Annotated type catalogue of the Megaspiridae, Orthalicidae, and Simpulopsidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London Author Breure, Abraham S. H. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, Leiden, the Netherlands Author Ablett, Jonathan D. Natural History Museum, Division of Higher Invertebrates, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK text ZooKeys 2015 2015-01-12 470 17 143 journal article 1313-2970-470-17 0E78A6A90B82401199EED5895E7F8A9E FFDAFF85127CFFB3AA5915611C3A767A 578680 Simpulopsis cumingi Pfeiffer, 1861 Figs 24iii-vi , L5ii Simpulopsis cumingi Pfeiffer 1861a [April]: 84; Pfeiffer 1861b [May]: 27, pl. 3 fig. 2; Reeve 1862 [1860-1862]: pl. 1 fig. 5; Pfeiffer 1868a : 22; Pilsbry 1899 : 220, pl. 63 figs 61-62; Breure 1979 : 134. Type locality. "Mexico" . Label. "Mexico" , taxon label in Pfeiffer's handwriting. M.C. label style III. Dimensions. "Diam. maj. 20 1/2, alt. 12 mill.". Figured specimen H 14.1, D 19.0, W 3.4. Type material. NHMUK 1975486, lectotype and one paralectotype (Cuming coll.). Remarks. Pfeiffer did not state on how many specimens his description was based. Two specimens have been found in the collection, of which one is designated lectotype ( design. n. ) to fixate this poorly understood species. This taxon was compared to Simpulopsis aenea by Pilsbry (1899) , but has not been recognised by later authors. Richardson's references ( 1995 : 363) to a citation for Venezuela [ Richards and Wagenaar Hummelinck 1940 : 7] and Brazil [ Jaeckel 1952 : 7] were in error; these authors mentioned " Tomigerus cumingi Pfeiffer" [ Odontostomidae ]. The current systematic position is according to Thompson (2011 : 130), who expressed doubt about the locality from which it was reported. Current systematic position. Simpulopsidae , Simpulopsis (Simpulopsis) cumingi Pfeiffer, 1861.