Specimen | Tylostyles |
Holotype NIWA 27044 | 309 (134–453) × 9 (6–10) |
Paratype NIWA 27043 | 280 (174–352) × 8 (6–11) |
Paratype NIWA 27045 | 340 (161–467) × 10 (7–15) |
Paratype NIWA 27047 | 277 (177–365) × 9 (5–12) |
Paratype NIWA 27055 | 303 (224–401) × 8 (5–12) |
Paratype NIWA 32063 | 290 (153–444) × 7 (5–9) |
Paratype NIWA 32043 | 224 (156–306) × 8 (5–11) |
Paratype NIWA 27034 | 255 (153–428) × 8 (6–10) |
Paratype NIWA 27046 | 289 (165–414) × 9 (6–14) |
Paratype NIWA 27048 | 313 (211–398) × 9 (6–15) |
Paratype NIWA 27051 | 306 (174–369) × 8 (6–17) |
Paratype NIWA 27052 | 252 (176–324) × 7 (4–10) |
Paratype NIWA 27054 | 292 (200–383) × 8 (6–11) |
Paratype NIWA 32040 | 292 (207–385) × 9 (5–12) |
Paratype NIWA 32061 | 283 (176–419) × 8 (5–13) |
Paratype NIWA 32062 | 345 (180–530) × 10 (7–14) |
Southern Chile | Massive, amorphous, fragments, | Ectosome distinctive, tylostyles | Tylostyles of variable size with no | The authors questioned whether it was | |
with a glassy or translucent | strewn throughout dermal | evidence of differentiation between | “worthwhile to describe a new species on such | ||
appearance; soft, spongy, | membrane, glassy and | ectosome and choanosome: “the | fragmentary evidence,” but they found it | ||
cavernous; where not encrusted by | translucent. Choanosome | different sizes are throughout mixed | interesting that the spiculation was, “almost | ||
other organisms, smooth | irregular with loosely disposed | up with one another.” |
exactly that of the genus
tylostyles of various sizes; a | About 1100 µm long, 25 µm thick | characters, e.g., the arrangement of the skeleton | |||
few indications of fibres | 300–1136 µm long (Hentschel | and nature of the ectosome, are totally | |||
running vertically towards the | 1 914: 52) | different” (Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 168). | |||
surface | |||||
Tristan Gough, 183 m | Irregular encrusting, spreading form | Ectosome translucent, | Tylostyles, two size categories | ||
incorporating many foreign bodies, | detachable in large flakes. | recognised: | |||
sometimes massive with shrivelled | Choanosomal tylostyles are | 340 µm long x 10 µm thick | |||
lobes and thin, bumpy, obtuse | loosely arranged in bundles | 130 µm long x 4.5 µm thick | |||
branches that anastomose with their | which lie obliquely, | ||||
neighbours. Oscules not visible | terminating in surface bouquets | ||||
that pierce the surface | |||||
Antarctica, 350–385 m | Massive, uniformly rounded, with | Ectosome with tylostyles | Tylostyles or styles: | ||
foreign bodies, comparatively dense | tangentially disposed, | 300–1136 µm long | |||
structure, up to 7 cm long. Smooth | choanosomal tylostyles | ||||
surface. Color dirty white. Oscules | randomly disposed, loose | ||||
4 mm wide, with wide membranous | |||||
edge |
Cabo de Espiritu Santo, | Thinly encrusting mass about 15 | Choanosomal tylostyles form | Tylostyles, two size categories |
Patagonian Shelf | mm thick, with surface processes | loose bundles that may be held | recognised: | our current understanding of the genus |
and wrinkles, surface translucent, | together in the base by some | 370 µm long, 12 µm thick |
body cavernous | spongin. At the surface the | 175 µm long, 5 µm thick | an ectosome of tangentially orientated | |
spicules are distributed more |
megascleres. Rather,
evenly, mostly with the tip |
closely to
turned towards the surface; at | as diagnosed by Van Soest (2002) and recently | |||
the ectosome a smaller | revisited in Van Soest & Kluijver (2003) and | |||
tylostyle is disposed chiefly in | Samaai & Gibbons (2005). | |||
a radial position, the tips | ||||
protrude only slightly through | ||||
the surface | ||||
Admiralty Sound, Chile | Irregular encrustation on algae, | Ectosomal tylostyles are similar | Tylostyles, two size categories |
partly branched with frequently |
to the previous species (
recognised: |
closely to
curved, finger-like projections |
400 µm long, 7 µm thick | as diagnosed by Van Soest (2002) and recently | |
in a radial position, arranged | 170–190 µm long, 5 µm thick | revisited in Van Soest & Kluijver (2003) and | ||
between the pores in strongly | Samaai & Gibbons (2005). | |||
diverging bushes. Choanosome | ||||
is more structured than in
branches, and the skeleton is | ||||
denser and less cavernous | ||||
Antarctica | Body globular, lobate, surface | Ectosome composed of small | Styles to subtylostyles: | |
smooth. Ectosome is thin, | tangential tylostyles; | 1300–2000 µm long | ||
parchment-like, easily separable. | choanosome composed of | 27–52 µm wide | ||
Sponge flaccid, elastic, cavernous | branched fibres of large styles, | Tylostyles: | ||
among which isolated | 400–1200 µm long | |||
tylostyles bundles are scattered | 8–20 µm wide | |||
in a disorderly way |