Neotropical Fanniidae (Insecta: Diptera): new species of Euryomma Stein from Colombia Author Grisales, Diana Author Wolff, Marta Author de Carvalho, Claudio J. B. text Journal of Natural History 2012 2012-04-30 46 13 - 14 803 829 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2011.651644 1464-5262 5199672 C34C3285-B09E-4406-82BF-B306E33DC6D0 Euryomma cornuatum sp. nov. ( Figures 1B,G , 2C , 3C , 4C , 5C ) Diagnosis Frontal vitta orange-reddish with apical margins reddish and faint grey pollinosity; scape dark yellow and pedicel brownish with apical margin yellow; area surrounding antennal suture yellow; length of postpedicel twice the length of pedicel; scutum with three dark brown vittae expanded from base of scutellum until the discal area, faint vitta on intra-alar area; sternite 5 wide, with two long, narrow, strongly sclerotized apical processes bearing setae; male terminalia with epandrium longer than wide and surstylus long and narrow. Description Male holotype . Body length 3.5 mm ; wing length 2.8 mm . Head. Eye with sparse setulae. Frontal vitta reddish orange, sparsely yellow pollinose, with anterior margin reddish. Interocular space 0.4 mm . Two pairs of fr , with intercalated setulae ( Figure 1B ). Orb two pairs, anterior pair lateroclinate, posterior pair reclinate ( Figure 1B ). Ocellar tubercle grey, yellow pollinose; oc proclinate and developed, tubercle area with short setulae and a pair of weakly developed setae. Poc divergent. Fronto-orbital plate, parafacial and gena golden yellow pollinose. Parafacial with short setae on dorsal half. Scape brown pollinose, with one seta reaching to pedicel. Pedicel brownish with apical margin and area around antennal suture yellowish, inner surface yellow pollinose. Postpedicel dark brown with golden yellow pollinosity, twice the length of pedicel. Arista brown, with short pubescence, rays shorter than width of base of arista. Palpus brown, flat and claviform. Thorax. Yellowish with golden yellow pollinosity, scutum grey with faint golden yellow pollinosity, three brown vittae along acr and dc , median vitta expanding until the disc of scutellum; intra-alar area with a faint vitta. Acr 2–3:3, in irregular rows. Dc 2:3, first presutural seta longer than half the length of second presutural seta. Postpronotum with two well-developed setae and one weak seta. Pra two, seta nearest to suture longer. Proepimeral setae two, seta nearest to spiracle longer, proepimeral area without setulae. Katepisternal setae 1:1, with one weakly developed seta between them, katepisternum with short setulae. Prebasal scutellar setae present, with neighbouring setulae. Wing. Hyaline. Calypter whitish. Haltere yellowish. Legs. Brownish. Coxae brownish. Fore femur darker, trochanters, apex of femora and tibiae yellow; tarsi dark brown with yellowish pulvilli. Fore femur on av surface with a row of short setae; pd surface with a row of long setae; p surface with a row of setae shorter than pd setae; pv surface with a row of long sparse setae; v surface bare. Fore tibia on d and pd surfaces with a pre-apical seta; ad surface with a seta at limit of apical third and a pre-apical seta; pv and v surfaces with an apical seta. Fore first tarsomere with long and strong basal setae on v surface. Mid femur on av surface with a row of sparse setae, setae on apical half short, hooked, and closer together; ad surface with a row of setae from base to apical third, and two pre-apical setae; pv surface with a basal differentiated seta, with two rows of hooked setae from base to apex, the most ventral row with short setae; p surface with four differentiated preapical setae. Mid tibia on v surface with two apical setae, one long and one short; ad surface with a developed pre-apical seta; a surface with a seta at the limit of apical third and a pre-apical seta; av surface with a long apical seta; pd surface with a short preapical seta; p surface with a median seta and a short pre-apical seta; pv surface with a short apical seta. Hind coxa setulose on posterior margin. Hind femur on apical third of ad surface with three developed setae; a surface on basal half with long and curved setae; av surface on apical half with a row of short setae, and two pre-apical, straight, well-developed setae; d surface with a developed pre-apical seta; pd surface with a differentiated seta; pv surface with a row of short setae. Hind tibia on d surface with a median seta and a pre-apical seta; a surface with a short pre-apical seta; ad surface with a median seta at the same level as d median seta, and a pre-apical seta; av surface with a median seta and a developed apical seta; v surface with two short apical setae; pv surface with a developed apical seta. Hind first tarsomere with a long basal seta on v surface. Abdomen. Grey with syntergite 1+2 and tergites 3–5 with a large median brownish vitta; marginal lateral setae differentiated and developed. Tergites 3–5 with a pair of lateral basal developed setae. Sternite 1 bare. Sternite 5 ( Figure 2C ): wide, with two long apical extensions, narrow and with weak long setae. Terminalia ( Figures 3C , 4C ): epandrium longer than wide and with short setae apart from one another; surstylus long and narrow, articulated with epandrium and the cercal plate, inner surface with short and sparse setae; cercal plate fused apically (V-shaped). Hypandrium and associated structures as in Figure 5C . Female. Similar to male except for the following characters: body length 3.6 mm ; wing length 3.6 mm . Frontal vitta reddish-orange, pollinosity more dense than in males. Interocular space 0.4 mm . Scape with one or two setae reaching pedicel. Pedicel brownish, with apical margin yellowish. Calypter whitish. Haltere yellowish. Terminalia ( Figure 1G ): cercus shorter and narrower than anal plate; anal plate longer than wide, with long setae; sternite 8 reduced to a small horizontal plate and two membranous plates that have three or four setae; sternite 7 slightly wider than long, with apical setae; sternite 6 wider than long, with apical setae. Two round and smooth spermathecae ( Figure 1G ). Variation Males and females can be dark brown or grey with golden yellow pollinosity; body length 2.5–3.0 mm, wing length 2 mm ; frontal vitta dark brown with yellowish pollinosity and anterior margin slightly yellowish in some specimens; intra-alar area occasionally with inconspicuous vitta; katepisternum without setulae; scutellar prebasal area without setulae; all femora brown; mid femur on pv surface with two to four differentiated pre-apical setae. Biological notes According to collecting label data this is a synanthropic species and has the potential to become important to forensics. It is found in human habitations, rat carrion and dung and fish traps. Comments The male terminalia of E. cornuatum sp. nov. is similar to those of E. chitarera sp. nov. and E. muisca sp. nov. However, it can be readily differentiated by the length of the surstylus, almost twice as long as epandrium ( Figure 3B,C ) and the apical projections of sternite 5 are longer and have less developed setae and spines ( Figure 2B,C ). The hypandrium of E. cornuatum is also distinctive ( Figure 5C ). The holotype is in excellent condition. Etymology The specific epithet, cornuatum , refers to the horn-shaped basal processes of sternite 5, (from the Latin cornu , cornus = horn). Type material Male holotype (MEFLG). Colombia . V. Medellín \ en habit.\ Mayo 1947 \ Gallego. MEFLG . Paratypes V. Medellín \ en habit.\ Mayo 1947 \ Gallego. MEFLG ( MEFLG , 5 males and 1 female ); Ant. [ Antioquia ]. U de A.\ En cadáver Curí \ 9:00. 1 Dic. 2000 \ P. Duque. CEUA ( 1 male , CEUA ); CO05 [ Colombia , Antioquia ]. Medellín \ A. Microestación \ T. VSR [ Van Someren-Rydon trap ] pescado\ Mar.8 / 2006 \ Y. Ramos \ CEUA 38135 ( 1 male and 1 female , CEUA ); Colombia . Antioquia . Medellín \ Universidad de Antioquia . Ciudad \ Universitaria. 1450 m . Pitfall Copro\ Agosto 27 / 2002 \ Diaz & Monsalve. CEUA ( 11 males and 6 females , CEUA ) . Distribution Colombia : department of Antioquia (Sistema Andino, Cordillera Central).