Three new species of Diduga Moore, [1887] (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) from Cambodia Author Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal Author Lee, Dong ˗ June Author Bae, Yang ˗ Seop text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-08 4514 3 411 424 journal article 28007 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.3.6 0973fa16-cbab-4b38-b71c-8eb6e086dd1a 1175-5326 2608133 39171900-3498-4BF1-BBF1-EE30467ADEB2 Diduga albicosta Hampson, 1891 ( Figs. 1 , 12 , 17 ) Diduga albicosta Hampson, 1891 , Ill. Typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln. Br. Mus. 8: 5, 53, pl. 140: 17. TL: India (Nilgiris). Diduga albicosta : Hampson, 1900 , Cat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2: 540, fig. 395. Diduga albicosta : Černý & Pinratana, 2009 , Moths of Thailand 6: 12, pl. 1: 17. Diduga albicosta : Bucsek, 2012 , Erebidae , Arctiinae ( Lithosiini , Arctiini ) of Malay Peninsula˗ Malaysia : 24, pl. 4: 50. Androstigma albicosta : Hampson, 1893 , Ill. Typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln. Br. Mus. 9: 82, pl. 158, f. 25. Diagnosis. Wingspan 13˗14 mm in male and female. D. albicosta is similar to D. dubatolovi n. sp. , both of them with deep yellow margins along the costa and distally in forewing, but it can be distinguished by the following characters: hind border of deep yellow margins with a shallow angle in tornus; antemedial and postmedial dark spots on costa; hindwing dark gray with dark brown patch of androconia edged with white ( Figs. 1a, 1b ); in male genitalia ( Fig. 12 ), valva distinctly narrower over apical half, blunted; saccus rectangular; aedeagus short, straight, and vesica with one plate˗shaped cornutus; in female genitalia ( Fig. 17 ), ductus bursae tubular, membranous, with a large sclerotized plate in cervix of bursae; corpus bursae ovoid, membranous, with one rounded signum. TABLE 1. Distribution of Diduga species of the adjacent countries to Cambodia. S p e c i es o f D i d u ga
D. albicosta Hampson India (Kirti & Singh 2015) + China (Fang 2000) Thailand (Černý & Pinratana 2009) + Vietnam (Dubatolov & Bucsek 2016) peninsular Malaysia (Bucsek 2012; 2014) + Borneo (Holloway 2000) D. alternota Bucsek + D. ambigua Bucsek + D. annulata Hampson + + + D. amoenusa Bucsek + D. barlowi Holloway + D. ciliata Holloway + D. costata Moore + D. cucphuonga Dubatolov & Bucsek + D. dorsolobata Holloway +
Cambodia (Bae et al. 2016) +
D. flavicostata (Snellen) D. flavifinis Bucsek + + + + +
D. fumipennis (Hampson) D. mininota Bucsek + +
D. nota Bucsek +
D. pectinifer Hampson +
D. rufidisca Hampson +
D. spinosusa Bucsek +
D. trichophora Hampson D. zetes Bucsek + + +
Total 20 spp. 5 spp. 1 sp. 3 spp. 1 sp. 12 spp. 6 spp. 5 spp.
FIGURES 1–6. Adults of genus Diduga spp. from Cambodia. 1a. D. albicosta , male (INU˗1742C). 1b. ditto , female (INU˗1998C). 2a. D. dubatolovi n. sp. , male (holotype, INU˗1775C). 2b. ditto , female (paratype, INU˗1193C). 3a. D. kohkongensis n. sp. , male (holotype, INU˗1412C). 3b. ditto n. sp. , female (paratype, INU˗1743C). 4. D. bispinosa n. sp. , male (holotype, INU˗1415C). 5. D. barlowi , male (INU˗1410C). 6. D. amoenusa , male (INU˗1411C). Material examined. Cambodia : 1 ♂ , Seima , Mondulkiri Prov. (N12˚14′56.80″, E107˚03′17.10″), 15.VIII.2013 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1417C ; 1 ♂ , Kirirom , Koh Kong Prov. (N11˚19′14.77″, E104˚02′11.67″), 6.II.2014 ( YS Bae , KS Oh , YD Ju , MJ Qi , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ) ; 10 ♂ , 3 ♀ , Pramaoy , Pursat Prov. (N12˚12′38.72″, E102˚53′54.76″), 8˗9.II.2014 ( YS Bae , KS Oh , YD Ju , MJ Qi , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1194C, 1776C, 1998C, 1999C ; 1 ♀ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚18′16.0″, E103˚06′7.00″, Alt. : 310m ), 9.II.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗10002C ; 1 ♂ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′47.8″, E102˚54′23.8″), 23.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ) ; 1 ♀ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′12.6″, E102˚52′10.8″, Alt. : 647m ), 7. II.2015 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1413C ; 1 ♂ , Bokor , Kampot Prov. (N10˚39′11″, E104˚03′11″), 27.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim , DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1742C . Distribution. Cambodia ( Kampot , Koh Kong , Mondulkiri , Pursat provinces), India , Thailand , Sri Lanka , peninsular Malaysia . Remarks. This species was reported from Cambodia by Bae et al. (2016) .