New records of Notodontidae and Erebidae (Lepidoptera) in the Lower Ussuri basin (Russian Far East, Khabarovsk region) Author Koshkin, Evgeny S. text Amurian Zoological Journal 2022 XIV 1 66 72 journal article 10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-66-72 add_ISSN_here 11089018 0687AE06-7113-4FA8-80B6-CE3D9FFBFA93 Numenes disparilis Staudinger, 1887 ( Figs 2A–B ) Material examined. 1♂ , 2♀ , Russia , Khabarovsk region , Bikin district , 8 km SE of Boitsovo village , upper reaches of Shivki river , vicinity of “Shivki” scientific station belonging to the Institute of Water and Ecology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 46°55'06" N , 134°23'04" E , 165 m , mixed coniferous-broad leaved forest, 8 September 2021 ( E. S. Koshkin leg.) . Fig. 1. Notodontidae species from Khabarovsk region (Russia): A — Phalera assimilis , male; B — Ph. assimilis , female; C, E — Odontosia patricia , male; D, F — O. brinikhi , male. A–D — adults, E–F — male genitalia. Localities: A–C, E — 8 km SE Boitsovo, upper reaches of Shivki river; D, F — Bureinsky Nature Reserve, upper reaches of Pravaya Bureya river, cordon “Kontrolnyi Punkt Svyazi” Рис. 1. ВиÃы Notodontidae из Хабаровского края (Россия): A — Phalera assimilis , самец; B — Ph. assimilis , самка; C, E — Odontosia patricia , самец; D, F — O. brinikhi , самец. A–D — имаго, E–F — генитаΛии самца. Места сбора: A–C, E — 8 км ЮВ с. Бойцово, верховья р. Шивки; D, F — Буреинский заповеÃник, верхнее течение р. Правая Бурея, корÃон «КонтроΛьный пункт связи» Distribution. Russia : Khabarovsk region , Primorsky region ; China ; Korea ; Japan (Chistyakov et al. 2016). Remarks. One of the rarest Lymantriinae species inhabiting the Khabarovsk region . Previously it was only known from a single find of a female in the upper reaches of the Durmin riv- er (Imeni Lazo district) ( Koshkin 2011 ). Later, one female was collected in the upper reaches of the Shivki river in the Bikin district (Koshkin 2021). New material confirms the presence of a stable population of N. disparilis in this area. Two females and a male were collected in early autumn, outside of this species’ regular flight time, which is from July to mid-August. Perhaps these individuals belong to the second generation, which was made possible by the abnormally hot summer of 2021. The moths were collected in the first half of the night. Females were attracted to the mixed light of 250 W DRL and LepiLED lamps; the male was collected in an automatic light trap with a LepiLED UV lamp. This is notable because males usually fly during the day and are extremely rare in collections. N. disparilis should be included into the Red List of the Khabarovsk region due to its rarity at the northern limit of its distribution.