Checklist of the freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Mongolia Author Marinskiy, Vadim V. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-01-01 4317 1 45 78 journal article 32235 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.1.2 d9650b33-97b2-4d9c-867b-79cd628daf8f 1175-5326 880022 Cd399D08-1Db1-4319-Aa0D-Db560C7C38Df Bathyomphalus contortus (Linnaeus, 1758) ( fig. 6 G) Regional distribution. ThiS Euro-Siberian SpecieS occurS only in WeStern Mongolia . Three Mongolian localitieS of B. contortus are known to the date: 1) Chono-Khoraikh gol RiVer ( 15.07.2012 , leg. M.V. VinarSki ), 2) Dorgon reSerVoir ( 26.08.2014 , leg. A.A. Prokin ), and 3) Nogoon Lake ( 18.06.1981 , leg. D.-S. D. ZhaltSanoVa). Extra-limital distribution. Northern and Central Palearctic ( Glöer 2002 ; VinarSki & Kantor 2016 ). Morphology. The Mongolian repreSentatiVeS of thiS SpecieS (See fig. 6 C) are almoSt indiStinguiShable from indiVidualS of B. contortus liVing in Europe and WeStern Siberia.