Diversity and conservation of seasonal killifishes of the Hypsolebiasfulminantis complex from a Caatinga semiarid upland plateau, Sao Francisco River basin, northeastern Brazil (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae) Author Costa, Wilson J. E. M. Author Amorim, Pedro F. Author attos, Jose Leonardo O. text Zoosystematics and Evolution 2018 94 2 495 504 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zse.94.29718 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zse.94.29718 1860-0743-2-495 6ED9D33EEB4B4E84BBFBB0E1BCF6A4DE Hypsolebias fulminantis (Costa & Brasil, 1993) Figs 5, 6 Cynolebias fulminantis Costa & Brasil, 1993: 194 (type locality: swamp near Guanambi [road BR-122], Estado da Bahia, northeastern Brazil [ 14°15'16"S , 42°46'56"W , altitude about 555 m]; MZUSP 43674). Diagnosis. Hypsolebias fulminantis is a member of the H. fulminantis complex, differing from H. splendissimus by: the presence of hyaline pectoral fins in males (vs. red), presence of rudimentary or absence of filamentous rays on the tips of the dorsal and anal fins in adult males (vs. well-developed filamentous rays present), and the second proximal radial of the dorsal fin situated between the neural spines of the 6th and 7th vertebrae in males (vs. between the neural spines of the 8th and 9th vertebrae); and from H. shibattai by having the dorsal-fin origin posterior to the anal-fin origin in males (vs. anterior); distinctive red bars restricted to the anterior portion of the flank males (vs. extending over the whole flank); and absence of contact organs on the pectoral fin in males (vs. present). Figure 5. Hypsolebias fulminantis , UFRJ 4847, male, 44.0 mm SL. Photograph by W.J.E.M. Costa. Figure 6. Hypsolebias fulminantis , UFRJ 4847, female, 34.0 mm SL. Photograph by W.J.E.M. Costa. Distribution, habitat and conservation. Hypsolebias fulminantis has been recorded from several localities in the upper Carnaiba de Dentro River basin, close to the town of Guanambi, in altitudes between 525-555 m asl (Fig. 4). These pools were shallow, maximum depth about 0.5 m, with their surface between about 15 and 300 m2, and always densely occupied by aquatic plants, except in parts where recent anthropic modifications were recorded. Hypsolebias fulminantis was always found close to the pool margins, in shadier places. In 1994, this kind of habitat was abundant in the region, but some decline was already recorded in 1999 ( Costa 2002 ). Previously unsampled pools inhabited by H. fulminantis were found in January 2002 and January 2005. After an intense expansion of the urban area, field studies in May 2009, January 2010, and January and April 2017 failed to find any specimen of H. fulminantis in the region. Remarks. For a full description, see Costa (2007) based on types and other specimens collected in the type locality area. Material examined. Brazil: State of Bahia: Municipality of Guanambi: Sao Francisco River basin, upper Carnaiba de Dentro River drainage: MZUSP 43674, holotype, male, 38.9 mm SL; MZUSP 43675, 2 paratypes; UFRJ 685, 2 paratypes; UFRJ 686, 3 paratypes; Guanambi, road BR-122, 14°15'16"S , 42°46'56"W , altitude about 555 m; G. C. Brasil, 1 Jan. 1992. - UFRJ 6068, 6; UFRJ 6069, 2; UFRJ 6726, 3; Guanambi, road BR-030, 14°12'21"S , 42°45'42"W , altitude about 545 m; W. J. E. M. Costa et al., 13 Jan. 2005. - UFRJ 4802, 1; temporary pool about 4.5 km S from Guanambi, Rio road BR-122, 14°16'49"S , 42°47'01"W , altitude about 525 m; W. J. E. M. Costa et al., 11 Feb. 1999. - UFRJ 4847, 2; same locality as UFRJ 4802; W. J. E. M. Costa et al., 4 May 1999. - UFRJ 3809, 6; UFRJ 5864, 4 (C&S); temporary pool 4.5 km S from Guanambi; A. L. F. Cyrino et al., 27 Jan. 1996.