The genus Anarsia in Cambodia and the Northern Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), with descriptions of ten new species and a catalogue of the genus in the Central-East Asia
Bae, Yang-Seop
Shin, Young-Min
Na, Sol-Moon
Park, Kyu-Tek
journal article
Key to the species of
in Central-East Asia
1. Forewing with a large, blackish triangular or trapezoidal costal patch near middle of costa, transversally reaching about 1/2 or beyond distance across wing........................................................................... 2
- Forewing with a small, crescent, blackish costal patch near middle of costa, transversally reaching less than 1/4 towards dorsum or without distinct costal patch...................................................................... 7
2. Forewing rather broad, semioval with a large trapezoidal costal patch and a long expansible hair pencil on underside of forewing................................................................................
A. phortica
- Forewing moderate or elongate, with a triangular or subtriangular costal patch and without such hair pencil on underside of forewing........................................................................................... 3
3. Forewing ground color orange white; costal patch large, triangular, occupying 1/3 of costa and transversally reaching over 3/4 towards dorsum......................................................................
A. trichornis
- Forewing ground color grayish white, speckled with fuscous scales; costal patch subtriangular, occupying less than 1/4 of costa and transversally reaching 2/3 towards dorsum............................................................. 4
4. Forewing with a long, expansible hair pencil on underside of forewing near base.....
A. paraisogona
Park & Ponomarenko
- Forewing without such a hair pencil on underside of forewing.................................................. 5
5. Wingspan less than 9.0 mm; costal patch on forewing transversally reaching about 1/2 towards dorsum; tegumen of male genitalia with a large, long lobe along lateral margin.......................................
A. deuterodes
sp. nov.
- Wingspan more than 10.0 mm; costal patch on forewing transversally reaching about 3/5 towards dorsum; tegumen of male genitalia without such a lobe along lateral margin............................................................ 6
6. Male genitalia: both valvae with rounded distal margin, with short-stalked palmately modified scales; process on left valva strongly angled near basal 1/4...............................................................
A. incerta
- Male genitalia: both valvae broad in basal 3/5 and abruptly tapered beyond; with long-stalked palmately modified scales; process on left valva strongly curved beyond middle.............................................
A. isogona
7. Forewing with a long expansible hair pencil on underside of forewing at near base................................. 8
- Forewing without such a hair pencil on underside of forewing................................................. 14
8. Wingspan more than 15.0 mm; forewing with a thick, blackish streak in cell.................
A. houhunlii
sp. nov.
- Wingspan less than 11.0 mm; forewing without such a streak in cell............................................ 9
9. Hindwing with anterior expansion gradually oblique near middle on costa and with a row of short setae along Sc vein on under side; male genitalia with a basal, sclerotized, long thread-like process on dorsal margin of left valva, longer than 1.5 times of the valva.......................................................................................... 10
- Hindwing with broad anterior expansion extended to middle or beyond, then abruptly truncated on costa and without such a row of short setae on Sc vein; male genitalia without such thread-like process on dorsal margin of left valva........... 11
10. Male genitalia with a long, digitate process beyond middle on dorsal margin of left valva.............
A. campestra
sp. nov.
- Male genitalia without such digitate process on ventral margin of left valva................
A. similicampa
sp. nov.
11. Forewing with a distinct, blackish subbasal fascia extended from central line of discal cell to inner margin
A. acerata
- Forewing without such subbasal fascia.................................................................. 11
12. Wingspan more than 12.0 mm; head and thorax orange white; hindwing with anterior expansion extended to beyond 2/3...................................................................................
A. gryphodes
sp. nov.
- Wingspan less than 11.0 mm; head and thorax grayish white, speckled with dark brown scales; hindwing with anterior expan- sion extended to middle............................................................................... 13
13. Left valva semiovate, broad basally, and gradually narrowed towards apex...................
A. diversiola
sp. nov.
- Left valva more or less slender, broad at base, and narrow in middle part....................
A. porthmista
sp. nov.
14. Third segment of labial palpus in male shortly developed, visible; second segment with an additional, slightly upturned scale tuft on inner side..................................................................
A. kepensis
sp. nov.
- Third segment of labial palpus in male atrophied, invisible; second segment triangular or rectangular, without such additional scale tuft on inner side................................................................................ 15
15. Head blackish dorsally; second segment of labial palpus in male quadrate, shortly upturned, with rounded ventral margin..................................................................................
A. melanodes
sp. nov.
- Head orange white or pale brownish gray; second segment of labial palpus triangular or subtriangular, with nearly straight ven- tral margin......................................................................................... 16
16. Second segment of labial palpus in male greatly elongated anteriorly with long scaletufts, longer than 1.5 times the width of head; palmate scales on valva with short stalks...................................................
A. choana
- Second segment of labial palpus in male triangular or subtriangular, with normal scale tuft, usually shorter than the width of head; palmate scales on valva with long stalks............................................................. 17
17. Left valva of male genitalia without a hook-shaped process basally...............................
A. patulella
- Left valva of male genitalia with a hook-shaped process basally............................................... 18
18. Forewing with a distinct blackish streak in discal cell; male genitalia with a hook-shaped, basal process of left valva shorter than 1/3 the length of valva.............................................................
A. didymopa
- Forewing with blackish streak in discal cell absent; male genitalia with a hook-shaped, basal process of left valva nearly as long as 1/2 the length of valva......................................................
A. pusillidia
sp. nov.