Description of a new subgenus and four new species of Gnaptorina Reitter, 1887 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Blaptini) from China Author Bai, Xing-Long These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors. Author Li, Xiu-Min These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors. Author Ren, Guo-Dong text Zootaxa 2020 2020-07-06 4809 1 165 176 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4809.1.10 1175-5326 3933830 2D6CC107-CE94-4F21-8CA4-E406AC7A312A Gnaptorina ( Austroptorina ) polita sp. n. ( Figs 2 , 7–8 ) Type material. Holotype : ( MHBU ) ( Fig. 7 ), labeled “ 2015-VIII-8 / ĦṜĖĠMở+9 [ Quzika Township , Markam County , Xizang ] / ĒÑḦ ŮẊAE ÜṬ± [Guo-Dong Ren, Xing-Long Bai & Jun-Sheng Shan leg.] / Oi ËXỶṘṄẘ [Museum of Hebei University]” // “ 29°11.595′ N / 98°38.210′ E / Alt. 2559 m / OiËXỶṘṄẘ [ Museum of Hebei University ]” . Paratypes : 9 8♀ ( MHBU ), same data as holotype. Types have the additional label “ HOLOTYPE (and PARATYPE , respectively) / Gnaptorina polita sp. n. / Det. Bai Xinglong , 2018” . Description. Body shiny, black; antennae, palpi and tarsi brown. Male ( Figs 2 A–J, 7). Head ( Fig. 2A ). Anterior margin of epistome weakly emarginate. Lateral margins of head with shallow obtuse-angled incision above antennal base. Genal margins parallel before eyes. Eyes transverse, not protruding beyond contour of head. Dorsal surface of head weakly convex, with dense and fine punctures. Antennae ( Fig. 2B ) slender and long, reaching beyond pronotal base; antennomeres 4–7 long and cylindrical, 9–10 spherical, 11 oval; length (width) ratio of antennomeres 2–11 39(25): 95(25): 50(24): 45(22): 45(22): 47(25): 47(32): 38(35): 37(37): 50(37). Prothorax . Pronotum ( Fig. 2C ) trapeziform, 1.1 times as wide as long, 1.6 times as wide as head. Lateral sides widest at base, ratio of width at anterior margin to base 27: 42. Anterior margin weakly emarginate, beaded laterally; lateral margins subparallel from base to middle and narrowing toward anterior angles straightly, slightly emarginate before posterior angles, finely beaded along entire length; posterior margin straight, beaded laterally. Anterior angles weakly obtuse, posterior ones rectangular. Disc strongly convex, with shallow and round depressions laterally before base, surface with dense and fine punctures. Prothoracic hypomera weakly concave, with longitudinal wrinkles and sparse and tiny granules. Prosternal process steeply sloping behind procoxae and forming wide and flat prominence at end of declivity. Pterothorax. Elytra elongate and convex, 1.6 times as long as wide, 1.3 times as wide as pronotum, widest at middle. Surface smooth, with shallow fine and sparse punctures and irregular short wrinkles. Lateral margins reaching sutural elytral angle, visible dorsally in anterior third and apex. Surface of epipleura smooth, with shallow wrinkles. Abdomen . Ventrites with sparse and short yellow setae, 1 and 2 flat or weakly concave in middle, 1–3 with longitudinal wrinkles, apex of 3 and 4–5 with punctures. Legs ( Fig. 2 D–H) slender and long. Profemora with obtuse tooth. Protibiae slightly emarginate from middle to apex and weakly curved to inner side apically, upper apical spur obviously shorter than protarsomere 1, lower api- cal spur shorter; ventral surface of protarsomere 1 with hairy brush, 2 with hairy brush at apex. Mesotibiae weakly curved; ventral surface of mesotarsomere 1 with hairy brush at apex. Metatibiae straight or slightly curved. Ratio of length (width) of pro-, meso- and metatibiae 35(5): 35(7): 50(8), that of metatarsomeres 1–4 12(3): 8(3): 7(3): 12(3). Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 I–J) 2.9 mm long and 0.7 mm wide. Parameres 1.0 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, widest at base and arcuately narrowing toward apex, flattened laterally in dorsal view; dorsal side nearly straight, slightly curved to ventral side apically in lateral view. Female ( Figs 2K , 8 ). Body wider than male. Antennae not reaching pronotal base, antennomeres 8–10 spherical. Elytra more convex. Abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 neither flat nor concave in middle. Inner side of protibiae straight, not curved to inner side apically; upper apical spur wide and flat, obviously longer than protarsomere 1, lower apical spur extremely short; ventral surface of protarsomere 1 with setae similar to hairy brush at apex ( Fig. 2K ), 2 without hairy brush. Lateral sides of apical spurs of mesotibiae subparallel; ventral surface of mesotarsomere 1 without hairy brush. Lateral sides of outer apical spur of metatibiae subparallel, inner apical spur strongly widened at apex. Measurements. Body length: 11.3–13.8 mm , 11.5–14.2 mm ; width: 5.4–6.1 mm , 6.2–6.7 mm . Etymology. This species is named from the Latin adjective “ politus ”, in reference to its smooth elytral surface. FIGURE 2. Characters. Gnaptorina ( Austroptorina ) polita sp. n. A–J. male: A. head; B. antenna; C. pronotum; D. apex of profemur; E. protibia; F. protarsus; G. mesotarsus; H. metatibia; I–J. aedeagus in dorsal and lateral view. K. female: protarsus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Distribution. China : Xizang . Diagnosis. This new species is morphologically similar to G. longicornis Li & Ren, 2004 , but can be distinguished from the latter by the following male character states: (1) genal margins parallel before eyes (protruding in G. longicornis ); (2) antennomere 9 not spherical (spherical in G. longicornis ); (3) pronotum widest at base (widest at middle in G. longicornis ); (4) elytral surface smooth, with shallow fine and sparse punctures and irregular short wrinkles (coarse, with coarse wrinkles in G. longicornis ); (5) metatibiae straight or slightly curved (strongly curved in G. longicornis ); (6) parameres flattened laterally (not flattened in G. longicornis , Fig. 1C ), lateral sides more arcuate narrowing toward apex in dorsal view, more weakly curved to ventral side apically in lateral view.