Revision of world Ooderella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), with description of the first males for the genus Author Gibson, Gary A. P. text Zootaxa 2017 4289 1 1 74 journal article 32726 10.5281/zenodo.828791 e2bc9990-e5da-4185-bb22-8ac100ac0bf4 1175-5326 828791 83976631-0200-4CE3-AF6D-C05DE8E8670A Ooderella hansoni n. sp. Figs 28–34 Type material . Holotype ( MZUCR ). “ COSTA RICA , Cartago | Dulce Nombre , Vivero | Linda Vista , 1300m | V- VI.94 , P. Hanson / HOLOTYPE | Ooderella | hansoni | Gibson . Holotype card-mounted by right side; entire; uncontorted. Etymology . Named in honour of Paul Hanson, who collected the unique female on which the species is based, for his long efforts in documenting the insect fauna of Costa Rica . Description . FEMALE (habitus: Figs 30, 31 ). Length = 3.3 mm . Head ( Figs 28–30 ) mostly green with slight reddish-violaceous luster on frontovertex under some angles of light ( Figs 28, 29 ) and more conspicuous, brighter reddish-violaceous luster on clypeus, scrobes, and transversely above interantennal prominence ( Fig. 28 ); in lateral view ( Fig. 29 : insert) moderately convex with frontal surface almost uniformly curved but frontovertex longer than lower face such that broadest slightly below middle, about 1.5× as high as long; in frontal view about 1.2× as wide as high; in dorsal view various ratios not accurately measurable because of mounting, but without ocellocular mark and OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD about 12: 19: 16: 8. Frontovertex with vertex reticulate-rugulose but ocellar triangle and frons more shallowly meshlike reticulate, with white, hairlike setae ( Fig. 28 ). Scrobal depression ( Fig. 28 ) transversely Π-shaped immediately above interantennal prominence, consisting of comparatively smooth and shiny scrobes above toruli and short, transverse region of smaller reticulations just above scrobes and interantennal region compared to reticulations on frons; interantennal prominence uniformly convex with subparallel sides so as to be broad dorsally between scrobes ( Fig. 28 ). Interantennal prominence, lower face and parascrobal region to dorsal limit of scrobes with white lanceolate setae. Mandible ( Fig. 28 ) bidentate with acute ventroapical tooth and broad, slightly incurved dorsoapical margin. Labial and maxillary palps yellowish ( Fig. 28 ). Antenna ( Fig. 29 ) with scape, pedicel basally and most of flagellum dark with greenish luster under some angle of light, though pedicel apically and basal four flagellomeres somewhat paler, brownish than remainder; length of flagellum + pedicel about 2.25× head width; scape slightly compressed and curved, similarly slender throughout; length[width] of scape: pedicel: funiculars: clava = 78[12]: 20[11]: 15[8], 42[9], 45[10], 48[12], 31[13], 28[15], 22[16], 18[16]: 40[23]. Mesosoma mostly yellowish-brown or orangish except pronotum dark posterolaterally anterior to spiracle ( Fig. 33 ), and tegula ( Fig. 33 ), scutellar-axillar complex and propodeum ( Fig. 32 ) darker brown. Legs ( Fig. 30 ) similar in color to mesosoma except middle leg with knee and tibia apically, and tarsi somewhat paler than remainder of legs. Pronotum in dorsal view ( Fig. 31 ) with collar transverse-quadrangular, about 1.5× as wide as long with anterolateral corners right-angled relative to comparatively poorly differentiated anterior margin, the dorsal surface flat with anterior margin obtusely angled relative to neck on either side of deep mediolongitudinal furrow, and with sparse, inconspicuous pale setae ( Fig. 33 ). Mesoscutum ( Fig. 33 ) flat anteriorly and with lateral lobes carinately angled only within about posterior quarter; meshlike reticulate; with inconspicuous posteriorly directed setae of similar color as cuticle except posteromedially with ovate region of dense white lanceolate setae within about posterior quarter extending to posterior margin, with most of setae directed medially but with anteriormost setae directed more anteriorly and posterior-most setae directed more posteriorly. Scutellar-axillar complex ( Fig. 32 ) about 1.6× as long as basal width with hairlike setae of similar color as cuticle along lateral margins of axillae and scutellum; axillae reticulate, elongate-slender; scutellum longitudinally reticulate-strigose, elongate tear-drop shaped, about 3.5× as long as greatest width, with distinctly differentiated, shiny and only obscurely meshlike coriaceous frenal area. Tegula ( Fig. 33 ) uniformly covered with dark setae except bare posterolaterally. Fore wing ( Fig. 32 ) extending slightly over base of propodeum to level of spiracle, about 2.9× as long as greatest width, flat, hyaline; neither costal cell nor submarginal vein extending quite to angulate apical wing margin, with costal cell setose ventrally and submarginal vein with longer though similarly pale setae as very sparsely setose membrane behind vein, including more numerous marginal setae within apical half. Mesopleurosternum ( Fig. 30 ) with region of dense white lanceolate setae forming setal tuft anteriorly on acropleuron and mesopectus dorsally, and mesopectus ventral to setal tuft with somewhat more sparsely setose region of ventrally projecting white lanceolate setae; acropleuron smooth and shiny except finely coriaceous along dorsal and posterior margins. Metacoxa densely setose with white lanceolate setae dorsally and ventrolaterally but bare along length dorsolaterally. Propodeum ( Fig. 32 ) comparatively long with both posterior and anterior margins deeply incurved at midline such that recurved margins contiguous, reticulate-rugulose, and with a couple of white lanceolate setae anterolaterally anterior to spiracle and longer hairlike white setae posterolaterally. FIGURES 28–34. Ooderella hansoni n. sp. , holotype ♀: 28 , head, frontolateral; 29 , antenna and head, dorsolateral [insert: head, lateral]; 30 , lateral habitus; 31 , dorsal habitus; 32 , scutellar-axillar complex to propodeum plus wings; 33 , pronotum and mesoscutum; 34 , gaster, dorsal. Gaster ( Figs 30, 31, 34 ) mostly brown except dorsally white subbasally ( Figs 31, 34 ) and ventrobasally ( Fig. 30 ), syntergal flange whitish-yellow ( Fig. 34 ), and ovipositor sheaths more orangish-brown near base to yellowish apically; shiny with only very fine, subeffaced coriaceous sculpture and beyond Gt2 with long, sparse setae of similar color as cuticle in single row across tergites; syntergum ( Fig. 34 ) mostly concealed by penultimate tergite, but with posteriorly angulate, bare syntergal flange behind subapical row of dark setae; ovipositor sheaths extending conspicuously beyond syntergal flange, by distance about equal to 0.65× length of metatibia. Distribution (Map 1C). Costa Rica . Remarks . Among New World species with a partly sculptured frons, the holotype of O. hansoni is most similar to females of O. hyalipleura and O. reticulifrons because they have conspicuous setal tufts on the acropleuron and mesoscutum posteromedially, but lack setal tufts on the mesoscutum anteriorly, in addition to having similar structures of the scrobal depression and long ovipositor sheaths (see under discussion for genus). Females of the three species also have some green luster on at least some flagellomeres. The holotype of O. hansoni has a more distinctly green head and somewhat lighter brownish, more orangish mesosoma than those of the other two species in addition to other sculptural differences given in the key. Additional specimens are required to determine whether the somewhat paler pedicel and basal four flagellomeres is a good feature to differentiate females of O. hansoni or just a peculiarity of the holotype , and how variable is the color pattern.