Descriptions, redescription, notes, and new ranks in American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) Author Heffern, Daniel Author Nascimento, Francisco E. De L. Author Santos-Silva, Antonio text Zootaxa 2018 2018-12-11 4531 1 59 80 journal article 27796 10.11646/zootaxa.4531.1.2 03e1d49e-b7d9-470c-ae8e-70bb30b0cc85 1175-5326 2614378 B4D5AB3C-C37F-4570-A94C-56BA031C3180 Ornithia zapotensis Tippmann, 1960 . Material examined . MEXICO , Jalisco : Est. Biol. Chamela , 10 males , 7 females , VII-13/18 -1992, B. K. Eya col. ( BKEC ); 5 males , VII-17/21 -1993, B.K. Eya col. ( BKEC ); 15 km N Melaque Jct. , 2 males , VII-17/21 -1993, B.K. Eya col. ( BKEC ); 1 male , 14.IX. VII-1993 , Morris , Huether , Wappes cols. DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 9713 ( FSCA ); 3 females , 2 males , 10-20. VII. 1985 , E. Giesbert Col. DPI_ FSCA 00009827 / DPI_ FSCA 00009824 / DPI_ FSCA 00009823 / PDPI_ FSCA 00009822 / PDPI_ FSCA 00009821 ( FSCA ) ; 20 km s of El Tuito , 13 specimens ( ACMT ); 12 males , 4 females , 14.VII.1993 , Morris , Huether , & Wappes cols. ( RFMC ); 4 females , 1 male , 13-19.VII.1993 , J.E. Wappes Col. , USNMENT 01488159/USNMENT 01488161/USNMENT 01488162/USNMENT 01488163/ USNMENT 0 1488165 ( USNM ); burn area, 5 males , 14-VII-1993 , Morris , Huether , Wappes cols. 2014// DPI_ FSCA 00009723 / DPI_ FSCA 00009717 / DPI_ FSCA 00009718 / DPI_ FSCA 00009715 / DPI_FSCA 0 0 0 0 9714 ( FSCA ); MX 200 , 1.2 km. S. of La Cumbre , 1 male , 29.VII.2011 Skillman & Turnbow cols. ( FWSC ); 1 male , 3-VIII-2011 , Skillman & Turnbow cols. ( FWSC ); 1 female , MX 80 Melaque Jct . MX 200, Pemex Sta. 20-VII- 2011 , Skillman & Turnbow Cols. ( FWSC ); Tuxcaquesco , 860 m , 3 specimens ( LGBC ); 25 km northeast of Barra de Navidad , 1 female , 3VIII.1978 , Plitt & Schaffner Col. , USNMENT 01488158( USNM ); Guerrero : Hwy 200, 41 km NE Ixtapa , 1 specimen ( ACMT ); 1 male , VII-17,20-85 J.E. Wappes col. DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 9719 ( FSCA ); Chiapas ( new state record ): Sumidero Canyon. 4000m , 1 female , 14.VI. 1987 , E. Giesbert Col. DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 8502 ( FSCA ); Santa Rosa, 2 males , USNMENT01488168/USNMENT 01488170; 25 mi SSW Vicente Guerrero , 1 male , 9.VI.1987 , B. Ratcliffe & M. Jameson Cols. USNMENT 0 1488160 ( USNM ); Hwy 200, 41 km NE Ixtapa , 1 female , 17-20.VII.1985 , J.E. Wappes Col. USNMENT 0 1488164 ( USNM ); Sinaloa : 3 Km e El Marmol , 1 female , VIII. 1983 , E. Giesbert , col., DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 9716 ( FSCA ); Playa Rd. , +- 2 mi E No. Mazatlan Rd. , Sin. , 1 male , 8 Aug 1983 F. Hovore , col. DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 9828 ( FSCA ); 1 male , USNMENT 0 1488166 ( USNM ) . GUATEMALA , Nentón : Rio Lagarteros , 970m , 1 female , 1 male , 4.VI.1997 , E Giesbert & J. Monzon cols. DPI_ FSCA 00009826 / DPI_FSCA 0 0 0 0 9825 (FSCA). HONDURAS ( new country record ), El Pariso : vic Yuscaran , 1 female , 2-VI-1993 , Skillman , Turnbow & Thomas cols. ( FWSC ); Francisco Morazon : 25.5 Km SSW Telanga , 1 male , 3-VI-1993 , M.C. Thomas col. DPI_ FSCA 0 0 0 0 9712, ( FSCA ); Sta. Barbara : 1 male , 10.VII.1956 , A.D. Benegas Col. USNMENT 0 1488171 ( USNM ); Comayagua : Siguatepeque , 1 male , 11.VII.1981 , J.V. Mankins Col. USNMENT 0 1488172 ( USNM ) . EL SALVADOR ( new country record ), La Union : Conchagua ( Vol. Conchagua ), 1 male , 27-29.V.1958 , OL Cartwright Col. , USNMENT 0 1488169 ( USNM ) . NICARAGUA , Nueva Segovia : Cerro Jesus , ~ 1100m . 4 males and 1 female , 6-7.VI.2013 , B. Raber , D Heffern & E. van den Berghe ( DHCO ) . Current geographical distribution . Ornithia mexicana : USA (southern Texas ) , MEXICO ( Chiapas , Colima , Jalisco , Oaxaca , Quintana Roo , San Luis Potosí , Tamaulipas , Veracruz , Yucatán ) , GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA, COSTA RICA , PANAMA . Ornithia zapotensis : MEXICO ( Chiapas , Guerrero , Jalisco , Sinaloa ) , GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, EL SALVADOR , NICARAGUA . Remarks . Ornithia mexicana was first reported from the USA by Vogt (1949) who collected one specimen in Hidalgo County, TX in 1947. To the best of our knowledge, no additional specimens were collected in the USA until 2010 by the first author and B. T. Raber. As pointed out by Hovore et. al (1987) , and confirmed here, the illustration by Linsley (1964) is that of O. zapotensis and not O. mexicana . Additionally, Linsley’s textual description of the male of O. mexicana describes the elytral maculation present on O. zapotensis . An image of one of the specimens collected in Texas is shown on BugGuide (2018).