Endophytic Colletotrichum species from Dendrobium spp. in China and Northern Thailand Author Ma, Xiaoya Author Nontachaiyapoom, Sureeporn Author Jayawardena, Ruvishika S. Author yde, Kevin D. Author Gentekaki, Eleni Author Zhou, Sixuan Author Qian, Yixin Author Wen, Tingchi Author Kang, Jichuan text MycoKeys 2018 43 23 57 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.43.25081 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.43.25081 1314-4049--23 Colletotrichum citricola F. Huang, L. Cai, K.D. Hyde & H.Y. Li Figure 7 Description. Asexual morph on CMA. Vegetative hyphae 3.1 +/- 1.1 µm diam (N=20), smooth-walled, septate, branched, hyaline. Chlamydospores globose, hyaline. Conidiomata ovoid, orange. Setae (51.8-) 54.1-67.8 (-68.5) x (2.3-) 2.4-5.8 (-7.2) µm (N=6), smooth-walled, 1 or 3-septate, contracted to slightly inflated base, tapering to the apex, apex acute, pale brown to brown. Conidiophores (10.8-) 16.7-25.6 (-30.6) x (3.1-) 4-5.3 (-5.6) µm (N=27), smooth-walled, septate, hyaline. Conidia (12.5-) 13.4-15 (16.5-) x (5-) 5.9-6.9 (-7.2) µm (N=40), L/W = 2.2, ellipsoidal, smooth-walled, hyaline. Sexual morph on CMA. Ascomata (34.5-) 46.4-84.9 (-87.1) x (31.7-) 33.8-46.5 (-50.9) µm (N=5), globose, ostiolate, clustered, pale brown to dark brown. Peridium 1.7-5.8 µm thick, composed of pale to medium brown, flattened, angular cells. Ascogenous hyphae hyaline, smooth-walled. Asci (41.3-) 49.4-65 (-71.6) x (8.3-) 9.5-12.9 (-14.3) µm (N=36), cylindrical, unitunicate, straight or curved, 8-spored. Ascospores (14.4-) 14.8-17.5 (-19.3) x (5.4-) 5.7-7.1 (-7.6) µm (N=25), L/W = 2.5, uni-or bi-seriately, smooth-walled, hyaline, fusiform or one end slightly rounded, with a single guttule in the middle. Cultures on CMA flat with entire margin. Growth rate: 0.6cm/day, with18-days for sporulation. Fluffy, pale mycelia float on the dark scarlet pigment medium, reverse dark brown. Perithecia gregarious. Orange acervuli and ascomata in mass form thick globules. Figure 7. Colletotrichum citricola . A Colony B Conidiomata C Fruiting bodies D Fruiting body with setae E Setae F Ascomata G-L Conidiophores M, N Conidia O Chlamydospore P-U Young asci V-X Ascospores. Scale bars: 500 µm (B), 200 µm (C), 10 µm ( E-F ), 5 µm (G), 5 µm ( M-N ), 10 µm ( Q-U ), 5 µm ( V-X ). Notes. Strains MFLUCC 14-0129 and MFLUCC 14-0131 had similar sequence data, cultures and conidia. There were 5bp and 7bp difference between the strains and Colletotrichum camelliae-japonicae and C. citricola respectively. ITS sequence is 99% identity with unpublished C. boninense strain LD3 -8- 1 isolated from strawberry in China (Unpublished). Blastn searches sequences results in GAPDH (GenBank KC293736) and TUB2 (GenBank KC293656) sequences of C. citricola strain SXC 151 as mention above. ACT sequence is closest to C. karstii strain 42a (GenBank KT122921) isolated from Coffea arabica in Mexico (Cristobal-Martinez et al. 2016). All morphological characteristics of the two strains were nearly the same as the protologue of C. citricola. Therefore, we name strains MFLUCC 14-0129 and MFLUCC 14-0131 as C. citricola . When compared with C. camelliae-japonicae (conidia: 11-14.5 x5- 6.5μm, mean +/- SD = 12.5 +/- 0.8 x 5.5 +/- 0.3μm, L/W=1.5; ascospores: 13.5-18.5 x4- 5.5 μm , mean +/- SD = 16.5 +/-1.1x5+/- 0.4μm, L/W = 3.3), strains MFLUCC 14-0129 and MFLUCC 14-0131 have shorter conidia and wider ascospores.