The ammonoids from the Gattendorfia Limestone of Oberrödinghausen (Early Carboniferous; Rhenish Mountains, Germany) Author Korn, Dieter 286CA4F3-7EBC-4AEF-A66A-B2508D001367 Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany. Author Weyer, Dieter A09A1738-C70E-4F22-A069-8B7DB4A1753D Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-07-19 882 1 230 journal article 58033 10.5852/ejt.2023.882.2177 57d1d191-2bf5-4229-a0f5-9ab472a114a6 2118-9773 8177581 67C909E4-C700-4F8D-B8CE-5FD9B2C5D549 Genus Zadelsdorfia Weyer, 1972 Type species Gattendorfia asiatica Librovitch, 1940: 49 ; original designation. Diagnosis Genus of the Gattendorfiinae with a usually thickly discoidal to globular conch with low to moderately high coiling rate (WER = 1.50–1.90); inner whorls subevolute or evolute, adult stage subinvolute or involute. Ornament with convex or slightly biconvex, rursiradiate growth lines, shell with or without constrictions. Suture line with deep slightly pouched external lobe; adventive lobe usually asymmetric. Genus composition Central and South Europe ( Schmidt 1924 ; Schindewolf 1926a ; Korn & Feist 2007 ): Gattendorfia crassa Schmidt, 1924 ;? Imitoceras apertum Schindewolf, 1926 ; Gattendorfia nazairensis Korn & Feist, 2007 ; Zadelsdorfia oblita sp. nov. North Africa ( Ebbighausen et al. 2004 ; Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen 2006 ; Ebbighausen & Bockwinkel 2007 ): Gattendorfia jacquelinae Ebbighausen, Bockwinkel, Korn & Weyer, 2004 ; Zadelsdorfia debouaaensis Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen, 2006 ; Gattendorfia lhceni Ebbighausen & Bockwinkel, 2007 ; Gattendorfia gisae Ebbighausen & Bockwinkel, 2007 ; Zadelsdorfia zana sp. nov. Urals and Central Asia ( Librovitch 1940 ; Liang 1976 ; Popov & Kusina 1997 ): Gattendorfia asiatica Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia nuraensis Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia subaperta Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia yaliana Liang, 1976 ; Gattendorfia occlusa Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia applanata Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia kazakhstanica Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia reticulata Librovitch, 1940 ; Gattendorfia ( Zadelsdorfia ) acricula Ruan, 1995 ; Gattendorfia ( Zadelsdorfia ) artilobata Ruan, 1995 ; Gattendorfia ( Zadelsdorfia ) hoboksarica Ruan, 1995 ; Gattendorfia ( Zadelsdorfia ) lanceolata Ruan, 1995 ; Gattendorfia ( Zadelsdorfia ) popanoides Ruan, 1995 ; Gattendorfia parapplanata Sheng, 1984 ;? Gattendorfia uralica Librovitch in Popov & Kusina, 1997 . North America ( Winchell 1870 ; Miller 1891 ; Miller & Youngquist 1947 ; Miller & Collinson 1951 ; Miller & Garner 1955 ; Gutschick & Treckman 1957 ): Goniatites Andrewsi Winchell, 1870 ; Goniatites Ohiensis Winchell, 1870 ;? Goniatites Brownensis Miller, 1891 ; Gattendorfia bransoni Miller & Youngquist, 1947 ; Gattendorfia mehli Miller & Collinson, 1951 ; Gattendorfia minusculum Miller & Collinson, 1951 ; Gattendorfia stummi Miller & Garner, 1955 ;? Gattendorfia alteri Gutschick & Treckman, 1957 . Remarks Zadelsdorfia is closely related to Gattendorfia and a sharp line of separation cannot be drawn according to the current knowledge of many of the species. Zadelsdorfia can best be separated from Gattendorfia by the pouched external lobe (almost parallel-sided in Gattendorfia ), the asymmetric adventive lobe (almost symmetric in Gattendorfia ) and the adult conch with a rather distinct closure of the umbilicus.