Systematics of the Protohermes costalis species-group (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) Author Liu, Xingyue Author Hayashi, Fumio Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2007 1439 1 46 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175948 02bb7dce-7590-4f45-8aa9-c6280f2e8b36 1175-5326 175948 Protohermes orientalis sp. nov. ( Figs. 17 , 101–107 ) Diagnosis : Head with three blackish markings on each side of vetex; antenna entirely black; pronotum with two blackish markings on each side; legs almost dark; male ninth sternum with extremely shallow trapezoidal posterior incision. Body length 25–32 mm (male) and 32–35 mm (female); forewing length 31–39 mm (male) and 41–45 mm (female), hindwing length 30–31 mm (male) and 36–38 mm (female). Head ( Fig. 101 ) yellowish brown, without post-ocular spine; vertex with three blackish markings on each side, anterior marking large and subquadrate, posterolateral marking cuneiform, posteromedial marking punctuate. Compound eyes brown; ocelli yellowish brown, darkly margined medially. Antennae black. Mouthparts yellowish brown; maxillary palpus and labial palpus dark brown, mandible with distal half black. Prothorax ( Fig. 101 ) yellowish brown; pronotum with two blackish markings on each side. Meso- and metathorax dark, dorsally with each center pale yellow. Thoracic pilosity yellow, much longer on meso- and meta thorax. Legs dark with dense yellowish short setae; fore and mid legs with trochanters and dorsal surface of femora black; tarsal claws reddish brown. Forewings ( Fig. 17 ) pale smoky brown, with 1 yellowish marking at base, 3–4 yellowish markings at middle and 1 round yellowish markings on apical 1/3; costal cellules with brownish stripes; veins dark except veins in yellowish markings pale yellow. Hindwings much paler than forewings, respectively with 1 yellowish marking at middle and apical 1/3; veins dark, except veins in yellowish markings and at base pale yellow. Rs 9 to 10-branched, last branch bifurcate; 9–11 crossveins between R1 and Rs; M1+2 6 to 7-branched, M3+4 2 to 3-branched; 1A 3-branched. Abdomen dark with yellowish short setae. Male ninth tergum ( Fig. 102 ) subquadrate, with arched anterior margin and truncate posterior margin. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 103 ) subquadrate, posterior margin with extremely shallow incision, leaving a pair of small widely separated subtriangular posterior processes; central portion inflated. Ninth gonostylus ( Fig. 104 ) unguiform and slightly curved dorsomedially. Tenth tergum ( Fig. 102– 103 ) short and subcylindrical, ventrally with one feebly developed tufted tubercle at posteromedial corner; posterolateral corner distinctly and acutely produced; tip slightly incised and densely setose. Tenth sternum ( Fig. 105 ) arched, anteriorly slightly elevated at middle; posterior incision extremely small and V-shaped; lateral lobes elongated and digitiform, distally incurved. Female eighth sternum ( Figs. 106–107 ) strongly sclerotized, subtriangular in lateral view, and subtrapezoidal in ventral view, posterior margin slightly incised, forming pair of obtuse processes; ninth segment ( Fig. 106 ) laterally inflated in one pair of small sac-like lobes; ninth gonocoxite valvate and membranous with one digitiform process at tip; tenth tergum short, with posterior margin medially incised, leaving one somewhat long digitiform upper and one short lower lobe. Type materials. Holotype ɗ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 11.V.1999 , Jian Yao ( IZCAS ). Paratypes ɗ, CHINA : same data as holotype ( IZCAS ); ɗ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 28.IV.1999 , Wanyu Zhang ( IZCAS ); Ψ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 11.V.1999 , Chunmei Huang ( IZCAS ); Ψ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 11.V.1999 , Runzhi Zhang ( IZCAS ); ɗ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 15.V.1999 , Jian Yao ( IZCAS ); Ψ, CHINA : Fujian, Jiangle, Longqishan, 16.V.1999 , Jian Yao ( IZCAS ); Ψ, CHINA : Guangxi, Jinxiu, Luoxiang, 200 m , 14.V.1999 , Xuezhong Zhang ( IZCAS ); ɗ Ψ, CHINA : Guangxi, Maoershan, Tongren, 350 m , 2.V.2004 , Ding Yang ( CAU ); 6 ɗ 10 Ψ, CHINA : Jiangxi, Jiulianshan, 400 m , VII.1986 , Zuyao Liu (SEMCAS). Etymology . The specific epithet ‘ orientalis ’ refers to the oriental distribution of this species. Distribution . China (Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi). Remarks . The new species appears to be closely related to P. acutatus in having a similar appearance, but can be easily separated by the male ninth sternum which has extremely shallow posterior incision. In P. acutatus , the male ninth sternum is deeply incised posteriorly.