Review of Gasteruption Latreille (Hymenoptera, Gasteruptiidae) from Iran and Turkey, with the description of 15 new species Author van Achterberg, Cornelis Author Talebi, Ali Asghar text ZooKeys 2014 458 1 187 journal article 1313-2970-458-1 D653F0941A114123815A1298D64457B8 D653F0941A114123815A1298D64457B8 Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Gasteruptiidae Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus, 1758) Figs 259-271 Ichneumon jaculator Linnaeus, 1758: 565, 1761: 406, 1767: 937; Mueller 1764 : 71, 1775: 856; Fabricius 1775 : 340, 1781: 435, 1787: 268; DeGeer 1776 : 25; Villers 1789 : 173; Gmelin 1790 : 2696; Rossi 1790 : 50; Christ 1791 : 375; Petagna 1792 : 365; Cederhjelm 1798 : 163; Schrank 1802 : 271; Hentschius 1804 : 112; Latreille 1805 : 194; Illiger 1807 : 74; Roman 1932 : 8; Fitton 1978 : 378. Foenus jaculator ; Fabricius 1798 : 240, 1804: 141; Walckenaer 1802 : 75; Panzer 1805 : xcvi-16; Latreille 1805 : 194, 1807: 258, 1810: 486; Lamarck 1817 : 148, 1835: 359-360, 1839: 125; Dahlbom 1831 : 76; Curtis 1832 : 423; Nees 1834 : 307; Oken 1835 : 843; Stephens 1835 : 170; Labram and Imhoff 1836 : pl. 24; Zetterstedt 1840 : 408; Westwood 1840 : 134, 1843: 225; Blanchard 1840 : 300; Taschenberg 1866 : 93; Giraud 1877 : 417; Thomson 1883 : 846. Gasteruption jaculator ; Kieffer 1912 : 249; Roman 1932 : 8; Crosskey 1951 : 289; Hedqvist 1973 : 183; Tirgari 1975 : 57 (W. Iran: Khuzestan; C. Iran: Isfahan, Kashan); Fitton 1978 : 378; Oehlke 1984 : 170, 171, 178; Madl 1987a : 403, 1987b : 22, 1988a : 13, 15, 1988c 38, 1989a 160, 1989b 43, 1990a 128, 1990b 480, 482; Kozlov 1988 : 246, 247; Flynn 1989 : 117; Kofler and Madl 1990 : 321; Narolsky and Shcherbal 1991 : 23, 24; Wall 1994 : 157; Scaramozzino 1995 : 3; Neumayer et al. 1999 : 220; Pagliano and Scaramozzino 2000 : 13, 17, 28; Saure 2001 : 29; Yildirim et al. 2004 : 1350; Turrisi 2004 : 84; van der Smissen 2010 : 372; van der Spek 2012 : 12; van Achterberg 2013 : 83. Foenus granulithorax Tournier, 1877: viii; Thomson 1883 : 846; Wall 1994 : 148. Synonymized with Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus) by Thomson, 1883 and Ferriere , 1946. Faenus granulithorax ; Abeille de Perrin 1879 : 264, 267, 273. Gasteruption granulithorax ; Schletterer 1885 : 279; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1067; Szepligeti 1903 : 369; Kieffer 1912 : 266; Schmiedeknecht 1930 : 377, 378, 381; Hedicke 1939 : 12; Ferriere 1946 : 237, 238, 245; Leclercq 1948 : 76; Hellen 1950 : 3; Sedivy 1958 : 35, 36, 39; Gyoerfi and Bajari 1962 : 45, 50; Schmidt 1969 : 294; Dolfuss 1982 : 23. Gasteryption granulithorax ; Semenov 1892 : 213. Faenus obliteratus Abeille de Perrin, 1879: 264, 266, 272; Hedqvist 1973 : 183; Wall 1994 : 148. Synonymized with Gasteruption granulithorax (Tournier) by Ferriere , 1946 and with Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus) by Hedqvist, 1973 and Oehlke, 1984. Gasteruption obliteratum ; Schletterer, 1885, 310, 1889: 410; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1069; Kieffer 1912 : 255; Schmiedeknecht 1930 : 377, 378, 381; Hedicke 1939 : 17; Ferriere 1946 : 245. Foenus rugidorsus Costa, 1885: 22; Wall 1994 : 149. Gasteruption rugidorsum ; Kieffer 1912 : 255. Gasteruption rugidorsum ; Schletterer 1885 : 325, 1889: 417, 419; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1074; Hedicke 1939 : 20; Ferriere 1946 : 245. Synonymized with Gasteruption thomsonii Schletterer by Schletterer, 1889 (with a question mark) and Ferriere , 1946 (without comment). Gasteruption thomsonii Schletterer, 1885: 285, Schletterer 1889 : 382, 388, 394, 396, 417; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1073; Kieffer 1912 : 254; Hoeppner 1904 : 101; Lindemans 1921 : 298; Schmiedeknecht 1930 : 377, 381; Hedicke 1939 : 22; Ferriere 1946 : 245; Hedqvist 1973 : 183; Malyshev 1965 : 248, 1968: 44; Wall 1994 : 149. Synonymized with Gasteruption granulithorax Tournier by Ferriere , 1946 and with Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus) by Hedqvist, 1973 and Oehlke, 1984. Gasteryption thomsoni ; Semenov 1892 : 208. Gasteryption thomsoni var. monochropus Semenov 1892 : 208; Kieffer 1912 : 255; Hedicke 1939 : 24. Gasteryption schewyrewi Semenov, 1892: 207-208; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1072; Szepligeti 1903 : 368; Kieffer 1912 : 268; Hedicke 1939 : 21. Syn. n. Type material. Lectotype of Gasteruption jaculator here designated, ♀ coll. no. 2651 [from Sweden, probably Uppsala] in the Linnean Society, London and examined by Roman (1932) and Fitton (1978) . The lectotype has been studied digitally ( by the first author; no. 2650 is a paralectotype, it has the antenna damaged and is labelled "48, jaculator". Lectotype of Gasteruption granulithorax here designated, ♀ (MNHG), "[France], Bordeaux, Perez C.", "Cn Tournier", "Type" , "granulithorax Tourn., Soc. Br. C. rend., 1876", "Lectotypus des. Madl, 1987", " Gasteruption jaculator L., ♀, det. Madl, 1986"; 1 ♂ paralectotype (MNHG), "[France], Bord[eaux], Perez, a!", "Cn Tournier", "Type" , " Foenus granulithorax Tourn., ♂", "Ce type ♂ n', Est pas la meme especes que le type ♀ de granulithorax! C', Est probablement ♂ de tibiale Schl., Ch. Ferriere" , "Paralectotypus des. Madl, 1987", " Gasteruption bidentulum Thoms., det. Madl, 1986". Lectotype of Gasteruption thomsonii here designated: ♀ (ZIL) with small pink label, possibly indicating the type locality Gotland. Schletterer had material in NMW, but he listed in the original description only "Schweden" , as locality. Lectotype of Gasteruption obliteratum here designated, ♀ (MNHN), "Museum Paris EY 0000003930", "obliteratus ab.", "[Austria,] Dibg,[18]78", "Museum Paris, coll. Abeille de Perrin, 1919", "Lectotypus, des. Madl, 1987", " Gasteruption jaculator L., ♀, det. Madl, 1987"; according to original description additional syntypes from France (Marseille, Bordeaux, les Landes, Pyrenees), but not examined. Holotype of Gasteruption monochropus ♀ (ZISP) from Russia examined. Holotype of Gasteruption schewyrewi ♂ (ZISP) from Ukraine (Poltawa) examined. Additional material. Iran (Mazandaran, Noor, Chamestan, Gaznasara; Alborz, Chalous Road, Shahrestanak); Turkey (Van, 20 km W of Van; Konya, 30 km S of Aksehir; 10 km W of Gaziantep; 15 km W of Refahye, W of Erzincan, 1600 m; near Tatvan; Anatolia, Paliklicesme, 50 m; Hakkari, Beytuesebab , 1400 m; id., Habur Deresi valley, S of Beylisebap, 1100 m; Van, Van, 1800 m; Hakkari, Mt. Sat, SW of Yueksekova , Varegoes , 1650 m). Diagnosis. Apex of ovipositor sheath with a distinct white or ivory band, 1.5-2.7 times as long as hind basitarsus (up to 3.0 times in N. African specimens); head flat in front of occipital carina, without any depression; occipital carina strongly lamelliform and somewhat shorter than diameter of posterior ocellus (Figs 259, 269); fifth antennal segment of female 1.0-1.4 times as long as third segment; vertex rather matt and very finely aciculate; malar space short; antesternal carina narrow; length of propleuron 0.8-0.9 times distance between tegulae and anterior border of meso scutum (Fig. 260); mesoscutum coarsely punctate-rugose anteriorly and interspaces more or less smooth, lateral lobes more or less coriaceous, contrasting with middle lobe (Figs 261, 267); hind tibia rather swollen (Fig. 265); hind tibia and basitarsus more or less ivory or white subbasally; ovipositor sheath 1.0-1.2 times as long as body and 1.5-1.7 times as long as metasoma (but only 1.4 times metasoma in N. African specimens). Males have shape of third antennal segment similar to second segment, rather short and usually 1.1-1.3 times as long as second segment and fourth antennal segment distinctly longer than (about 1.2 times as long as) second and third segments combined. Distribution. Europe, N. Africa, Iran, Turkey. Biology. Predator-inquiline of Colletinae ( Colletes and Hylaeus spp.). Collected in May-August. Notes. The specimens from Mazandaran have the middle lobe of the mesoscutum more dominantly punctate than European and Turkish specimens and lack the transverse rugulosity, but a female from Gaznasara has superficial punctures on the meso scutum between the transverse rugulosity and a second female has the mesoscutum mainly strongly punctate. Two males seen from slight impression near occipital carina medio-dorsally and considered to be an unknown species. Figures 259-266. Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus), female, Netherlands. 259 head lateral 260 mesosoma lateral 261 mesonotum dorsal 262 fore wing 263 head anterior 264 head dorsal 265 hind leg 266 apex of ovipositor sheath. Figures 267-271. Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus), male, Norway. 267 mesonotum dorsal 268 basal antennal segments 269 head lateral 270 head dorsal 271 hind leg.