Recent Ostracoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from São Pedro-São Paulo Archipelago, Brazil: a preliminary approach Author Antonietto, Lucas Silveira Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia, Brazil, ZIP: 70.910 - 900. Author Machado, Cláudia Pinto Centro de Ciências Exatas da Natureza e de Tecnologia, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, ZIP: 95.700 - 000. E-mail: machadocpm @ gmail. com Author Carmo, Dermeval Aparecido Do Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia, Brazil, ZIP: 70.910 - 900. E-mail: derme @ unb. br Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia, Brazil, ZIP: 70.910 - 900. E-mail: jwfundsd @ unb. br Author Rosa, José Wilson Correa text Zootaxa 2012 2012-06-06 3335 1 29 53 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3335.1.2 1175-5326 5251636 179DB571-8A15-453A-87CF-91D38872C59A Triebelina cf. intermedia Witte, 1993 Fig. 5 :7–10 1993 Triebelina intermedia Witte. Witte , pl. 2, figs. 12−18. 1993 Triebelina cf. intermedia Witte. Jellinek , p. 108, tf. 2, fig. 43. ?2000 Triebelina cf. raripila (Müller) . Keyser & Schöning, p. 569, pl. 2, figs. 27−32. FIGURE 5. Ostracods from São Pedro-São Paulo Archipelago, Northeastern Brazil. 1–6. Triebelina sertata Triebel, 1948 . 1–3. Adult carapace, CP-446. 1. Right view. 2. Left view. 3. Dorsal view. 4. Adult valve, CP-447, left internal view. 5. A-2? valve, CP-471, left view. 6. A-5? valve, CP-472, left view. 7-10. Triebelina cf. intermedia Witte, 1993 , A-2 valve, CP-507. 7. Right view. 8. Right internal view. 9. Central muscle scar in detail. 10. Interpretation of the central muscle scar. 11–22. Propontocypris (Ekpontocypris) pirifera ? ( Müller, 1894 ) . 11–13. Adult carapace, CP-473. 11. Right view. 12. Left view. 13. Dorsal view. 14–16. Adult valve, CP-481. 14. Right internal view. 15. Central muscle scar in detail. 16. Interpretation of the central muscle scar. 17. A-1? carapace, CP-475, right view. 18. A-2? carapace, CP-476, right view. 19. A-4? carapace, CP-477, right view. 20. A-5? carapace, CP-478, right view. 21. A-6? carapace, CP-479, right view. 22. A-7? carapace, CP-480, right view. Scale = 100 µm. Holotype . S375 ( Witte 1993 ). Type locality. Joal beach, Senegal ( 14°09’18”N , 16°50’00”W ), and Gambia ( Witte 1993 ) . Material. One specimen (MP-748). Figured specimens. CP-507 (valve) ( Tab. 3 ). Geographic and stratigraphic distribution. Joal beach, Senegal , and Gambia ( Witte 1993 ); Profil Nyali beach, Kenya ( Jellinek 1993 ); possibly São Pedro-São Paulo Archipelago, Brazil ; Recent. Remarks. Diagnosis follows Witte (1993) . The observed specimen differs from the holotype in general size and shape of the ventral carina, possibly representing a juvenile form of the species. Specimens identified as Triebelina cf. raripila ( Müller, 1894 ) in Keyser & Schöning (2000) are similar to T. intermedia , despite their short average length. Comparing the literature for both species ( Müller 1894 ; Yassini 1979 ; Jellinek 1993 ; Witte 1993 ; Szczechura 1998 ), it is possible to separate them based on the more subrectangular general shape and well-developed ventral carina of T. intermedia when compared to T. raripila .