the Galápagos Islands </ strong> Author Palma, Ricardo L. ricardop@tepapa.govt.nz Author Peck, Stewart B. ricardop@tepapa.govt.nz text Zootaxa 2013 2013-03-18 3627 1 1 87 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3627.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3627.1.1 1175-5326 5261238 B28B2463-1BA5-458A-B0BF-F311F978917A Quadraceps birostris ( Giebel, 1874 ) Nirmus birostris Giebel, 1874: 174 . Nirmus gloriosus Kellogg & Kuwana, 1902: 467 , pl. 29, fig. 1. Nirmus gloriosus Kellogg & Kuwana, 1902 ; Kellogg, 1906: 317 . Lipeurus helleriKellogg, 1906: 319 (not Lipeurus helleri Kellogg & Kuwana, 1902 ). In part Quadraceps birostris ; in part Pectinopygus minor ( Ewing, 1924 ) ; in part Quadraceps separatus ( Kellogg & Kuwana, 1902 ) . Degeeriella birostris ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Harrison 1916: 109 . Degeeriella gloriosa ( Kellogg & Kuwana, 1902 ) ; Harrison 1916: 114 . Quadraceps birostris ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Hopkins & Clay 1952: 309 . Quadraceps birostris ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Clay in Linsley & Usinger 1966: 131 . Quadraceps birostris ( Giebel, 1874 ) ; Palma 1995: 220 . Types probably lost ( Palma 1996: 210 ). Type host: Sterna fuscata Linnaeus, 1766 . Galápagos host: Sterna fuscata crissalis (Lawrence, 1872) . Galápagos locality: Isla Darwin. Galápagos references: Kellogg & Kuwana (1902) ; Kellogg (1906) ; Kellogg (1908: 25) ; Thompson (1939: 75) ; Linsley & Usinger (1966) ; Palma (1995) . Other significant references: Timmermann (1952b: 76 , figs 4–5; 1957: 71, pl. 9, figs a–b); Palma (1994b: 268) ; Palma (1996: 210) ; Price et al. (2003: 223) . Material examined: 9 males and 11 females (8 samples, EMEC ), but see Remarks . Remarks: From the Kellogg Collection, we examined eight males and 11 females labelled and reported by Kellogg & Kuwana (1902: 467–468) as “ Nirmus gloriosus ” from a number of hosts, and we have identified them as Quadraceps birostris . Twelve of those lice, including the lectotype of Nirmus gloriosus , are recorded from “ Sterna fuliginosa ” (= Sterna fuscata ), but their locality is Clipperton Island , not the Galápagos Islands. The remainder are recorded from incorrect hosts, from Galápagos localities. In addition, we examined one male labelled as “ Lipeurus helleri ” from “ Sula fuliginosa ” but reported by Kellogg (1906: 319) from Sterna fuliginosa , collected at Lat. 1 o N, Long. 93 o W, near Isla Darwin, where Sterna fuscata breeds ( Harris 1989: 118 ; Castro & Phillips 1996: 110 ). We have identified that male louse as Quadraceps birostris . At present, Sterna fuscata is the only known host of this louse species ( Price et al. 2003: 223 ).